3.44 USD −0.29 (7.77%)

Grow up, son. Many on my team are multitasking and post on the fly. His clearly intelligent points obviously landed home and for this he’s subjected to your juvenile responses. Now go back to flipping whoppers with your team on angry incells. This is a professional forum for the clinical laboratory industry

Grow up, son. Many on my team are multitasking and post on the fly. His clearly intelligent points obviously landed home and for this he’s subjected to your juvenile responses. Now go back to flipping whoppers with your team on angry incells. This is a professional forum for the clinical laboratory industry

Frying chicken nuggets and fries while sniffing your assistant shift supervisor’s polyester uniform does not make you a multi tasker. It makes you a pervert for the aroma of her unshaven pits. We all bet you also fap off dreaming about her greasy skid marks.

Frying chicken nuggets and fries while sniffing your assistant shift supervisor’s polyester uniform does not make you a multi tasker. It makes you a pervert for the aroma of her unshaven pits. We all bet you also fap off dreaming about her greasy skid marks.

An eloquent, articulate and intelligent point as always by HTH. We are blessed to have him and his team in our community

Sure thing Gordon Gekko. What is it exactly that you think you know? Nothing. Want some actionable advice? Pay attention to the buyout by Quest Diagnostics. Get ready to see:

BioReference Laboratories
a division of Quest Diagnostics

on your signs, business cards and test results very soon. So short? Really, son? OPKO, DGX or both, genius boy?

How's that working out for you Mr. Nostradamus