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2nd trial of actos bladder cancer

Did Takeda employees learn the Baby formula scandal in Chine several years ago? The manufacture adulterated the baby formula with melamine that caused many babies with kidney stone. The estimated baby who had kidney damage was more than 60,000. In those Asian counties, the business has no concept of liability, because there is no liability law to protect the consumers. In order to make money or get profit, those business would do everything they could to achieve that goal. This is why you see these Taiwanese and Japanese companies who cheated the US governments, the patients and doctors about their testing agent and marketed drugs.

For those people who work for Takeda should think about one question that is why Astra-Zeneca, Bristol Myers, Merck, Novo Nordisk and Novartis had suspended their TZD drug trials when they discovered the tumor from the animal studies, but Takeda did the opposite by lying to the government and the public about bladder cancer caused from Actos, which they knew this in later 1990's? The answer is very simple and that is they didn't have the concept of liability, because there is no liability law in those Asian countries. This is why you see these Asian companies who would do anything to cheat the government for profit.

For those who work for Takeda should ask yourself one question and that is why those 500 patients who developed bladder cancer after taking Actos wouldn't report to their own government, but to repot the government in US? Because there are no laws in Japan to protect their rights and well-being.

"Perhaps you need to update your research on Dr Ge. Her case was tossed out on its ear. She and her husband Dr Bing Du are serial plaintiffs who sue their (past) employers. Ge and her groom lost their case against another employer as well. I'm sure she's ginning up another lawsuit against some other corporation that had the misfortune of hiring her."

Oh, Mr. Anonymous, I hope that you were not paid by Takeda to start bulling on these two doctors on this website if you were not paid by Takeda for millions of dollars as their defense lawyers being paid. Both Doctors Du and Ge had worked for more than a dozen large pharmaceutical companies such as PFE, ROCHE, MERCK, NOVARTIS, SANOFI, J&J and BMY in last decades. Dr. Du was the first doctor who accepted by the International Burn Center in Toronto as a distinguish burn and plastic surgeon in 1980's as well as the Shriners children's burn institute in Boston back then.

This couple come to US in 1980's and worked for many prestigious scientific institutions and those large pharmas in US for last 20 years. The only problems that this couple encountered in last decade were Taiwanese and Japanese companies. Why? Because these Asian companies lacked the concept of liability law that is unique in western countries and both dr.'s former employers were unwilling to obey the western countries laws in order to be profit from their business. Takeda might be qualify as a chemical maker in old chemical raw material business, but Sunol Molecular Corporation didn’t even qualify for a biotech business since the founder of the company, a Taiwanese graduates in zoology didn’t even belongs to drug industry, but was only trying to use his family money to cheat the US government public money which so called “biotech business” regardless of human lives.

In last two decade or so, there were more than two trillions dollars of private money being burned in this speculatative biotech industry with zero return so far and the only companies who survived in this speculative scheme were a few such as Amgen, Biogen and few others, even Genentech was bought back by Roche.

Had anyone who defended Takeda on this board asked him/her a question and that is why the PROactive study was conducted in Europe by Germany, who was the strategic allay of Japanese in both world I & II in stead of those American companies in US such as the Quintiles and Paraxial who were very good in any phase IV studies?

The answer is very simple. The Germans would cover all the fraudulent conducts for the Japanese in the study because they both were prosecuted by the world as the war criminal in the end of world war II, and they must help each other in the new order of the new world for the common goal. They would stand up together to take down the other European allays such as the Frances, England and American companies.

Had anyone who defended Takeda on this board asked him/her a question and that is why the PROactive study was conducted in Europe by Germany, who was the strategic allay of Japanese in both world I & II in stead of those American companies in US such as the Quintiles and Paraxial who were very good in any phase IV studies?

The answer is very simple. The Germans would cover all the fraudulent conducts for the Japanese in the study because they both were prosecuted by the world as the war criminal in the end of world war II, and they must help each other in the new order of the new world for the common goal. They would stand up together to take down the other European allays such as the Frances, England and American companies.

Question: Are you finished talking to yourself?

Answer: probably not

"Perhaps you need to update your research on Dr Ge. Her case was tossed out on its ear. She and her husband Dr Bing Du are serial plaintiffs who sue their (past) employers. Ge and her groom lost their case against another employer as well. I'm sure she's ginning up another lawsuit against some other corporation that had the misfortune of hiring her."

Oh, Mr. Anonymous, I hope that you were not paid by Takeda to start bulling on these two doctors on this website if you were not paid by Takeda for millions of dollars as their defense lawyers being paid. Both Doctors Du and Ge had worked for more than a dozen large pharmaceutical companies such as PFE, ROCHE, MERCK, NOVARTIS, SANOFI, J&J and BMY in last decades. Dr. Du was the first doctor who accepted by the International Burn Center in Toronto as a distinguish burn and plastic surgeon in 1980's as well as the Shriners children's burn institute in Boston back then.

This couple come to US in 1980's and worked for many prestigious scientific institutions and those large pharmas in US for last 20 years. The only problems that this couple encountered in last decade were Taiwanese and Japanese companies. Why? Because these Asian companies lacked the concept of liability law that is unique in western countries and both dr.'s former employers were unwilling to obey the western countries laws in order to be profit from their business. Takeda might be qualify as a chemical maker in old chemical raw material business, but Sunol Molecular Corporation didn’t even qualify for a biotech business since the founder of the company, a Taiwanese graduates in zoology didn’t even belongs to drug industry, but was only trying to use his family money to cheat the US government public money which so called “biotech business” regardless of human lives.

In last two decade or so, there were more than two trillions dollars of private money being burned in this speculatative biotech industry with zero return so far and the only companies who survived in this speculative scheme were a few such as Amgen, Biogen and few others, even Genentech was bought back by Roche.

I own you bitch

Advise to those lawyers who will be representing their Actos victims in the jury trial next year. Please remember to tell the jury the Thalidomide tragedy that Grunenthal did to millions of pregnant women in 1960's, which resulted in more than 10,000 babies who born with severe birth defects. The tragedy also placed tremendous financial burden on the governments in Europe for half century and these governments are still struggling on the money shortfall for supporting these victims.

Takeda repeated Thalidomide tragedy in US in the 21 st century and placed tremendous pain and suffering on those US citizens and their families, plus the huge financial burden on the US government for another decade until these bladder cancer patients died.

Takeda also engaged in organized crime by paying Nissen of Cleveland Clinic to take down Avandia and that is a RICO violation. GSK should file a lawsuit against Takeda for RICO violation since Chicago has been the home of mafia.

Advise to those lawyers who will be representing their Actos victims in the jury trial next year. Please remember to tell the jury the Thalidomide tragedy that Grunenthal did to millions of pregnant women in 1960's, which resulted in more than 10,000 babies who born with severe birth defects. The tragedy also placed tremendous financial burden on the governments in Europe for half century and these governments are still struggling on the money shortfall for supporting these victims.

Takeda repeated Thalidomide tragedy in US in the 21 st century and placed tremendous pain and suffering on those US citizens and their families, plus the huge financial burden on the US government for another decade until these bladder cancer patients died.

Takeda also engaged in organized crime by paying Nissen of Cleveland Clinic to take down Avandia and that is a RICO violation. GSK should file a lawsuit against Takeda for RICO violation since Chicago has been the home of mafia.

Like I said, I own you bitch. Step off.

Advise to those lawyers who will be representing their Actos victims in the jury trial next year. Please remember to tell the jury the Thalidomide tragedy that Grunenthal did to millions of pregnant women in 1960's, which resulted in more than 10,000 babies who born with severe birth defects. The tragedy also placed tremendous financial burden on the governments in Europe for half century and these governments are still struggling on the money shortfall for supporting these victims.

Takeda repeated Thalidomide tragedy in US in the 21 st century and placed tremendous pain and suffering on those US citizens and their families, plus the huge financial burden on the US government for another decade until these bladder cancer patients died.

Takeda also engaged in organized crime by paying Nissen of Cleveland Clinic to take down Avandia and that is a RICO violation. GSK should file a lawsuit against Takeda for RICO violation since Chicago has been the home of mafia.

Hence the name Nissena I guess

Perhaps you need to update your research on Dr Ge. Her case was tossed out on it's ear. She and her husband Dr Bing Du are serial plaintiffs who sue their (past) employers. Ge and her groom lost their case against another employer as well. I'm sure she's ginning up another lawsuit against some other corporation that had the misfortune of hiring her.

"As profits kept rolling in, however, Chemie Grünenthal suppressed that information, bribing doctors and pressuring critics and medical journals for years." Is this familiar to you? It is coincident to Dr. Ge's Complaint.

Here is the full article:


Perhaps you need to update your research on Dr Ge. Her case was tossed out on it's ear. She and her husband Dr Bing Du are serial plaintiffs who sue their (past) employers. Ge and her groom lost their case against another employer as well. I'm sure she's ginning up another lawsuit against some other corporation that had the misfortune of hiring her.

"Despite the overwhelming evidence that thalidomide caused miscarriages and birth defects, Chemie Grünenthal for years fought to resist paying the necessary compensation required for a lifetime of care-and still does. Victims say the company's payments have been derisory and far from enough to pay for the expensive care needed by those severely deformed."

Does this look like Takeda did in Cooper and An's cases?

Here is the full article:


Perhaps you need to update your research on Dr Ge. Her case was tossed out on it's ear. She and her husband Dr Bing Du are serial plaintiffs who sue their (past) employers. Ge and her groom lost their case against another employer as well. I'm sure she's ginning up another lawsuit against some other corporation that had the misfortune of hiring her.

"Despite the overwhelming evidence that thalidomide caused miscarriages and birth defects, Chemie Grünenthal for years fought to resist paying the necessary compensation required for a lifetime of care-and still does. Victims say the company's payments have been derisory and far from enough to pay for the expensive care needed by those severely deformed."

This is so similar to what Takeda did in Cooper and An's trials.

Here is the full article


Perhaps you need to update your research on Dr Ge. Her case was tossed out on it's ear. She and her husband Dr Bing Du are serial plaintiffs who sue their (past) employers. Ge and her groom lost their case against another employer as well. I'm sure she's ginning up another lawsuit against some other corporation that had the misfortune of hiring her.

"Beyond monetary restitution, victims and their families had to wait more than five decades for an apology. But on Aug. 31 this year, the company's new CEO, Harald Stock, stepped outside its headquarters in Stolberg to unveil the bronze sculpture of the suffering girl and to apologize to all the victims, heartbroken families, and survivors. His sincerity was manifest. "We ask for forgiveness that for nearly 50 years we didn't find a way of reaching out to you from human being to human being," Stock said. "We ask that you regard our long silence as a sign of the shock that your fate caused in us."

When the American Actos bladder cancer victims could hear an apology from Takeda? 50 years?

Here is the full article:


Perhaps you need to update your research on Dr Ge. Her case was tossed out on it's ear. She and her husband Dr Bing Du are serial plaintiffs who sue their (past) employers. Ge and her groom lost their case against another employer as well. I'm sure she's ginning up another lawsuit against some other corporation that had the misfortune of hiring her.

Your legal strategy is not working. They worked for dozen large pharmaceutical companies in last 20 years and never had any problems with them. They only had problem with these two Asian companies, because they refused to go along with them in their evil deeds.

Your legal strategy is not working. They worked for dozen large pharmaceutical companies in last 20 years and never had any problems with them. They only had problem with these two Asian companies, because they refused to go along with them in their evil deeds.

This is what you seem to not understand, we have no legal strategy because you are speaking to little reps that have no say in anything. So please continue wasting your time on here complaining about the evil things that Takeda did. You are the same person talking about babies and their birth defect, not realizing you should be speaking to millennium reps. Please screw off and nobody on here really cares what you have to say.

Had anyone who defended Takeda on this board asked him/her a question and that is why the PROactive study was conducted in Europe by Germany, who was the strategic allay of Japanese in both world I & II in stead of those American companies in US such as the Quintiles and Paraxial who were very good in any phase IV studies?

The answer is very simple. The Germans would cover all the fraudulent conducts for the Japanese in the study because they both were prosecuted by the world as the war criminal in the end of world war II, and they must help each other in the new order of the new world for the common goal. They would stand up together to take down the other European allays such as the Frances, England and American companies.

You made me laugh this morning......thank you!