Just got my call I'm gone in Wisconsin
What's the package? We should qualify for at least 60 days via the WARN act
Is Amarin big enough for the WARN act? I think maybe not. Isn't it over 1000 employees
WARN covers companies with 100 employees and higher; but says that if you've worked there less than 6 months it is not guaranteed
What a bunch of Low Lifes !!!!
It was a mixture, dms did not know till 4:00, they then received an email from their respected AD with the script and namaes/numbers to call. My district was demolished, the remaining few were divided up into new districts. From what I and others have gathered, home office begain with managed mkts and ADs(no one has heard anything yet on all of them) and then depending on the volume of calls in areas, home office helped with areas with many reps left but DMs handled it from there, I got my call at 7 pm but knew at 2:30 when i called amex. it was the trickel down process with a script.
Did you make a good move when you left?