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$2400 Nationwide Rep Paycut in Dec

It is truly a joke to read some of the heartless, pathetic, and downright garbage from those that kept their jobs. I am an older sales rep with 5 National Awards and promoted to the Executive level. I was made aware of the lay-off December 2, 2010. With my ratings of 2-2, 3-2, 3-2, 2-2, 3-3 (Yes! 3-3), 3-2, 2-2, and never a "1". I tried looking for a job after the notification and have since that day. Nobody wants an older female or male, regardless of education, tenure, and goal achievement.

To the poster that stated to start looking.... I did and have for a year and a half! With the years of service, ratings, and awards, I did not even imagine I would be caught in the cross-fire in 2010. Now, I am about to lose the menial home ($185,000) my wife and I purchased 25 years ago, my daughter had to stop her college education, we have lost our health insurance, we have had to sell most of what we aquired through hard work and dedication, we have lived on my 401K to make ends meet and now owe the IRS (year 2012) over $35,000 for penalties and taxes and only have $25,000 left.

I am really sorry that you may lose $2,400 a year in a paycut. I would trade you any day of the week!

It is also truly pathetic that the ones you worked with for many years dropped contact with you because you no longer are employed by Novartis. It only goes to show that they were self-serving, egotistical, and selfish. What happened to friendships, care, and compassion?

Merry Christmas to all of you, employed and not employed. God Bless all of you.

It is truly a joke to read some of the heartless, pathetic, and downright garbage from those that kept their jobs. I am an older sales rep with 5 National Awards and promoted to the Executive level. I was made aware of the lay-off December 2, 2010. With my ratings of 2-2, 3-2, 3-2, 2-2, 3-3 (Yes! 3-3), 3-2, 2-2, and never a "1". I tried looking for a job after the notification and have since that day. Nobody wants an older female or male, regardless of education, tenure, and goal achievement.

To the poster that stated to start looking.... I did and have for a year and a half! With the years of service, ratings, and awards, I did not even imagine I would be caught in the cross-fire in 2010. Now, I am about to lose the menial home ($185,000) my wife and I purchased 25 years ago, my daughter had to stop her college education, we have lost our health insurance, we have had to sell most of what we aquired through hard work and dedication, we have lived on my 401K to make ends meet and now owe the IRS (year 2012) over $35,000 for penalties and taxes and only have $25,000 left.

I am really sorry that you may lose $2,400 a year in a paycut. I would trade you any day of the week!

It is also truly pathetic that the ones you worked with for many years dropped contact with you because you no longer are employed by Novartis. It only goes to show that they were self-serving, egotistical, and selfish. What happened to friendships, care, and compassion?

Merry Christmas to all of you, employed and not employed. God Bless all of you.

Some well meant advice for you. Quit using age as your excuse. I am in my mid 50s and know it is harder but it is not impossible to find a new job. I voluntarily changed jobs twice in the past 10 years. Awards and rankings are meaningless. Those just establish that you are not a problem employee. What can you say you did or accomplished that separated you from the pack? Did you advance or did you stay an entry level primary care rep? Are you matching who you are with what you present to the employer and does this match the employer's job needs? Why should an employer pay you and hire you instead of the 20 something fresh out of school? You don't need to be able to tell ME but THEM. Is the story your telling in line with what they want?

Long tenure can hurt you if you did not show advancement and growth in job skills. Smaller companies that value the older employee's experience and maturity will not be as interested if you do not show a strong desire for expanding your role, advancement to specialty, hospital, etc., and documentation of continuing and advancing your skills through education or other means.

If you are looking for entry level, primary care, it will be next to impossible. So why don't you go to school? Graduate loans pay for everything and might set you on a different path. NOT an MBA, but something with a career at the end. In the interim, find a job selling insurance. They are not great jobs but they are always recruiting. School and an active job of any kind will improve your chances greatly.

Likewise for your daughter. She does not need to quit. She can claim herself independent and can get loans and grants. Need based scholarships far outrank merit based. If she is in a high demand program and a good student, she does not have to quit.

Also check with a tax accountant about the penalties on your 401K. You might be able to eliminate some of these due to taking a hardship withdrawal.

Good luck to you and your family.

I agree with the above poster. Do not use age as an excuse. Those of us who had marketable and current skills are competive. Also, anyone who has been researching the job market will not stand in line with other has beens to interview for an entry level rep job. If you have not accumulated debt, if you consistently research the market, if you sharpen your skills with college courses, advanced degree, or new degree, you will find that you are absolutley competitive. Those who spend their time with their head in the sand are the ones that will lose out, and age is not the key criteria. BTW, I was let go at 62 in the first downsizing, and have been working since. I am also making more money now and have much less stress.

Blah Blah Blah. Stop your whining. You've all been freeloading off the company for years. They should pay you $0 for internet as you are supposed to be out selling and not at home surfing and posting to Cafepharma. FYI - the folks that approved the amounts all felt that it was extremely generous. You should be happy you get that and not the $25 initially proposed.

Another crap ass manager farts out his mouth.

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