2019 IC plan

You sound very ungrateful. $5 per refill is so generous and marks a full $5 increase over what we were paid last year on refills.
Clearly KM and his cronies lying on the beach in Miami have heard the message loud and clear. Embarrassing.


This whole scam perpetuates by PF is insulting. And then carried out by his Crony Henchmen to keep all of the profit in Miami. A damn shame. Absolutely embarrassing that they can speak with a straight face. Damn Criminals

This whole scam perpetuates by PF is insulting. And then carried out by his Crony Henchmen to keep all of the profit in Miami. A damn shame. Absolutely embarrassing that they can speak with a straight face. Damn Criminals

What a troll. First of all last public earnings call the company said Rayaldee isn't profitable. Second if it is that bad you should probably leave. I'm guessing you would have if you were good enough to get a job. Probably why you aren't making money. Maybe you were already fired and you're just here complaining.

What a troll. First of all last public earnings call the company said Rayaldee isn't profitable. Second if it is that bad you should probably leave. I'm guessing you would have if you were good enough to get a job. Probably why you aren't making money. Maybe you were already fired and you're just here complaining.[/QUOTE They did not say Rayaldee was not profitable!