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2 gone out of the West so far..


Wrong fuckface. I am a DM and these are accurate. Go troll somewhere else fuckstain.

God help us if somebody with your mental capacity is a DM at this company. The territories you listed have not been cut. I know the reps in some of the territories. You are completely full of it and you know it. People are concerned enough for their jobs without liars like you making it seem worse than it already is. I'd bet money you do not even work here as you know nothing about the happenings here and you haven't the intelligence to even structure a sentence without an abundance of profanity.

God help us if somebody with your mental capacity is a DM at this company. The territories you listed have not been cut. I know the reps in some of the territories. You are completely full of it and you know it. People are concerned enough for their jobs without liars like you making it seem worse than it already is. I'd bet money you do not even work here as you know nothing about the happenings here and you haven't the intelligence to even structure a sentence without an abundance of profanity.

Well said! Sounds like 99% of the posts in all threads are from people who don't work here, just wanting to stir the pot and rile people up. What a sad bunch of lives they lead.

Are you implying that there have been no territory cuts and that no one has lost their job?

he clearly did not mean that. There is no doubt that cuts have been made but somebody is just blindly throwing out territories and saying they have been cut when they have not been. One of the territories listed is mine and unless they know something I don't that territory has not been cut. It takes a very disturbed individual to create even more panic in a group that is already in fear for their jobs.

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