2020 NSM - who drinks to much, best dressed...

The Sad Truth

The meeting could have been great, it was a BUST. Why drag people you call the best of the best and truly waste extra days of time with nonsense? Why force mature adults to
wear costumes and warn us to show up . if you have enough respect for us and believe we are the best and brightest in the field? Why allow your managers and regionals to over reach and pressure adults in activities and group functions when
people reached exhaustion points by Tuesday nite.
How dare you treat us like we just graduated college and have to act like children
with art , and games , and the word FUN rehearsed 45 x a day. Isn’t it FUN? No
its not, I’m tired.
Don’t the District leads have just a bit of self respect to say I’m not comfortable
wearing that ? A member of my group isn’t up for Top Golf tonight? A colleague
is sick from the plane and just wants to rest in tonight?
WHAT is going on in this company with the games and the games and the filler time? It makes zero sense.
Do you listen to surveys we fill out ? Do you care ? Do you ever want to save $ and put it toward something more practical.
Yes, we are in sales but everything we do is not driven by $, how about letting us respect ourselves and our job without the pressure of what you think is FUN .

I have heard nothing but pissed off reps. My counterpart got chewed out for missing breakfast
Monday morning with the group. She had some health issues but that didn’t matter, the
entire group needed to be seen together.
What is going on and who is the one creating this unhealthy work environment?

WOW we had an appointed team monitor in charge of group texting to make sure
we all attended breakfast, lunch, dinner and had on appropriate attire to all events.
I wonder what I’m going to do with my whimsical hat I was forced to purchase for $35
never to be worn again.
It’s so hard to explain to your spouse or your friends about how we get treated . I believe
they mean well but have gotten so far off track that there is no return.

Hi Honey, Tuesday was great we all dressed like characters that looked whimsical
at a party we were forced to attend and and and and
No I am serious:D

I’m so shocked nobody like dressing up as a Cheshire Cat? We are only adults, a good whimsical wonderful night is all I ever wanted to do! Or team event on a Wednesday instead of a just going to freaking dinner like normal people! Then to top it off Thursday you have us role play all day and also require us to video ourselves in a booth! Oh I forgot about Friday keeping us till 12 for absolutely nothing!
Wtf is going on here, this place never looked like this before! Listen to your people most of them are disgusted by this!!

This thread is so true all of it...Not even mid-level management but senior leadership that have no reason to be Director’s. Did anyone else feel embarrassed watching MS? I sank into my seat and thought how do you have this job.

PLenty of late Thursday night video to share with HR of management behavior
just in case they want to talk to you about not clapping loud enough, not enough
enthusiasm, not enough spring in your step, not enough Jeopardy energy , not
enough creativity with Art work, and not enough Fashion sense on Tuesday.
I will be forwarding it to tip line and direct to HR so they get in the KNOW.

The videos will show what we have to deal with, what we have to show respect to,
who makes us feel inadequate, who thinks they have the right to make a meeting a learning experience turn into a nightmare.

If anyone seriously has issue with a DM or regional, reach out I will forward the 16 videos our group captured. Could you say career changers for a few.

Dear National Meeting Planners,

How does a National Sales Meeting turn into what we were subject too?
Who thought the programs and the games were a good idea?
What’s wrong with devoting 4 hours to each drug that we have been selling and a full
day on the new drug which includes targeting and discussion along with role play?
Finally, a day listening to upper management, a simple awards night and homeward bound in the am on flights by 12.
How about $40 vouchers at night for food/drink along with a few room drops.
This is not rocket science.

I hope someone involved takes these posts seriously.

They were being circulated on Friday morning, just drunken DMs slurring words,
acting stupid because they were so trashed, mostly NorthEast.
You had to be up after 130 to see the bad behavior Thursday night.

They represent the Do as I say management culture . Thursday night we get to do what we want, so don’t judge us, but we can judge you whenever.

The Sad Truth

The meeting could have been great, it was a BUST. Why drag people you call the best of the best and truly waste extra days of time with nonsense? Why force mature adults to
wear costumes and warn us to show up . if you have enough respect for us and believe we are the best and brightest in the field? Why allow your managers and regionals to over reach and pressure adults in activities and group functions when
people reached exhaustion points by Tuesday nite.
How dare you treat us like we just graduated college and have to act like children
with art , and games , and the word FUN rehearsed 45 x a day. Isn’t it FUN? No
its not, I’m tired.
Don’t the District leads have just a bit of self respect to say I’m not comfortable
wearing that ? A member of my group isn’t up for Top Golf tonight? A colleague
is sick from the plane and just wants to rest in tonight?
WHAT is going on in this company with the games and the games and the filler time? It makes zero sense.
Do you listen to surveys we fill out ? Do you care ? Do you ever want to save $ and put it toward something more practical.
Yes, we are in sales but everything we do is not driven by $, how about letting us respect ourselves and our job without the pressure of what you think is FUN .

couldn’t have said it better myself