25 more let go and the ship will now begin the final sinking process

Wraser was not my first rodeo, and I've worked for small companies before. I knew what I was signing up for 1.5 years ago so my experience may be different from some less experienced reps.
To answer your questions, in order:
1. Overall a positive experience. I liked the day to day duties (except entering SRNS every night :), had a great DM, and felt like I had enough training to be effective in the field. It was positive in all respects with the exception of commission $. I fully and sincerely expected to absolutely kill it with respect to Cetraxal.
2. I enjoyed 99% of it. Really I did.
3. Would I work for them again? Most likely I would, and here's why. Starting a new territory, with unknown products and no relationships in place is a hell of a task. But when it works - man there isn't a better feeling in the world because everything that happens was because of my efforts. Call me a sicko, but I like that challenge.
Remember the first time you walked into a pharmacy and they had your products on the shelf AND told you they were dispensing it? I do. It Vazotan and there were three bottles on the shelf. I glowed all afternoon!
It's a front loaded gig, you have to put up with the lousy crap at the front end to enjoy the success at the back end. And there is a lot of risk associated with that type of a job.
Yeah, I would do it again. Like I said in my original post, it was a good ride.
4. Yes it was a valuable experience. If you really want to learn something about yourself, go play Moses in the Wilderness. Work without a net. Dinner tastes much better if you killed it yourself. Still it's not for the risk adverse. Missing dinner sucks!
5. Yes. Hell yes. I started a territory from scratch with not much more than google as a guide. Ford taught me how to pronounce the words, but the rest happened solely because of me. I hope that the territory wasn't a net loss $ wise. It costs a ton of $ to hire, train, and support a rep. Tough to recoup all that $ with the person only in the territory a little over a year. Seeds have to grow and that's really tough if you are continually introducing new products. It's a math versus time equation and like I said, Math is a bitch.

Now I'm off to inflate my sales numbers on my resume!

Oh dude, u are too funny. I really can't even take u seriously with the amount of icing u keep layering on that shitcake.
I will say this, i created a list of over 100 confirmed pharmacies stocking my product in my first quarter in my new territory... I can assure u by the end of the year, I can undo that effort
And ive been looking for something else since my 2nd quarter

Thanks for mentioning Ford teaching u how to pronounce things. Holy Crap, thanks for that! I haven't laughed so hard since I saw the cabot lodge for the first time. I got an email from him the other day and need a degree in grammar butchery to understand it... eventually, I just gave up and assumed he didn't have anything to say anyway

Yes there were 25 reps let go on Friday. I was one of them. To say I'm not a little bitter would be a lie, but i would rather just move on with my life. Luckily I have 2 interview this week that were previously lined up. The ship (company) has been sinking for a while. They over-forcast with Cetraxal and expand all across the country off of made up numbers. Then they are left with no choice but to let people go when it doesn't work out. Obviously it wasn't a conservative or smart decision on their part, but really wish I had seen the writing on the wall myself. Anyways, for all the other reps, good luck, and to the current reps, good luck as well.

Excellent post. Logical, sincere and honest. Im sorry you were layed off and I hope a tremendous opportunity finds you and the others affected. Sales by nature is one of the highest paying and most ruthless professions going. Its rarely fair and generally a ballbuster. I wish you and the others well. a fellow rep.

yes, logically ignored every single question in the post they were repsonding too. very good wraser logic and how very mississippi of you. yes it is a bitch to survive and "box" in this world. but there is no excuse for a lack of character, ethics, and business planning. and cecrapxal was never going to be anything other than a seasonal drug dependeant on very effective sales people to make a dent in their markets. how long have you had this porduct now, what kind of mircales were you expecting in 12 months. have u every even heard of an extended business plan or forcast. your entire pain division existed in the lifespan of a fly. did you really think reps were going to dominate a saturate pain market in less than 4 months. its a mircale the progress some of your reps made in the time they did have. dont cry for me wraser, your failure is your own fault. lack of plainning, vision, foresight, ethics, and logic.

i have posted some of the questions directed at wraser above but frankly on a personal level today has been a great day
it feels awesome being done with this company
i havent had as great a day since i started here

i have posted some of the questions directed at wraser above but frankly on a personal level today has been a great day
it feels awesome being done with this company
i havent had as great a day since i started here

1st time poster here. I am making more in unemployment than I was in base with this "company". This "company" has no clue how to launch products. Products don't sell themselves... reps do. It takes some time to build relationships with docs and get them to write it. I sold alot of Cedax scripts in September and I didn't even get samples until mid-October. Then, I'm cut loose in November. Right in the heart of bronchitis season!!! I am sure that Wraser thought that these products would do better in the short term. And they probably didn't have the budget for the long term.

I went back out into the field after they cut me loose and told all of my docs that Cedax, Cetraxal and Trezix had been pulled from the market.... and make sure you dispose of these death samples and if anyone from a company called WraSer ever darkens your doorway again.... tell them to get the fuck out!!!!........ God, I can't believe I'm even entering anything on their stupid message board... I can't believe they even have a place on CafePharma!!!! If anyone is even considering working for this company, it's because you don't have many options and I feel your pain. I'm unemployed again.... but I learned my lesson..... I worked my butt off for this company and they gave me a bag of shit in return. If you have any other options whatsoever, take the other option. This company is not worth the time it took you to read this...... It's definitely not worth the time it took me to compose this message.

P.S. If anyone has anything remotely good to say about this "company", then you are a liar and an idiot.... God, I can't believe I even give a shit about anyone stupid enough to work for this worthless excuse for a job..... AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


And what a stupid name for a company WraSer That's so stupid. God, I'm laughing out loud at all of the idiots that run the show there in Ridgeland, MS.////

I feel so much better now.
But, I can't stop laughing at WraSer WraSer WraSer
Whose idea was that anyway? why not SerWra or WarreS or WreTard or FuckedUp or DipShits or Dumb&Dumber I got it..... LoSer.

And I love that Wraser swoosh and the blue and orange lettering. Were those your school colors in grade school? Keep it classy, Mississippi. Bunch of fatfucks. Enjoy your oil slick and diabetes. Hope the next tornado wipes you off the map.

This is an obvious email from someone with the blinders on or Home office or a DM that is so terrified of their own shadow that they will do the WraSer dirty work at all cost to their own personal Integrity and ignore the true facts and all of the very real disturbing questions about business operation at WraSer Pharmaceuticals. The same person or persons get on this board and post the same basic phrasing every time these poor business decisions are made and carried out. I do not suggest that the cuts themselves are poor decisions but rather the fact that in the last year they have hired and fired more people that anyone could imagine for such a small company. What a waste of time, money and planning. Even the management choices are a joke. Mike Backel – come on, really?! Your new friend – obviously being paid as a figurehead to filter product through the warehouse and license to distribute products, from his on previous, failed pharma company (look at gentex website – its hilarious)… but we can get to that in a minute. These cuts were unannounced and unexpected by everyone, including the few DMs that are left that you force to do your dirty work the day before thanksgiving week. You are so transparent and so weak. You have pushed around reps and bulldozed employees for years but I bet you are running out of time and money for that and I wonder how long before you find you have pissed off the wrong employee. The rumors of litigation against WraSer are everywhere but you have done a good job of strong arming weaker employees in the past and sinking money into litigation until those weaker employees were forced to give in and move on. Good luck in the future. WraSer is the scum of the earth, not to say that many companies function without moral or ethics, however, Wraser has taken it to new levels. I look forward to witnessing the destruction, dissolution, and personal embarrassment of its officers. And with the karma they have been banking for years, very likely complete personal financial ruin. There was a time when I too was hopeful that Wraser was an underdog among the freaks of Pharma and that we had a chance. They have succeeded in proving that theory wrong time and again, not just to me but to an entire workforce and an entire industry. Well played gentlemen.

But lets get back on track and focus on some of the facts our cheerleader always finds it convenient to ignore with those fancy WraSer blindfold on:

What is gentex. Why is your friends old failed company “co promoting” products with Wraser, in a division supposedly named the same - to hide from its many FDA warning letters? Where are the vazos, whats wrong with prodrin, levacet, cetraxal, Halog, and all the Nu-crap products that you cant get formulary or keep them distributed into the marketplace. I am sure you have a team that handles that and I am just to ignorant to know whats really going on…. Nevermind the feedback we get in the actual marketplace.

Why withhold paychecks from numerous employees without sufficient warning? Granted that may just have been another example of your horrible business management skills and trying to set an example but really – poor delivery. You have to backtrack and give a “pass” on your own supposed policy because of said “financial burden” on employees. It really makes you look like complete incompetent fools – I wonder if there is a special Olympics for business people because you are in for sure. I am sure there is plenty of money around at WraSer and credit or cashflow never causes a problem for people as business savvy as our leaders here.

How about hiring more than 50 reps just this year that are all already gone in less than 12 months. You said yourself in numerous manager meetings that it cost a fortune to hire new employees yet you hire and fire them in 6 – 12 months. Perhaps that is just a fancy business strategy I am just not sophisticated enough to understand. After being at home office a couple times I can understand the high level of sophistication coming out of ridgeland, mississippi.

How about hiring a completely new sales force in the NE and where are they now.
How about the sales numbers themselves. rumor is you have reps holding on to hard evidence that your reporting data is seriously flawed. I would love to hear that story. Better yet, I would love to hear how that works out for you if it is true.

How about the extreme wastes of time and horrid lack of preparation you exhibit at your training (term used very loosely). If your sales people functioned out in the world as efficiently as your training and managers meeting went, it would be a miracle they could figure out how to start their cars and find a doctors office versus a bank or goodwill store.
But then again you do provide exception training programs, unequivocal support to your sales people in the marketplace, excellent marketing material, competent proven sales leaders as DMs, a reasonable level of financial support, outstanding motivation on a daily basis, and an open line of communication via open door policies and transparent feedback. Oh wait… you don’t do any of that. Never mind.

I guess I will get back and finish entering my SRNs properly now so I can get my foodstamp… er, I mean WraSer paycheck. I would be happy to continue this conversation as I have been around for awhile now but I know many reps were let go Friday and anyone left is already scared enough. or frankly terrified of facing these facts or beginning the process of moving on. Plus, lets face it, not one in Mississippi has the attention span to read more than 500 words at a time, never mind over 1000.
To be continued if necessary

Well said. And the gentex pharma website is almost as good as the boss. Fucking funny ass shit. What a joke WraSer is!!!!!!

Well said. And the gentex pharma website is almost as good as the boss. Fucking funny ass shit. What a joke WraSer is!!!!!!

I was optomistic in the beginning also, worked my ass off and was at the top of our division before I was let go the week of thanksgiving. I heard they let another rep go on vacation. class act fellas.
I can promise you this, Wraser has a lot of problems headed their way...

1st time poster here. I am making more in unemployment than I was in base with this "company". This "company" has no clue how to launch products. Products don't sell themselves... reps do. It takes some time to build relationships with docs and get them to write it. I sold alot of Cedax scripts in September and I didn't even get samples until mid-October. Then, I'm cut loose in November. Right in the heart of bronchitis season!!! I am sure that Wraser thought that these products would do better in the short term. And they probably didn't have the budget for the long term.

I went back out into the field after they cut me loose and told all of my docs that Cedax, Cetraxal and Trezix had been pulled from the market.... and make sure you dispose of these death samples and if anyone from a company called WraSer ever darkens your doorway again.... tell them to get the fuck out!!!!........ God, I can't believe I'm even entering anything on their stupid message board... I can't believe they even have a place on CafePharma!!!! If anyone is even considering working for this company, it's because you don't have many options and I feel your pain. I'm unemployed again.... but I learned my lesson..... I worked my butt off for this company and they gave me a bag of shit in return. If you have any other options whatsoever, take the other option. This company is not worth the time it took you to read this...... It's definitely not worth the time it took me to compose this message.

P.S. If anyone has anything remotely good to say about this "company", then you are a liar and an idiot.... God, I can't believe I even give a shit about anyone stupid enough to work for this worthless excuse for a job..... AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHH!!!!!!


And what a stupid name for a company WraSer That's so stupid. God, I'm laughing out loud at all of the idiots that run the show there in Ridgeland, MS.////

I feel so much better now.
But, I can't stop laughing at WraSer WraSer WraSer
Whose idea was that anyway? why not SerWra or WarreS or WreTard or FuckedUp or DipShits or Dumb&Dumber I got it..... LoSer.

And I love that Wraser swoosh and the blue and orange lettering. Were those your school colors in grade school? Keep it classy, Mississippi. Bunch of fatfucks. Enjoy your oil slick and diabetes. Hope the next tornado wipes you off the map.

I have to laugh when I read your post because it's so dead on it's not even funny! I was let go months ago and I too worked my ass off for them. I laugh at myself because after I went to training( if that's what they want to call it.....training) and met Ford, who is a joke himself I seriously thought to myself what the hell I have I done taking this job! But I thought I would give it a shot. Put in alot of time and effort and then got pushed to the side even after leading my district in sales.

Heath, Cole and Ford are flying by the seat of their pants and absolutely have no direction for the company. I hope it comes back and bites them in the ass for wasting my time and energy. I can't even believe I busted my ass for them. They will do whatever keeps the liquor flowing.....

since the layoff i have been in contact with many of my top doctor... I have been surprised by their understanding and generosity. for many reasons, I am letting every doctor i have ever called on know, in person, the details of our situation. i have always been a confident salesperson but my conversations with these doctors has proven that i was even more effective than I ever thought. i have targeted 25 doctors of various practice specialties for written letters of reference and have not been turned down one.
to the rest of you still employed or recently let go, i suggest you do the same. this is a win all around... you get referrals, invaluable in your future search for employment, and the doctor gets to hear from you what is really going on. These physicians appreciate the rep coming to them, in person, to let them know what is going on, rather than disappearing into the night with no explanation. Additionally, given the state of things at wraser and in the industry in general, there is a little bit more sympathy for reps than ever before. Doctors are more willing to do something to help out their reps when they understand the war we have to fight to survive. (not to say there are not some that couldnt care less but you know the good from the bad).
My doctors right my products for me. I am the biggest determining factor in a physicians writing habits. Not to say that in some cases or other companies/industries, science plays a role... but for the most part, it comes down to people and marketing. Bigger companies have been successful with products, some weaker and some stronger than their competition, because of the people that are actually out in the market. There is no substitution for integrity, knowledge, and character.
This is particularly true here with WraSer. When I think back on my time here it astounds me that I was able to capture such a substantial portion of my market. Working for a small, no name company, selling products that had 0 medical advantages and yet facing off with the biggest companies in the business - King, PriCara, Lily, Purdue - and some of the most intimidating physicians in the business; yet capturing market share essentially overnight. It has disturbed me greatly to think what the company has just thrown away. As I said, when I visit these physicians in person and affirm my relationships and let them know whats happening, I can assure you it amounts to wraser throwing away huge business. Even more disturbing is the feedback I get from physicians and pharmacies about how we were making such good progress and how much volume was beginning to pick up (not that you have reflected that in those ridiculous numbers you send us in bonus reports). Being the end of the year, these physicians see the bulk of their business now. Its too bad they will stop writing your products now... given the momentum we had built and the fact that you had 0 overhead in my territory now.
The point of all this is a) remind you reps that you are damn good at what you do and if you survived here and enjoyed success, you will rock anywhere you go b) encourage you to shake it off, get those referrals, find work, and if you’re still employed here, use this time to find a company that will show you some level of respect. c) had a good day with my doctors and just wanted to let wraser know what a mistake they have made. I really thought you were different than some of the other lowlifes in the industry... I was right, you have no idea what the hell you are doing, no foresight, no planning, no strategy, no integrity, no respect for people, no future beyond bottom dwelling at best. I congratulate you on surviving this long, however what does your future hold. Those employed now probably have an idea… those that have been here already know.

since the layoff i have been in contact with many of my top doctor... I have been surprised by their understanding and generosity. for many reasons, I am letting every doctor i have ever called on know, in person, the details of our situation. i have always been a confident salesperson but my conversations with these doctors has proven that i was even more effective than I ever thought. i have targeted 25 doctors of various practice specialties for written letters of reference and have not been turned down one.
to the rest of you still employed or recently let go, i suggest you do the same. this is a win all around... you get referrals, invaluable in your future search for employment, and the doctor gets to hear from you what is really going on. These physicians appreciate the rep coming to them, in person, to let them know what is going on, rather than disappearing into the night with no explanation. Additionally, given the state of things at wraser and in the industry in general, there is a little bit more sympathy for reps than ever before. Doctors are more willing to do something to help out their reps when they understand the war we have to fight to survive. (not to say there are not some that couldnt care less but you know the good from the bad).
My doctors right my products for me. I am the biggest determining factor in a physicians writing habits. Not to say that in some cases or other companies/industries, science plays a role... but for the most part, it comes down to people and marketing. Bigger companies have been successful with products, some weaker and some stronger than their competition, because of the people that are actually out in the market. There is no substitution for integrity, knowledge, and character.
This is particularly true here with WraSer. When I think back on my time here it astounds me that I was able to capture such a substantial portion of my market. Working for a small, no name company, selling products that had 0 medical advantages and yet facing off with the biggest companies in the business - King, PriCara, Lily, Purdue - and some of the most intimidating physicians in the business; yet capturing market share essentially overnight. It has disturbed me greatly to think what the company has just thrown away. As I said, when I visit these physicians in person and affirm my relationships and let them know whats happening, I can assure you it amounts to wraser throwing away huge business. Even more disturbing is the feedback I get from physicians and pharmacies about how we were making such good progress and how much volume was beginning to pick up (not that you have reflected that in those ridiculous numbers you send us in bonus reports). Being the end of the year, these physicians see the bulk of their business now. Its too bad they will stop writing your products now... given the momentum we had built and the fact that you had 0 overhead in my territory now.
The point of all this is a) remind you reps that you are damn good at what you do and if you survived here and enjoyed success, you will rock anywhere you go b) encourage you to shake it off, get those referrals, find work, and if you’re still employed here, use this time to find a company that will show you some level of respect. c) had a good day with my doctors and just wanted to let wraser know what a mistake they have made. I really thought you were different than some of the other lowlifes in the industry... I was right, you have no idea what the hell you are doing, no foresight, no planning, no strategy, no integrity, no respect for people, no future beyond bottom dwelling at best. I congratulate you on surviving this long, however what does your future hold. Those employed now probably have an idea… those that have been here already know.

Best Post ever!!!!!!! I am in awe my fellow rep. Nicely done. Wraser is circling the drain and everyone knows it.

One of the 25 here. Got a great offer outside of healthcare and am stoked!

awesome. congrats! i have had numerous interviews in recently and am sitting on a couple possible offers, some in pharma and some not. my resume rocks, in spite of wraser. My docs have written wonderful letter, given me leads, and encouraged me not to let wraser get me down. plus, even though i have told them all to do what's best for their patients, they tell me they will never write another wraser rx again. kinda sucks given how hard i worked for so long. then again, kinda sucks to work so hard and have my comission stolen from me too.

Good for you! I hope others post their post wraser success here. It's not like I hated Wraser, actually I liked the job, it was the monkey business (well detailed here already) and tier 3-or-no-coverage-at-all crap that made it an uphill battle.
Still, I did enjoy my time at Wraser and I really do wish them success and prosperity. It's not as bad as it is painted on these boards, but it ain't like working for IBM either!