2 weeks, shutdown is over, debt crisis averted, Obama Care still law of the land

"Mark Halperin: GOP ‘terms of surrender'

“It’s just a question of the terms of surrender right now,” Halperin said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “Part of what’s driving the dynamic is Democrats know they are winning and Harry Reid and the White House have the attitude of, ‘Why should we give anything because they’re coming our way,’ and they’re waiting.”

Halperin also said Democrats are trying to send a message to Republicans, who will cave.
“We’ve talked about Democrats giving Republicans an opportunity to save face: I think the White House and Harry Reid would like to humiliate the Republicans and like to send a message that if you’re led around by Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin going forward, the same thing will happen to you again. So they’re going for the best, toughest deal they can get,” Halperin said.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/...shutdown-republicans-98251.html#ixzz2hiBgLA3L

While Teddy and Sarah are at the WWII memorial exciting the Tea Buggars(ed) the adults are getting ready to get their noses rubbed in it!

"Mark Halperin: GOP ‘terms of surrender'

“It’s just a question of the terms of surrender right now,” Halperin said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe.” “Part of what’s driving the dynamic is Democrats know they are winning and Harry Reid and the White House have the attitude of, ‘Why should we give anything because they’re coming our way,’ and they’re waiting.”

Halperin also said Democrats are trying to send a message to Republicans, who will cave.
“We’ve talked about Democrats giving Republicans an opportunity to save face: I think the White House and Harry Reid would like to humiliate the Republicans and like to send a message that if you’re led around by Ted Cruz and Sarah Palin going forward, the same thing will happen to you again. So they’re going for the best, toughest deal they can get,” Halperin said.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2013/...shutdown-republicans-98251.html#ixzz2hiBgLA3L

While Teddy and Sarah are at the WWII memorial exciting the Tea Buggars(ed) the adults are getting ready to get their noses rubbed in it!

The Tea Buggars(ed) are toast the question is, can Boehner survive?

"Reid: 'We're Getting Closer' To A Debt Deal

Senate Democrats are also open to delaying Obamacare's medical device tax and adding requirements that people who receive tax credits through the law have their income verified -- but only in exchange for some concessions from Republicans, according to the report.

"I hope so," Reid said when asked if a proposal would be ready for a 3 p.m. meeting with himself, McConnell, President Obama, Vice President Joe Biden, House Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)."

The reason why they need Pelosi in the meeting is to see if she can get the voted needed to make up for the defections from the Tea Buggars(ed) when they are forced to vote for a budget with the "concessions" noted above.

Then, this part is great, "According to Politico, Reid has made McConnell an offer that would include re-opening the government for a shorter period, until some time in December, while extending the debt limit for a longer period, between six and nine months."

So the Tea Buggars(ed) will be forced to close down the govt over Christmas and then threaten another default next summer just before the elections.

Buffoonery of the GOP's part and sheer brilliance on the Dems' part.

This should be fun!

I always make my political donations to the candidate or cause that hurts the GOP the most. Last month I started giving to Cruz and it looks like it is working.

I am just hope that he keeps on listening to the Tea Buggers(ed) like the guy who posts here!

I always make my political donations to the candidate or cause that hurts the GOP the most. Last month I started giving to Cruz and it looks like it is working.

I am just hope that he keeps on listening to the Tea Buggers(ed) like the guy who posts here!

The "Cooch" is losing in VA. Cochran is being challenged by a Tea Buggers(ed) who is a full own NeoConfedrate Racist.

And the Tea Buggers(ed) in the OH Legislature is suing Kasich in OH to stop him from implementing Obama Care behind their backs.

And Perry in TX is pushing people off of TX High Risk pools and into Obama Care.

I don't have enough contributions to spread around!

The "Cooch" is losing in VA. Cochran is being challenged by a Tea Buggers(ed) who is a full own NeoConfedrate Racist.

And the Tea Buggers(ed) in the OH Legislature is suing Kasich in OH to stop him from implementing Obama Care behind their backs.

And Perry in TX is pushing people off of TX High Risk pools and into Obama Care.

I don't have enough contributions to spread around!

I just like to keep that at the top since you prefer to ignore it!

“Let me be exactly clear about what health care reform means to you,” Obama said at one rally in July 2009. “First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.”

Oooooh..... and I will save $2500. This almost sounds too good to be true.

"Public Policy Polling (PPP) is a U.S. polling firm based in Raleigh, North Carolina.[1] PPP was founded in 2001 by businessman Dean Debnam, the firm's current president and Chief Executive Officer.[2]

PPP is described as one of the "most accurate" polling companies[3]


A study by Fordham University found that, of 28 firms studied, PPP had the most accurate poll on the presidential national popular vote, both its independently conducted poll and the one it does in collaboration with Daily Kos and the SEIU.[15] PPP correctly called the winner of the presidential election in all 19 states it polled in the final week of the election, as well as the winners of all the U.S. Senate and gubernatorial races it surveyed.[16][17][18][19][20]


"Meet The 37 House Republicans Who Could Lose Their Jobs For Shutting Down The Government

PPP pollsters surveyed 61 Republican-held congressional districts around the country from Oct. 1 through Oct. 18. They concluded that “Democrats not only have an opportunity to take back the House of Representatives next year, but that they could win a sizable majority if voter anger over the shutdown carries into 2014."

"Republicans will likely find this third round of surveys to be the most alarming yet, given that the new results show substantial Republican vulnerability in many districts that were not even supposed to be close. Incumbent Republicans trail generic Democrats in 15 of the 25 districts we most recently surveyed. This means generic Democrats lead in 37 of 61 districts polled since the beginning of the government shutdown."


"Public Policy Polling (PPP) is a U.S. polling firm based in Raleigh, North Carolina.[1] PPP was founded in 2001 by businessman Dean Debnam, the firm's current president and Chief Executive Officer.[2]

PPP is described as one of the "most accurate" polling companies[3]


A study by Fordham University found that, of 28 firms studied, PPP had the most accurate poll on the presidential national popular vote, both its independently conducted poll and the one it does in collaboration with Daily Kos and the SEIU.[15] PPP correctly called the winner of the presidential election in all 19 states it polled in the final week of the election, as well as the winners of all the U.S. Senate and gubernatorial races it surveyed.[16][17][18][19][20]


"Meet The 37 House Republicans Who Could Lose Their Jobs For Shutting Down The Government

PPP pollsters surveyed 61 Republican-held congressional districts around the country from Oct. 1 through Oct. 18. They concluded that “Democrats not only have an opportunity to take back the House of Representatives next year, but that they could win a sizable majority if voter anger over the shutdown carries into 2014."

"Republicans will likely find this third round of surveys to be the most alarming yet, given that the new results show substantial Republican vulnerability in many districts that were not even supposed to be close. Incumbent Republicans trail generic Democrats in 15 of the 25 districts we most recently surveyed. This means generic Democrats lead in 37 of 61 districts polled since the beginning of the government shutdown."


Today, on Meet the Press, one of the topics were "If the 2014 election were held today, would the GOP lose the Congress?"

The consensus was yes.

Good thing the elections aren't today... The public loves when elected officials flat-out lie to them.

That is why the Tea Buggers(ed) / GOP is getting savaged right now, they lied to the old, fat, white, southern, evangelical men who follow them and said, "If you only follow me and shut down the government, the "people" will fall in line and we can keep you feeding at the trough and keep others out".

They got that truth back - - - - - annually!


And guess what, unless you can convince yourself that the empirical truth isn't what has happened in MA since the implementation of Obama Care there, get ready to "take it again".

Squeal like a pig, boy!

That is why the Tea Buggers(ed) / GOP is getting savaged right now, they lied to the old, fat, white, southern, evangelical men who follow them and said, "If you only follow me and shut down the government, the "people" will fall in line and we can keep you feeding at the trough and keep others out".

They got that truth back - - - - - annually!


And guess what, unless you can convince yourself that the empirical truth isn't what has happened in MA since the implementation of Obama Care there, get ready to "take it again".

Squeal like a pig, boy!

“Let me be exactly clear about what health care reform means to you,” Obama said at one rally in July 2009. “First of all, if you’ve got health insurance, you like your doctors, you like your plan, you can keep your doctor, you can keep your plan. Nobody is talking about taking that away from you.”

Oooooh..... and I will save $2500. This almost sounds too good to be true.

WTF is "Tea Buggers(ed)"???
You keep typing this complete non-sense.

In British English to be "buggered" is to be fucked up the ass. So they are not only have not only taken it , been buggered, they've done it to themselves, "buggers(ed)"

Tea Buggers(ed)!!!

Any group that can go from an - 50% approval to 28% and think that they did nothing wrong is sure and truly buggers(ed)!

In British English to be "buggered" is to be fucked up the ass. So they are not only have not only taken it , been buggered, they've done it to themselves, "buggers(ed)"

Tea Buggers(ed)!!!

Any group that can go from an - 50% approval to 28% and think that they did nothing wrong is sure and truly buggers(ed)!

Wow... So not only are you a racist, but a complete homophobe as well. Your party must love you!

Wow... So not only are you a racist, but a complete homophobe as well. Your party must love you!

Um, for a heterosexual, any annual sex is without consent so is, by definition rape. And conversely, there is a chance that for a homosexual being "buggered" is consensual. So, saying that someone like you has been buggered, is in no way homophobic but it is telling that you think so.

Racist? - I am not the one who thinks that the NC GOP thinks is a racist!

And I really, really, enjoy the image of all this change being foisted upon you racists and homophobes in a violent / rape kind of way.


Um, for a heterosexual, any annual sex is without consent so is, by definition rape. And conversely, there is a chance that for a homosexual being "buggered" is consensual. So, saying that someone like you has been buggered, is in no way homophobic but it is telling that you think so.

Racist? - I am not the one who thinks that the NC GOP thinks is a racist!

And I really, really, enjoy the image of all this change being foisted upon you racists and homophobes in a violent / rape kind of way.


Using the term Buggered, which according to you means anal sex, in a derogatory way... is homophobic.

And I have sex more than "Annually" moron, non-spelling idiot.

Using the term Buggered, which according to you means anal sex, in a derogatory way... is homophobic.

And I have sex more than "Annually" moron, non-spelling idiot.

Ok, if you say so, I think that means that the GOP should make you the Southern, inbred, ambassador to the JGBT community so that you can 'splain this ti them.

You secretly want to be buggered don't you? Just say it!

You can have all you want as part of you new ambassadorship!

Ok, if you say so, I think that means that the GOP should make you the Southern, inbred, ambassador to the JGBT community so that you can 'splain this ti them.

You secretly want to be buggered don't you? Just say it!

You can have all you want as part of you new ambassadorship!

I don't believe you... You lie just like your president.


For those Americans who already have health insurance, the only changes you will see under the law are new benefits, better protections from insurance company abuses, and more value for every dollar you spend on health care. If you like your plan you can keep it and you don’t have to change a thing due to the health care law.

I don't believe you... You lie just like your president.


For those Americans who already have health insurance, the only changes you will see under the law are new benefits, better protections from insurance company abuses, and more value for every dollar you spend on health care. If you like your plan you can keep it and you don’t have to change a thing due to the health care law.

you closet bugger!