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2022 preemptive layoff


Here is to the 2022 preemptive layoff thread

Its coming. Just thought I would start early.

Wegovy sucks. No stock or discount cards.
Rybellsus is flat.

3 people pods
Way too many educators.

this is the thread to watch all year.


It’s coming to sources say around the second quarter. They will have to make up the short fall and the only way that typically happens at this organization is reorg / alignment. I guess it’s time to get the resume ready.

Typical false rumors. They’re expanding in 22.

no way they’re expanding diabetes in 22. I could believe they were planning on converting OEs to OCS and making the current DEs a combo obesity/diabetes educator who are really not allowed to discuss NN products at all. Maybe moving some of the 3 person DCS pod people over to obesity but now who the hell knows.

It’s another play on oh we are right sized. Just another perverbial shift or the novo Cupid shuffle. It’s obvious to all that whomever is driving the ship is a complete incompetent leader !!!!

Expansion for sure. There will be a forth semaglutide product launched, then pulled back, then launched again, then fucked up again and then launched again in Q3 2022…the only way to launch a product at novo. Start thinking about who you will refer for the expansion. Novo and one molecule forever!!!

They can’t expand its one division shrinking and another opening. It’s already know that obesity is expanding in the middle of the year and they will just move reps from diabetes to
Obesity or just merge them all into one heck the educators could become sales as well it’s novo so anything goes at this point. !!!!

I'm game to go along with this

Wegovy had some big setbacks but still way ahead of Tirzepatide obesity indication. Wegovy effect is real and that's why the company ain't worried about the billions raked for Ozempic sales. Bonus and messaging have shifted away from it cuz it sells itself. If Wegovy not on market by the summer the stock will take a big hit and the investors will want some firings. If all else on track, "restructuring" DCS to OCS.

The single greatest reason for layoffs will be the underperforming Rybelsus. This "oral scientific breakthrough" that patients find inconveniencing (4 oz water, no other drugs or food for 30 mins, take it fasting only), low efficacy for Endo to care about, time consuming and also low efficacy for PCP to care (esp compared to Ozempic), low Medicare and Medicaid coverage, no CV indication till 2025, and no listing in any diabetes guideline is crushing and will keep hitting this company. dumb to keep blaming Covid. Ozempic had booming sales well into that pandemic. Look at jardiance and farxiga increasing sales with new indications. Added to hospital formularies, Cardiologists use it and tell PCP to do the same. Rybelsus sales will get better but won't hit blockbuster projections in the US. Did we even make up in sales what we spent in the priority voucher for Rybelsus?!? So they'll squeeze everyone.

They can’t expand its one division shrinking and another opening. It’s already know that obesity is expanding in the middle of the year and they will just move reps from diabetes to
Obesity or just merge them all into one heck the educators could become sales as well it’s novo so anything goes at this point. !!!!

obesity “could” expand if they “could” somehow get better coverage. They’ll
get more already covered lives to go on Wegovy, but not billions and billions worth unless more employers start to cover obesity meds.

Rybelsus planning was formulated in a time gone by when the daily injection was the objection. That is no longer the case with once weekly GLP1s. Because of its dosing considerations, It was outdated before it launched. Now it’s like selling Levemir….. a relationship sell.

Rybelsus planning was formulated in a time gone by when the daily injection was the objection. That is no longer the case with once weekly GLP1s. Because of its dosing considerations, It was outdated before it launched. Now it’s like selling Levemir….. a relationship sell.
Agree. The Afrezza of GLP-1.