2009 Technical Reimbursement Rate

Anyone getting flack over the offices not being able to bill for a hook up? These other service companies are using that to get attention. Any suggestions or anything we can do to counter this. Outside of the obvious clincal benefits.

Anyone getting flack over the offices not being able to bill for a hook up? These other service companies are using that to get attention. Any suggestions or anything we can do to counter this. Outside of the obvious clincal benefits.

Accounts don't like the fact that they are losing the hook ups and now the daily interps. Is there any thing that can be offered to them to account for the loss of the hook up?

Where has all the noise gone about the monitor that was built for the code? Was the magic component taken out and now there is no more glory in billing the 93237?

And you were so convinced!!!!!

What happened eCardio? In Nov of 08 Larry Lawson went on OneMedPlace in an interview and said they were going to buy Braemar. He said eCardio wanted this and that Braemar wanted eCardio to buy them. He also said that eCardio had the only wireless solution "that works" and those were his exact words.

I guess Wall Street hasn't read this thread. Only now do they realize that reimbursement rates have nowhere to go but down. Several new competitors to come to market with a much more sophisticated bag of tools. Cardionet needs to diversify and soon.

considering the stock price is down by half since march, I'd say at least someone out there has an idea what's going on, even if none of it has happened yet. of course, maybe that means the stock the is cheap and is due to recover.

speculation in regards to physicians finally figuring out how this tech really works. The word telemetry was a masterful ploy by Mr. Sweeney couple this with the financial incentive ( daily reimbursement for interps ) was what propelled and created the buzz. Now that all of this is coming to the surface your next greatest thing is sinking to the bottom.

MCOT still offers no real advantage to auto trigger event recorders especially when cost is factored in- CN and LW's charge to the patient is too much. Some physicians are not even getting reimbursed for one interp- the privates are still not accepting this device, however, I know some are.

Once the physicians who are personally vested with stock dump their holdings there will be a surge on traditional event monitoring. Maybe not forever but until costs and proof that MCOT can reduce admissions and vastly improve outcomes.

There will come a time when all the elements come together and MCOT will then assume its place in the diagnostic line.

Why the hate?
Because I'm tired of the good sales people who actually are understanding and empathic to the physicians and patients, that make sound medical and fiscally responsible decisions on behalf of everyone, and that have a clue about their actions and the impact they have on the ENTIRE medical/payer system get screwed over by a few greedy bastages with no concern or understanding of how their scamming affects EVERYONE.... Same with the housing market and loans going to people who never qualified for them; a few greedy loan officers authorize loans for people who can't make payments JUST to cash in on the commissions cause the housing market to crash AND THEN THE ENTIRE ECONOMY..... And now the rest of the loan officers are seen as suspect. Same thing happening here; a few squabbling crybabies who can't pick up the phone and call CMS or ACC or the AMA and figure out what code is legit for which service/device are taking the "road paved with more money" and advising physicians to bill codes that are fraudulent, then excusing themselves by saying, "I didn't tell the physicians to bill that, I have no idea what they are talking about" just for the sake of grabbing those commission dollars. And it's infectious, like, "If he didn't get caught, then I should be able to do it..." Now the patients get stuck with a HUGE out-of-network bill they never knew they would be stuck with (along with the credit companies coming after them) and the physicians unknowingly losing patients because of these lies. Believe me, i should know, my trainer does and trains others to do this, and when DOJ comes knocking on his door, he and the other sales people who use this tactic should be sentenced to running 1000 miles backwards with their shoes tied together through cucumber patches and cornfields.