I am so sick of this same poster that is a troll manager trying to combat all the negativity on here. Your posts are boring, they all sound the same, and it's the same verbiage. I find it interesting that you come on here with your rediculous NOT TRUE positive comments, yet you can't respond to any of the legitimate facts that are stated time and time again on the site. You Don't respond or have a come back because it's all the truth and there is no way to defend the company. That's why this same poster resorts to the elementary school like responses. This company is a complete fraud and joke. I'm a regional manager and looking my hardest to get out!JUST LIKE THE BRAND NEW VP just did! If that isn't the writing on the wall to anyone at this company currently that this place is a joke with no future then Your blind and you are really unintelligent and deserve to stay. If your currently anyone looking for info on this company as an opportunity, and you don't take the advice from others that all of the stuff that happens here is true, including the VP just quitting that was new, and you still take a job here, you're equally as unintelligent. For me as a regional manager, I cannot wait to find another job, and have to stop lying to people during my interview process telling them what a great place this is to be. And that happens multiple times on a weekly basis because I'm always filling positions because everyone's always quitting.