2012 The Year of Great News !!

Allos Therapeutics Inc. (ALTH) CEO Paul L Berns sells 42,695 Shares

Mar. 01, 2012 | About: ALTH -2.01%

CEO of Allos Therapeutics Inc. (ALTH) Paul L Berns sells 42,695 shares of ALTH on 03/01/2012 at an average price of $1.5 a share.

Allos Therapeut has a market cap of $167.4 million; its shares were traded at around $1.46 with and P/S ratio of 4.8.

You will see another all time low next week. Its over Bernie needs to be fired.

We will test all time low today. The jig is up. What the fuck did Bernsie do you justify his bonus? The guy and his team should be fired and locked out of the office. Maybe the new Gilead board member is a signal that Berns is finally finished.

Let the lies Begin

Lets Translate that great display of fictional reading:

Brand Awarness is not an issue. Lie.
Penetration of 41% of our accounts? Lie.
Promotional efforts in new accounts? lie.
Academic Centers recommending Foolotyn to community? Who? Lie.

11 Million in net sales? Lie. Huge price increase. We are declining.

Europe. Not going to happen-Charlie knows this. Its not a high unmet need. Lie
2nd Quarter? Lie
PDX017? SPA process was mandated-if not successful-we will lose PDX marketing approval.
CTCL. Phase 1 almost finished! We will be out of business before this closes!

Financial Guidance for 2012? 50-55 Million = flat to declining sales. Lets go back to 2010 when our internal sales goal was 75 Million? We sold 35.2 = epic fail. The 2012 year the goal was 120 Million oh how people forget....now thats dialed back to 50 million?
3.2 Million in distributor increases = price increase for 2012 Q1 = Channel Stuffing
Funding until 2015? No chance.
Lets talk about stock based compensation for the directors? 14 Million for 2012?

Bernsie acknowledges hard working employees. Ha Ha HA. Thats a good


When will Austrialia, SO korea, and that booming PTCL market of Switzerland be approved? Sure Charlie. Next year. Anyone really believe him? Didnt think so.

Breen Murray: idea of when RD increases flatten out? Back half 2012. Patient Demand (this was a doozy answer: single agents grow the market (except our share) strategy of going after new and existing accounts? Not a strategy. Schick says we dont "get" patient level data-then what the hell do we send in?

2 QUESTIONS???? This sums up the wall street interest in Allos Therapuetics.

Why be negative ? Paul has led us admirably through the challenges of a difficult launch and early building phase. Momentum is building, it may be tough but this is the time that separates the strong from the weak. If you have heart - this is YOUR TIME TO SHINE !!

Why be negative ? Paul has led us admirably through the challenges of a difficult launch and early building phase. Momentum is building, it may be tough but this is the time that separates the strong from the weak. If you have heart - this is YOUR TIME TO SHINE !!

Why is telling the facts negative Gary puppet? Momentum is not building the business failed to merge with 1 shit company and the folotyn is doing about 1/3 of what we and Paul expected it to do. If you have a brian this is your time to admit allos is sinking.

Why be negative ? Paul has led us admirably through the challenges of a difficult launch and early building phase. Momentum is building, it may be tough but this is the time that separates the strong from the weak. If you have heart - this is YOUR TIME TO SHINE !!

Please oh please don't tell me Garry Allen and Tim Smith are still at Allos. The above quote totally reeks of them. They are both losers who should be fired. Why didn't we take RU-486?


Garrys mom and Timmies mom