2011 Revised Job Description for Merck Reps


2011 Revised Job Description for Merck Reps

1) You will be expected to perform meaningless work on a daily basis, so as to keep the
charade of the pharmaceutical sales job in tact. This serves the duel function of keeping
your worthless DM employed as well.

2) You will prioritize all administrative duties over actual customer interactions that could
result in increased revenue generation for the company. It is your job to remember that
medicine at Merck is about profits and politics...

3) Role playing is an important part of your job. This not only serves to demoralize you
and make you feel like a kindergardner, but also is a good reason to have meetings and
have trainers.

4) You will be held accountable for all things not under your control, such as market
trends, state laws and regs, and anything else that can be used against you during
review time.

5) You will be stratified into one of 3 groups...S1, S2, or S3, depending on your level and
skill at pretending everything is ok, and management isn't running this car off of a cliff.

6) Expect to deal with more toxic sludge on a daily basis then the Fukushima 50!!

I would add:

7) You will be invited to attend "recovery meetings" whenever your management needs an agenda and reason to support their own charade associated with their position.

For everyone's own good, try to do something to maintain your own self esteem. If, like so many legacy Merck colleagues, your job was a big part of your life, belittling it (or having it belittled) will take a personal toll as well. This has nothing to do with the company but everything to do with the individual. Sadly, there is a lot of truth in the OP.

The best thing to do is go out on STD, why? why not,, it is a benefit that everyone pays in so when this toxic sludge begins to deteriorate your "well being" and remember,, what is mercks motto.."BE WELL" a little irony, eh? i say do not be the victim, time to stop being a robot and dust off the brain cells...put them to good use! layoffs around the corner so why not jump start everyone else looking to get out of "hell".

Be Well, Get out of Hell. I like that idea. Whatever became of "where patients come first" - no longer the case? Be well, stay well, because, well, Merck just doesn't give a sh**! How long did Merck test the "Be Well" slogan? How many focus groups were used? Did the field have opportunity for input or was it simply "announced" as a settled decision?

Be Well, Get out of Hell. I like that idea. Whatever became of "where patients come first" - no longer the case? Be well, stay well, because, well, Merck just doesn't give a sh**! How long did Merck test the "Be Well" slogan? How many focus groups were used? Did the field have opportunity for input or was it simply "announced" as a settled decision?

The "BE WELL" slogan has a direct and applied meaning...if you are not well, merck doesn't want you,unless you are a sick patient buying merck products. Maybe some robot parts are too rusty or malfunctioning not to their liking? Our leaders are checking their golden parachutes for safety measure and most important, our leaders are keeping all SI, S2, and S3 "merckbot well beings" in order to ensure the plan runs smooth.

Sounds like Star Wars doesn't it? R2D2 vs S2D2...which would mean "S2" level..."D2" demoted to......working more. but paid less! But it's not the galaxy...it's hell!

The "BE WELL" slogan has a direct and applied meaning...if you are not well, merck doesn't want you,unless you are a sick patient buying merck products. Maybe some robot parts are too rusty or malfunctioning not to their liking? Our leaders are checking their golden parachutes for safety measure and most important, our leaders are keeping all SI, S2, and S3 "merckbot well beings" in order to ensure the plan runs smooth.

Sounds like Star Wars doesn't it? R2D2 vs S2D2...which would mean "S2" level..."D2" demoted to......working more. but paid less! But it's not the galaxy...it's hell!

8) Those with experience of working well within a religious cult or surviving totalitarian
political regimes are encouraged to apply!! Merck needs more sheeple now!

Star Wars "May the farce be with you". Makes perfect sense with the new managers and the dumbshits that judge you on the competencies without even working with you! Now we have new exciting S3's who can't show competencies or leadership at meetings even in front of their peers but were the teachers pet! In the recent past these folks struggled to sell new products such as Januvia or Janumet and in many cases rarely made plan with products but learned to kiss ass to save their jobs! They've hung around until this idiotic NCM took over and now they've gotten a reward for anal rouge! KA is a new competency!

For everyone's own good, try to do something to maintain your own self esteem. If, like so many legacy Merck colleagues, your job was a big part of your life, belittling it (or having it belittled) will take a personal toll as well. This has nothing to do with the company but everything to do with the individual. Sadly, there is a lot of truth in the OP.

this poster raises a great point...however, keep in mind that it is Merck Management that destroys self esteem regarding this job, not frustrated reps on CP, just trying to vent...

this job will destroy your self esteem & self confidence, quicker than the real housewives of New Jersey can apply mascara...

Rarely do people ever quit this madness...it mystifies me because there is life after Merck...granted, you may have to get out of bed before 10:00 am, but you will survive.

Above poster forgot that you will be graded on your competencies by someone who is incompetent and never spent much time with Merck at all! You will be expected to wholeheartedly embrace these new dumbass subjective rules while really 'selling' on the side to drive the $ that Merck needs! The new 'cheerleader and catering' crowd that will fully embrace anything to keep the positions that they never should have had will go right along with a low cut blouse and open toed shoes! (did I also mention tight pants) sorry guys it don't work for you. Where have you gone Joe Dimaggio?

Rule #1 - do not let Merck define you as a human being.husband/wife/father/mother, etc. Establish that yourself. Merck will expect total sacrifice and selflessness and ruin you at the same time. With the above average paycheck, they see you all as captive prisoners, dumb asses and slaves that have nowhere to go.

Rule # 2 - establish financial independence and security so you can walk or be displaced and still live okay or you'll be forever trapped by Merck.

Above poster forgot that you will be graded on your competencies by someone who is incompetent and never spent much time with Merck at all! You will be expected to wholeheartedly embrace these new dumbass subjective rules while really 'selling' on the side to drive the $ that Merck needs! The new 'cheerleader and catering' crowd that will fully embrace anything to keep the positions that they never should have had will go right along with a low cut blouse and open toed shoes! (did I also mention tight pants) sorry guys it don't work for you. Where have you gone Joe Dimaggio?

Glad you mentioned the tight pants. Guess they go nicely with open toed shoes...

Rule #1 - do not let Merck define you as a human being.husband/wife/father/mother, etc. Establish that yourself. Merck will expect total sacrifice and selflessness and ruin you at the same time. With the above average paycheck, they see you all as captive prisoners, dumb asses and slaves that have nowhere to go.

Rule # 2 - establish financial independence and security so you can walk or be displaced and still live okay or you'll be forever trapped by Merck.

Agree with the above poster. I used to enjoy this job and have a career. Not now. It is just a job. So, just do your job and then go home and enjoy yourself. I for one, am not going to lose sleep over it anymore. I know what is truly important...kids, family, friends.....for sure not Merck. I stay because I like the pay/schedule/customers and most of the people I work with. I also am a realist because I know it will end someday. I am in a financial position to ride this out. However, if you are the breadwinner, you should get your financial house in order and start looking so you are not shut out in the cold one day soon. Anyone who thinks their job is safe has their head deep in the sand. No one is safe, not even the S3s. Above all, DO NOT LET THIS JOB DEFINE WHO YOU ARE.

Don't be so quick to believe that Merck pays above the median for major pharma. In most areas they assuredly do not. Merck employees are brainwashed into believing that they are the creme de la creme and must be compensated correspondingly well. If that were ever true, it is certainly not today. Many Merck employees got a financial wake up call when they became aware of compensation that their S-P colleagues were receiving. Remember that you are mere mushrooms. And Merck likes to keep you in darker, shittier conditions than most mushroom farmers keep their slaves. Access Glassdoor to compare wages.

Joined Merck in 2002. I vividly recall being told that Merck compensation is not at the top of the industry and I could earn more at other pharmas, but no other pharma would offer the "value" of the Merck name. Talk about a joke and a half! I left in '04 just before the VIOXX fiasco. I always wondered what that "value" was worth after that. The Merck name has become tossed in amongst all the other pharmas and has no advantages these days, some might even think there are disadvantages.

Don't be so quick to believe that Merck pays above the median for major pharma. In most areas they assuredly do not. Merck employees are brainwashed into believing that they are the creme de la creme and must be compensated correspondingly well. If that were ever true, it is certainly not today. Many Merck employees got a financial wake up call when they became aware of compensation that their S-P colleagues were receiving. Remember that you are mere mushrooms. And Merck likes to keep you in darker, shittier conditions than most mushroom farmers keep their slaves. Access Glassdoor to compare wages.

Merck always pay less but the old Merck was more humane. People chose to work at Merck for the stability

With the new Merck it is not worthwhile to be paid less and getting mentally abused by Little Napoleons at the same time.

Merck always pay less but the old Merck was more humane. People chose to work at Merck for the stability

With the new Merck it is not worthwhile to be paid less and getting mentally abused by Little Napoleons at the same time.

I left in 98 after attending a meeting with Ms. Koerth. She left no doubt in my mind that the company was in serious trouble and going to hell. She never would have been hired by Merck when we had exceptional management and leadership to run the company. Miss Implementation Excellence only knew management by intimidation. What an embarassment and disgrace to be in a meeting with her. What's happened at Merck since I left is "the rest of the story" as Paul Harvey would say. God help you all.