2023 CVA

Every single trainer has been in the field, not including STAs
Yeah I've had marketing people "in the field" with me for a ride along at a previous company that doesn't make them qualified to teach others how to promote a product. I believe we've been discussing over-promotion of under-qualified candidates because Exact can't attract top talent to leadership roles for shit pay
You’re wrong about that. Two of the current ones were ISR’s that did short-term assessments as PMR’s in the field.

It’s laughable to take minimally experienced reps right out of college and have them as trainers.

How many years of experience should a trainer have?

I don’t think it’s about the company not wanting to pay top dollar so much as it’s the nepotism that stems from HQ.

Honestly, I’m surprised HR hasn’t looked into some of the hiring practices at this company. There’s even a rep that was banging a trainer and now she’s a manager.. cum on now
How many years of experience should a trainer have?

I don’t think it’s about the company not wanting to pay top dollar so much as it’s the nepotism that stems from HQ.

Honestly, I’m surprised HR hasn’t looked into some of the hiring practices at this company. There’s even a rep that was banging a trainer and now she’s a manager.. cum on now

Most companies would require a trainer to have at least 3 years of field sales success, not just experience. I agree it’s not about them wanting to pay less, it’s nepotism and favoritism. Many managers here slept their way into the role, it’s part of the culture.
Most companies would require a trainer to have at least 3 years of field sales success, not just experience. I agree it’s not about them wanting to pay less, it’s nepotism and favoritism. Many managers here slept their way into the role, it’s part of the culture.
Most companies would require a trainer to have at least 3 years of field sales success, not just experience. I agree it’s not about them wanting to pay less, it’s nepotism and favoritism. Many managers here slept their way into the role, it’s part of the culture.

What you’re saying isn’t actually true. You have no idea what “most companies” want - I’ve worked for 4 companies in my pharma career and none of them had that requirement. I’m pretty sure no companies are calling you up and telling you what their experience requirements are for trainers. So, rather than just make stuff up that you feel like strengthens your argument, why not just make a better argument? What you’re saying just sounds like self-serving garbage. Don’t let bitterness make you look dumber.
What you’re saying isn’t actually true. You have no idea what “most companies” want - I’ve worked for 4 companies in my pharma career and none of them had that requirement. I’m pretty sure no companies are calling you up and telling you what their experience requirements are for trainers. So, rather than just make stuff up that you feel like strengthens your argument, why not just make a better argument? What you’re saying just sounds like self-serving garbage. Don’t let bitterness make you look dumber.

Hey dipshit, go apply for any training role at any major pharma company and see what you find out. Two words, minimum requirement. They don’t hire reps who only did an STA in the field.
How many years of experience should a trainer have?

I don’t think it’s about the company not wanting to pay top dollar so much as it’s the nepotism that stems from HQ.

Honestly, I’m surprised HR hasn’t looked into some of the hiring practices at this company. There’s even a rep that was banging a trainer and now she’s a manager.. cum on now

LOL HR??? The same HR that’s had to fire directors for cheating on their wives with Inside reps? Yah OK