3 more months....at least!

Its okay if he wants to wait to take the contract job. It's a fine temp job which may or may not have a future.

One thing to watch out for - try not to become a career pharma rep. Ther is a point of diminishing returns to the company after you get to a certain salary point. You can't move up to a higher level position and the company sees no benefit to keep paying you more. So, very early on in your pharma career you need to took for alternative careers.

Sure it doesn't hurt to wait if you have a firm offer but there will still be 2 or more competing for each territory to I would hate to think of anyone getting too overconfident even if it is approved in 3 months

Sure it doesn't hurt to wait if you have a firm offer but there will still be 2 or more competing for each territory to I would hate to think of anyone getting too overconfident even if it is approved in 3 months

Yeah. I would not wait. This would be a last resort type of job for me. Who even knows -Pfizer could decide not to even bother with this contract by the time the drug is approved and ready to sell.

Wait? Why are people talking about waiting? The positions will open up when they are open. Are you saying that you are going to look?

Of course we are going to look at other options! Why would someone wait 3 months for a drug that might not get approved in three months? The only people interested in these jobs are unemployed anyway. It's a contract.

Of course we are going to look at other options! Why would someone wait 3 months for a drug that might not get approved in three months? The only people interested in these jobs are unemployed anyway. It's a contract.

It may be a contract but the drug will be a game changer. I would rather promote something that will make a difference and something that doctors will be interested in hearing about. This industry is flooded with insignificant me too's and garbage. Trust me I'm not waiting on anybody but when these positions open up I want to sell it.

It may be a contract but the drug will be a game changer. I would rather promote something that will make a difference and something that doctors will be interested in hearing about. This industry is flooded with insignificant me too's and garbage. Trust me I'm not waiting on anybody but when these positions open up I want to sell it.