2011 Jobs

I dont think reducing salary for some is legal and basing it upon what your manager thinks of you and if you know the sales model competencies, what kind of #$@! is that! Some troll starting #$%^! I'm going to speak to my attny about this. If it is legal... and some salaries are lowered, time to screw this company over, like they are screwing us! Dont get mad, get even is all I can say. This company is by far the worst company I have worked for. Nothing but a bunch of losers and egotistical lunatics!

My friend...many industries have been doing this for awhile now, especially with the poor economy. Like a PIP, there is always going to be a creative way to justify why you should get a reduced pay. There will be slide after slide of esoteric calculations and you have no way in knowing what your manager said about you (his or her input) anyway.

My friend...many industries have been doing this for awhile now, especially with the poor economy. Like a PIP, there is always going to be a creative way to justify why you should get a reduced pay. There will be slide after slide of esoteric calculations and you have no way in knowing what your manager said about you (his or her input) anyway.

It is called Merck's NEW math! you will never ever understand it! and your manager is NOT your friend!

Can they really take money away from you? Doesn't sound legit.

They can do pretty much anything they want to you, oh salaried one.
Just ask the ones whose "positions have been eliminated" and have been offered lower-band positions at reduced salaries (oh thank-you, Great Mother for recognizing all of our years of dedicated service).

Being "harmonized" isn't all that bad ... ask the Beach Boys

According to the Wall Street Journal's list of the "10 American Industries that May Never Recover", the pharmaceutical is listed as no. 5. It states "This industry has bled workers for three years, and that trend is likely to continue. The largest companies in the sector, such as Pfizer and Merck, have a number of blockbuster drugs that have lost their patent protection in the last decade. They have other pharmaceuticals that will lose that protection in the next decade. Sales of most of these drugs will move to generic companies that will sell them for far less, and erode critical revenue sources for the huge pharma firms. Most companies in the industry admit that they cannot replace the drugs that go off patent fast enough to keep their revenue high. The other reason employment in the sector will stay down and may drop further is that big drug companies are merging to save costs, and most of those costs are people. Pfizer has cut 30,000 people since the start of the recession. Merck has cut 25,000, and these companies and their peers expect that they will have to bring down costs even more".

My friend...many industries have been doing this for awhile now, especially with the poor economy. Like a PIP, there is always going to be a creative way to justify why you should get a reduced pay. There will be slide after slide of esoteric calculations and you have no way in knowing what your manager said about you (his or her input) anyway.

First of all...your not my friend, your a CTM, probably slurping your kool-aid flavored latte as your eloquently type your speech. I guess for your position, one may have to avoid the mirror every morning for fear of looking within your soul asking yourself, is what I do really worth it? For some... or many who fit merck's management model: psychotic power-hungry spineless back-stabbing bottom feeders! It is so nice to know I will not work for less money with merck because I already work double the workload vs schering workload,and have no opportunity for advancement--oh, because I don't say "yes" enough or maybe because I refuse to work 90hrs a week instead of 80 hrs doing worthless reports, meetings, teleconferences, and get paid crappy bonuses no matter how hard I work because products and MC formulas are in the toilet, not to mention how merck chips away at your dignity and self worth. If you do your math homework, you will quickly see how much money you don't make! I guess there is something to be said for working a regular 40 hr a week J_O_B where your input and ideas are valued, oh the real input and ideas, not the fake feedback for fear of being retaliated against because you may have spoke what was really on your mind! Merck is nothing but a cesspool! The quicker you get out, the sooner true quality of life can begin! Good Luck Everyone

They can do pretty much anything they want to you, oh salaried one.
Just ask the ones whose "positions have been eliminated" and have been offered lower-band positions at reduced salaries (oh thank-you, Great Mother for recognizing all of our years of dedicated service).

Being "harmonized" isn't all that bad ... ask the Beach Boys

Lower pay will mean slow and steady exit.

There is a major reduction in maximum weeks for severance in 2011. That only means more workers will be canned. PIPs will continue to be the norm. If they do not like or want you look out for receiving the higher sales objectives for 2-3 years. Over 45, watch out and know you will be gone when there is nothing you can do right other than kiss your manager's ass.

First of all...your not my friend, your a CTM, probably slurping your kool-aid flavored latte as your eloquently type your speech. I guess for your position, one may have to avoid the mirror every morning for fear of looking within your soul asking yourself, is what I do really worth it? For some... or many who fit merck's management model: psychotic power-hungry spineless back-stabbing bottom feeders! It is so nice to know I will not work for less money with merck because I already work double the workload vs schering workload,and have no opportunity for advancement--oh, because I don't say "yes" enough or maybe because I refuse to work 90hrs a week instead of 80 hrs doing worthless reports, meetings, teleconferences, and get paid crappy bonuses no matter how hard I work because products and MC formulas are in the toilet, not to mention how merck chips away at your dignity and self worth. If you do your math homework, you will quickly see how much money you don't make! I guess there is something to be said for working a regular 40 hr a week J_O_B where your input and ideas are valued, oh the real input and ideas, not the fake feedback for fear of being retaliated against because you may have spoke what was really on your mind! Merck is nothing but a cesspool! The quicker you get out, the sooner true quality of life can begin! Good Luck Everyone

Yes, my friend, again, everything you said are true. Mother is not going to change. Mother is going to be crazy in reducing your pay with PIP or whatever they can make up. Getting so frustrated is going to make you eat Prilosec like candies and drink kool-aid made with SSRI.

no way no how could i ever work at merck or in pharma again. i feel for all who are trapped and suffering in a merck misery rut. it is a lot like hell on earth for some i am sure.

This is all true....McMahon doesn't want disparity between Primary Care and Specialty. Based on new competencies being rolled out, every one will be put into new bucket depending on this model. It doesn't matter where you've ranked, how many national awards you've won, it all comes down to competencies. Hopefully your manager likes you! And yes, some people will be a bump but many will get a reduction in salary. Believe it - it's a reality with the new Merck!

Specialty has a reputation in the industry of being above pc in terms of pay and requirements. All in the same bucket will be taken as reason to move on if your into status and titles. Lower pay or bonus will be the big exit reason all by itself.

Life goes on. Pharma sales has evolved over the years, for the worst. Pressure from MCO's and other factors mean we are no longer going to get paid with big bucks and huge bonus. It is not as cushy as perceived by the outsiders. All those expansions and RFM money by everyone turned us into caterers. How will you be able to reverse the trend once the customers have tasted lavish meals and experienced fancy trips. We did all these, then pulled back and rationalized why. No wonder customers call us hypocrites. A lot of the extra work are a reflection of management's OCD and desire to micro-manage. Every company is going to continue to downsize, introduce new matrix of measurement of competency to force people out, or to demote them, or to reduce their pays. Nothing any of us can do about it. If you decide to stay, deal with it. Or, make an exit. There are more opportunities out there. Don't let Merck tell you if you are "incompetent" by their internal voodoo criteria then you are a nobody.

Demonstrates high level of competency by obtaining high level of physician signatures, utilizing maximum amount of sample and other resources, while providing management with high level customer feedback and receiving high scores from both management and customer feedback evaluations. Whats so tough? It's still a cushy job, just a lot more subjective measurements to put up with. It never was a sales job afterall.

So what's needed to step up into a new job? Manager is mum. No feedback, no help. Is it AKing, who complains, who gets noticed, who are you friends with game... or based on a hard work ethics, nose to the grindstone substance? Some people advance and its a huh???, OMG ...shake and scratch our heads....