New jobs, new titles, new Merck in 2011?
Be vigilant.
There's a new Merck every couple of years.
Welcome to the new seat arrangements on the Titanic.
Vigilant about what; finding a new job here or hunting for a new job with resume in hand?
Be a vigilante.
Yea...Carry a mean is tough on the streets
Get ready- for the next shoe to drop. Change in salary due to merger harmonization some will get a raise others will get a reduction. Do you need to wonder what the percentage of raise vs. reduction will be?
Can they really take money away from you? Doesn't sound legit.
Can they really take money away from you? Doesn't sound legit.
Get ready- for the next shoe to drop. Change in salary due to merger harmonization some will get a raise others will get a reduction. Do you need to wonder what the percentage of raise vs. reduction will be?
I was a Business Manager for Shering Plough prior to layoff with merger. The old SP reps will face most of the "harmonization" in a negative way if this realignment of salaries is true. I was privy to this and most certainly SP had salaries that were far more inflated for the same title as Merck reps. Starting salary for SP reps in all positions were at least 10% higher. Good luck.
The pharma job market will be booming in 2011 as pent up demand for our life saving products is unleashed as the global economy recovers. Hang tight!