3 New Products!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I applaud MNK for the purchase. It has been too many months without MNK making horrible decisions on a regular basis. I hope this is an an example of them getting back to form.
Thrombin. Sounds like an untapped potential in sales. sky is the limit. Cant raise the price on that. I smell organic growth all the way.

That's a joke right? Please tell me that's a joke.

look up the market and the drugs in this space! This was the worst decision ever.

But we have the greatest reps ever, we can turn water into wine. Selling this stuff should be easy. The average rep has 15 yrs experience. I should be at 500% to quota year 1. The secret is going to be dinner programs.

Hilarious. MNK never would or could get off their wallet (even back in the fat Tyco days) and buy a decent product.

They think if they buy small and second or third or fourth tier in the class that the reps will solve it all.

It's the MNK way -- all the way back to the beginning of the branded sales force in 2001.

Hilarious. MNK never would or could get off their wallet (even back in the fat Tyco days) and buy a decent product.

They think if they buy small and second or third or fourth tier in the class that the reps will solve it all.

It's the MNK way -- all the way back to the beginning of the branded sales force in 2001.

This should be interesting, they buy 3 products that are in a portfolio that none of their reps or personnel are familiar with. They have severely handicapped their current reps with idiotic pricing strategies with a great product (IV Tylenol). And expect to see growth across the board. SMH who comes up with these ideas? Maybe it was the landscaper that they are promoting to head these product portfolios. This company is laughable

This should be interesting, they buy 3 products that are in a portfolio that none of their reps or personnel are familiar with. They have severely handicapped their current reps with idiotic pricing strategies with a great product (IV Tylenol). And expect to see growth across the board. SMH who comes up with these ideas? Maybe it was the landscaper that they are promoting to head these product portfolios. This company is laughable

Unfortunately, they thinking buying something, anything would be a quick fix. You don't buy shit products just to get anything. The three products were an all-or-nothing deal. A smart company doesn't compromise and would wait to get a truly novel product. What a shame. They have ruined it for everyone.

Unfortunately, they thinking buying something, anything would be a quick fix. You don't buy shit products just to get anything. The three products were an all-or-nothing deal. A smart company doesn't compromise and would wait to get a truly novel product. What a shame. They have ruined it for everyone.

You never know, after all they have the worlds reps, right?

From what is apparent here this site is composed of nothing but losers and whiners that just can't make it in the real world of sales.

Where you are wrong is thinking that selling IV Tylenol is "real world of sales". Otherwise this site is composed of "losers and whiners", but thats what its designed for, no?

Pharma is not real sales!!!! Try selling for commission only. This is bullshit cake walk!

Couldn't agree more. Nice cush job, nice salary, company car in most cases, expenses paid, no reporting etc. fucking cake walk. Try an eat what you kill type of sales job that's "real sales". Bunch of fucking belly aching pussies in Pharma

Couldn't agree more. Nice cush job, nice salary, company car in most cases, expenses paid, no reporting etc. fucking cake walk. Try an eat what you kill type of sales job that's "real sales". Bunch of fucking belly aching pussies in Pharma

I swear, you are the same loser that has posted the last three back to back posts. Why the hell are you even on here if you are happy? If anyone is the idiot, it is you for spending so much time on this board. You can downplay this job all you want, but the pressure of sales and goal attainment is very real. Things you don't even know about. In addition, no one wants to be in the surgical space for what they are planning on giving us. So get off your soapbox and scrap the higher than mighty attitude and go away.

Good luck selling to Materials Mgmt, once you introduce yourself and they hear Pharmaceutical they will immediately assume that your lost and give you directions back to the main lobby where you belong

Good luck selling to Materials Mgmt, once you introduce yourself and they hear Pharmaceutical they will immediately assume that your lost and give you directions back to the main lobby where you belong
You're so fucking stupid. I've done contracts worth millions and MM is no fucking big deal. Cocksucker