2011 Revised Job Description for Merck Reps
1) You will be expected to perform meaningless work on a daily basis, so as to keep the
charade of the pharmaceutical sales job in tact. This serves the duel function of keeping
your worthless DM employed as well.
2) You will prioritize all administrative duties over actual customer interactions that could
result in increased revenue generation for the company. It is your job to remember that
medicine at Merck is about profits and politics...
3) Role playing is an important part of your job. This not only serves to demoralize you
and make you feel like a kindergardner, but also is a good reason to have meetings and
have trainers.
4) You will be held accountable for all things not under your control, such as market
trends, state laws and regs, and anything else that can be used against you during
review time.
5) You will be stratified into one of 3 groups...S1, S2, or S3, depending on your level and
skill at pretending everything is ok, and management isn't running this car off of a cliff.
6) Expect to deal with more toxic sludge on a daily basis then the Fukushima 50!!
1) You will be expected to perform meaningless work on a daily basis, so as to keep the
charade of the pharmaceutical sales job in tact. This serves the duel function of keeping
your worthless DM employed as well.
2) You will prioritize all administrative duties over actual customer interactions that could
result in increased revenue generation for the company. It is your job to remember that
medicine at Merck is about profits and politics...
3) Role playing is an important part of your job. This not only serves to demoralize you
and make you feel like a kindergardner, but also is a good reason to have meetings and
have trainers.
4) You will be held accountable for all things not under your control, such as market
trends, state laws and regs, and anything else that can be used against you during
review time.
5) You will be stratified into one of 3 groups...S1, S2, or S3, depending on your level and
skill at pretending everything is ok, and management isn't running this car off of a cliff.
6) Expect to deal with more toxic sludge on a daily basis then the Fukushima 50!!