250 cuts in USA

We now had the last fear become a reality!

The first fear was the pandemic (will I die)
The second fear was racial tensions (will I be attacked?)
The last fear was our jobs (will I lose my job)

So much uncertainty, the only certain thing is Jesus! I hope for me I can grow to lean on him. It is hard!
Jesus, I like him very much. But he no help with curveball...

Alabama will be ok, right? Heard a manager said the south wouldn’t get hit.

Just Alabama! That makes total sense, no one wants to work there anyways so they got to keep what they have!

keep believing what you want, no one on here knows anything! Hot off the press from Thursday is this. Get ready!

now give you a min To digest this, no where on the call did Doug say all but Alabama will be affected. No number announced, no models put out.

Fake news is like cancer does nothing good for anyone and spreads negativity! stop spreading the BS!

Roll Tide!

NNI has never been more profitable ever.
We increased our free cash flow by $10.9 Billion this year. Yes, that’s Billion with a B. This leadership team has known about this plan since last year. They even made a notation in the mid year financial report of a continuation of their long term plan to transform our organization. But how they could be so cold hearted in this dramatic time greatly disappoints.
From what I can make out from the report the savings they are targeting based on our avg salary data is around 1140 positions. And it says NNI so that should mean US jobs.

NNI has never been more profitable ever.
We increased our free cash flow by $10.9 Billion this year. Yes, that’s Billion with a B. This leadership team has known about this plan since last year. They even made a notation in the mid year financial report of a continuation of their long term plan to transform our organization. But how they could be so cold hearted in this dramatic time greatly disappoints.
From what I can make out from the report the savings they are targeting based on our avg salary data is around 1140 positions. And it says NNI so that should mean US jobs.

Weren’t you on the call with Doug.
This was JUST decided.
NOBODY saw this coming, and are going to deal with this in a fair manner.

Not ONE SINGLE decision that was decided in the past year with the field had anything to do with this.


So Grateful to still have this job @ NNI.

This one smokin some good shit! Pass it around.

Weren’t you on the call with Doug.
This was JUST decided.
NOBODY saw this coming, and are going to deal with this in a fair manner.

Not ONE SINGLE decision that was decided in the past year with the field had anything to do with this.


So Grateful to still have this job @ NNI.

Open up the Financial report and read the NOTES section in the back. It’s right there in black and white. Better yet read the whole thing especially if are maintained as an employee. You will get a clear picture on what’s happening. Concentrate on the US area. BTW, it’s sent to you twice a year.
Although we are in unprecedented times this has been ongoing and I feel they are just using it as cover for their actions.
Oh and one other caveat is NNI is greatly rebalancing their product portfolio towards cardio and metabolic agents.

Read it yourself. They send the financial report to all of us twice a year. Look at the US area section and read the notes section in the back. That’s where all the good stuff is slipped in.
Doug out right lied to every person on that call. They are using COVID as a smoke screen for public relation purposes. Don’t believe me, read THEIR SEC REPORT.

Weren’t you on the call with Doug.
This was JUST decided.
NOBODY saw this coming, and are going to deal with this in a fair manner.

Not ONE SINGLE decision that was decided in the past year with the field had anything to do with this.


So Grateful to still have this job @ NNI.

I hope you were joking here. If you think it came out of nowhere, you were not paying attention, despite your use of CAPS LOCK. Time for the red pill, my friend. When you awake, you might not enjoy what you see but it's the truth.

Doug was given a script to deliver to us. Good man, I respect him, like him and have met him numerous times, but not his decision and it has been in the works for some time.

Don't normally chime in on this site but this all is quite shocking for this long-time employee, to see how we can all be axed to try and prevent a dip in revenue. After forcing us into Covid-laden offices, taking away bonuses that were already earned, promising 2021 deferrals when they knew there would be mass layoffs and increasing quotas at a surprising level when we have little access to our providers. I truly did not think Novo was capable of this.

If you think “NNi cares”
Pls reconsider your brain
Old NNi is over
New rules NNI doesn’t care wants stock at $70
No matter the cost to 600-1200 families in USA
But the new NNI has unlimited $ to pay speakers

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