Figure out the United catastrophe? What is it you are confused about son?
How about figuring out the Aetna opportunity?
How about figuring out the Aetna opportunity?
Figure out the United catastrophe? What is it you are confused about son?
How about figuring out the Aetna opportunity?
LOL.......I know it’s early but this is the bumbest thing I have heard all year. We are screwed Aetna is meaningless.Figure out the United catastrophe? What is it you are confused about son?
How about figuring out the Aetna opportunity?
What an idiotic thing to say, let alone, believe.How arrogant? This is where you have it twisted: Everyone deserves respect. It is disrespect that is earned.A perfect example of the mess we are in was on LinkedIn. Senior VP commented on a quote discussing judging people by their actions, not their title. He stated that it was ok as long as no disrespect was intended. How arrogant! Respect is earned and has nothing to do with title! From what I have heard, he talks a big game but delivers little. Why doesn’t he actually earn some respect and figure out this United catastrophe!!
Wow! All this guy did was prove the blatant ass-kissers we have here. So wonder we are watching this ship head for the iceberg. Should we automatically respect a convicted axe murderer? Exactly why this management brings NO skill sets to the table. Another loser heard from!
A perfect example of the mess we are in was on LinkedIn. Senior VP commented on a quote discussing judging people by their actions, not their title. He stated that it was ok as long as no disrespect was intended. How arrogant! Respect is earned and has nothing to do with title! From what I have heard, he talks a big game but delivers little. Why doesn’t he actually earn some respect and figure out this United catastrophe!!