2.5 Years Later...

It's not about hand holding either. It's about a great experience and lots of money, two things you obviously missed out on. You sound quite lonely in that hole . . . the echos must get old. Loser.

It's not about hand holding either. It's about a great experience and lots of money, two things you obviously missed out on. You sound quite lonely in that hole . . . the echos must get old. Loser.

Great experience?? How was this a great exp? WE drove around for over a year selling (copromoting on top of it all) an old antidepressant with no accountability, measurement of performance, or building any kind of skills? How was this great? If you are a coaster and just want to get by with the least amount of work then yes it was a great experience. For those of us who like a challenge, want to be assessed on real performance, and build some additional skills this job was a complete waste of time. I'm glad you got a lot out of doing absolutely nothing and coasting for over a year of your career. And as for the "friends": part of things....I have enough friends and don't rely on my work or career to make additional "good friends" Talk about losers!

Great experience?? How was this a great exp? WE drove around for over a year selling (copromoting on top of it all) an old antidepressant with no accountability, measurement of performance, or building any kind of skills? How was this great? If you are a coaster and just want to get by with the least amount of work then yes it was a great experience. For those of us who like a challenge, want to be assessed on real performance, and build some additional skills this job was a complete waste of time. I'm glad you got a lot out of doing absolutely nothing and coasting for over a year of your career. And as for the "friends": part of things....I have enough friends and don't rely on my work or career to make additional "good friends" Talk about losers!

You wear miserable well.

I had a good time building relationships preparing for the launch of indiplon. I took pride in building a territory from the ground level and appreciated the approach that NBI took in treating us with respect and not like the PFE drones that we worked with.

While it didn't work out, I did feel like I was contributing in building a company with the tasks and assignments I was given and that I completed. Sure the long term effects weren't seen but creating business plans from scratch (without a template), establishing P & T Committee contacts, and making formulary in-roads, building hospital contacts, and preparing the large pharmacies for immediate switches has definitely helped me where I am today. If you don't know what I am talking about, YOU were the one coasting. No coasting here.

Yeah, maybe Zoloft was an old horse out in the field when we got it but I certainly have the sales data (from my old PFE partners) to show the difference before and after I entered the territory and that, like it or not, made a big difference in interviewing with my current job. The hiring manager was impressed that I was able to reinvent the wheel with a dog at the end of it's life cycle. And like the other poster, I got a nice salary increase between going to NBI and my current job and THAT was worth it.

It sounds like you still haven't found what you are looking for and are still blaming NBI and probably others for your shortcomings. While you are getting your ECT therapy, see if they can block out your ex-husband and your NBI experiences. Hell, throw your family in while you are at it. Enjoy Coulda Shoulda Woulda-ing your way through life. Talk about a LOSER!

Great experience?? How was this a great exp? WE drove around for over a year selling (copromoting on top of it all) an old antidepressant with no accountability, measurement of performance, or building any kind of skills? How was this great? If you are a coaster and just want to get by with the least amount of work then yes it was a great experience. For those of us who like a challenge, want to be assessed on real performance, and build some additional skills this job was a complete waste of time. I'm glad you got a lot out of doing absolutely nothing and coasting for over a year of your career. And as for the "friends": part of things....I have enough friends and don't rely on my work or career to make additional "good friends" Talk about losers!

God you sound wretched . . . Absolutely wretched.

You wear miserable well.

I had a good time building relationships preparing for the launch of indiplon. I took pride in building a territory from the ground level and appreciated the approach that NBI took in treating us with respect and not like the PFE drones that we worked with.

While it didn't work out, I did feel like I was contributing in building a company with the tasks and assignments I was given and that I completed. Sure the long term effects weren't seen but creating business plans from scratch (without a template), establishing P & T Committee contacts, and making formulary in-roads, building hospital contacts, and preparing the large pharmacies for immediate switches has definitely helped me where I am today. If you don't know what I am talking about, YOU were the one coasting. No coasting here.

Yeah, maybe Zoloft was an old horse out in the field when we got it but I certainly have the sales data (from my old PFE partners) to show the difference before and after I entered the territory and that, like it or not, made a big difference in interviewing with my current job. The hiring manager was impressed that I was able to reinvent the wheel with a dog at the end of it's life cycle. And like the other poster, I got a nice salary increase between going to NBI and my current job and THAT was worth it.

It sounds like you still haven't found what you are looking for and are still blaming NBI and probably others for your shortcomings. While you are getting your ECT therapy, see if they can block out your ex-husband and your NBI experiences. Hell, throw your family in while you are at it. Enjoy Coulda Shoulda Woulda-ing your way through life. Talk about a LOSER!

Oh good lord. Someone play this person a violin already!!! Move on kido it's over gone goodbye see ya later. Stop living in the past talking about how great this place was or how great you WERE. Why don't you brag about scoring 4 touchdowns when you played HS football (Hi Al Bundy) or maybe how you dated the hottest girl or guy in your HS to everyone, or how you were the captain of the cheerleading squad. You really like to live in the past don't you?. Your post oozes patheticness, loser, low self esteem, and being quite the pussy. Yes I know you got a biotech job making 50K more in base salary, a 100K bonus, stock options, and drive around a BMW for a company car and are soon to be promoted to a DM right? All of this was due to working here at one point. We've heard it all before try something more original. Damn man grow a set and move on alreay like everyone else is saying! And yes you do sound like quite the loser.

Oh good lord. Someone play this person a violin already!!! Move on kido it's over gone goodbye see ya later. Stop living in the past talking about how great this place was or how great you WERE. Why don't you brag about scoring 4 touchdowns when you played HS football (Hi Al Bundy) or maybe how you dated the hottest girl or guy in your HS to everyone, or how you were the captain of the cheerleading squad. You really like to live in the past don't you?. Your post oozes patheticness, loser, low self esteem, and being quite the pussy. Yes I know you got a biotech job making 50K more in base salary, a 100K bonus, stock options, and drive around a BMW for a company car and are soon to be promoted to a DM right? All of this was due to working here at one point. We've heard it all before try something more original. Damn man grow a set and move on alreay like everyone else is saying! And yes you do sound like quite the loser.

It seems you have escaped the anger management course again. Your parol officer will be pissed. Dude, get off OP's case. He stated what he's doing now and wondered what the rest of us are doing. Then he simply responded to you and others who say he's weak for stating he had a great time at Neurocrine and has ended up in a better spot. What the fuck is your problem?!! You tell him to move on and yet here you are on this board giving more than a rat's ass about it. Talk about a freak you Fucktard.

OP, I'm glad things worked out for you. I ended up in Big Pharma but am happy and have so far made it through the cuts. Don't fret the haters who can't seem to be happy for others and only want to dwell on their piss poor lives.


It seems you have escaped the anger management course again. Your parol officer will be pissed. Dude, get off OP's case. He stated what he's doing now and wondered what the rest of us are doing. Then he simply responded to you and others who say he's weak for stating he had a great time at Neurocrine and has ended up in a better spot. What the fuck is your problem?!! You tell him to move on and yet here you are on this board giving more than a rat's ass about it. Talk about a freak you Fucktard.

OP, I'm glad things worked out for you. I ended up in Big Pharma but am happy and have so far made it through the cuts. Don't fret the haters who can't seem to be happy for others and only want to dwell on their piss poor lives.


For some reason OP you signed your post with an S but as we all know you really needed to sign it OP. Nice try. LIke the the vast majority on here agree.... LOSER!!!! MOVE ON and stop posting this sappy shit!!!!

Oh good lord. Someone play this person a violin already!!! Move on kido it's over gone goodbye see ya later. Stop living in the past talking about how great this place was or how great you WERE. Why don't you brag about scoring 4 touchdowns when you played HS football (Hi Al Bundy) or maybe how you dated the hottest girl or guy in your HS to everyone, or how you were the captain of the cheerleading squad. You really like to live in the past don't you?. Your post oozes patheticness, loser, low self esteem, and being quite the pussy. Yes I know you got a biotech job making 50K more in base salary, a 100K bonus, stock options, and drive around a BMW for a company car and are soon to be promoted to a DM right? All of this was due to working here at one point. We've heard it all before try something more original. Damn man grow a set and move on alreay like everyone else is saying! And yes you do sound like quite the loser.

I'm not sure you could come across as more desperate or more pathetic. Your posts show you crave attention. You obviously have an inferiority complex masked by a superiority complex to be hanging on to my every post the way you do and trying to scatter misery throughout this thread. You are positioning yourself as someone who is lonely, unhappy with their job, and can't stand to hear that others are doing well. Instead of just moving past a thread where people can post about what they have done in the Post-NBI era, you had to spout off about nonsense and try and post negative rants that are rooted in deep seeded anger, despair, and agony. Go back and give an honest look at your posts, you really do need to see someone about your issues. This thread is about positive experiences post NBI and even after I answered your questions about why NBI was a great place for me, you still can't accept a positive post. Now run along and get back to your Barnyard Porn, Loser.

For some reason OP you signed your post with an S but as we all know you really needed to sign it OP. Nice try. LIke the the vast majority on here agree.... LOSER!!!! MOVE ON and stop posting this sappy shit!!!!

Wrong. Who is "we"? You are the only one riled up over a positive thread. Anyone normal reader would move past a thread that didn't interest them. Instead, here you attack every thread that isn't seeded in torment, suffering and anxiety. Did your mom not hug you enough or did your dad run off on you when you were eight? Go change your tampon you circus freak.

Paranoia will destroy ya.

For some reason OP you signed your post with an S but as we all know you really needed to sign it OP. Nice try. LIke the the vast majority on here agree.... LOSER!!!! MOVE ON and stop posting this sappy shit!!!!

Wow! Where's the love on this board? Somebody's panties are in a wad! It seems to me we should be focusing the thread on what's right about about our situations not bashing good things. Vast majority? HA! You are dipshit. No one else gives a shit about your anger issues. How is life so bad that you ended up so defensive and jaded or have you always been that way? What did you do after neurocrine? Obviously good fortune hasn't fallen on you in a long time. Enjoy that "me against the world" stance asshole.

Wow! Where's the love on this board? Somebody's panties are in a wad! It seems to me we should be focusing the thread on what's right about about our situations not bashing good things. Vast majority? HA! You are dipshit. No one else gives a shit about your anger issues. How is life so bad that you ended up so defensive and jaded or have you always been that way? What did you do after neurocrine? Obviously good fortune hasn't fallen on you in a long time. Enjoy that "me against the world" stance asshole.

LOL the old "Ill post at different times/days so they will think I am different people" trick. Yes, again, OP it is very obvious. You F'n loser!!! Isn't it time for your tree hugging class? Go change your tampon you puss. Get a life and move...the company no longer exists. Please please let us again hear how great you were 3 years ago or better yet in HS. F'in dork!!


LOL the old "Ill post at different times/days so they will think I am different people" trick. Yes, again, OP it is very obvious. You F'n loser!!! Isn't it time for your tree hugging class? Go change your tampon you puss. Get a life and move...the company no longer exists. Please please let us again hear how great you were 3 years ago or better yet in HS. F'in dork!!

You take the bait every time. You even steal lines from people who tell you to change YOUR OWN tampon. Reread the posts ass wipe. The original post was about what is going on now. The posts about the NBI days weren't discussed in detail until you started asking about why NBI was such a great place to be you d-bag. How dense are you? Your two neurons can't take up that much room in your walnut sized brain. Oh yeah they are occupied by anger and resentment. Your husband left you, you've got two bratty kids to neglect and you can't stop chain smoking your marlboro reds. And you wonder why you haven't gotten laid in years? Keep chasing my posts, Loser.


LOL the old "Ill post at different times/days so they will think I am different people" trick. Yes, again, OP it is very obvious. You F'n loser!!! Isn't it time for your tree hugging class? Go change your tampon you puss. Get a life and move...the company no longer exists. Please please let us again hear how great you were 3 years ago or better yet in HS. F'in dork!!

Not OP here. Why do you keep referring to High School? Sounds like a lame band geek comment.

You take the bait every time. You even steal lines from people who tell you to change YOUR OWN tampon. Reread the posts ass wipe. The original post was about what is going on now. The posts about the NBI days weren't discussed in detail until you started asking about why NBI was such a great place to be you d-bag. How dense are you? Your two neurons can't take up that much room in your walnut sized brain. Oh yeah they are occupied by anger and resentment. Your husband left you, you've got two bratty kids to neglect and you can't stop chain smoking your marlboro reds. And you wonder why you haven't gotten laid in years? Keep chasing my posts, Loser.

This is actually getting fun now!! I know I have gotten to you and have GOT you when you start making assumptions on a gender, lifestyle, etc with no knowledge base about me. What's the matter nothing else to come back with?

Time to move on NBI boy. THe golden days here are over. Why can't you just see this for what it is. You are such a loser. Isn't it time to get into your Volvo company car and go to your 6th home simce you were able to land such a better job due to you working here?? LOL. With each post you become more pathetic trying to live in the past. Again, move on already. I look forward to your next post!!!

PS - Please stop posting multiple times trying to act as if you are more than one person. It ponly makesd you look more pathetic. Thanks.

This is actually getting fun now!! I know I have gotten to you and have GOT you when you start making assumptions on a gender, lifestyle, etc with no knowledge base about me. What's the matter nothing else to come back with?

Time to move on NBI boy. THe golden days here are over. Why can't you just see this for what it is. You are such a loser. Isn't it time to get into your Volvo company car and go to your 6th home simce you were able to land such a better job due to you working here?? LOL. With each post you become more pathetic trying to live in the past. Again, move on already. I look forward to your next post!!!

PS - Please stop posting multiple times trying to act as if you are more than one person. It ponly makesd you look more pathetic. Thanks.

Oh, and by the way, since you asked I landed a job selling penile implants. I know it sounds silly but it pays well and the dicks/docs I deal with are awesome.

This is actually getting fun now!! I know I have gotten to you and have GOT you when you start making assumptions on a gender, lifestyle, etc with no knowledge base about me. What's the matter nothing else to come back with?

Time to move on NBI boy. THe golden days here are over. Why can't you just see this for what it is. You are such a loser. Isn't it time to get into your Volvo company car and go to your 6th home simce you were able to land such a better job due to you working here?? LOL. With each post you become more pathetic trying to live in the past. Again, move on already. I look forward to your next post!!!

PS - Please stop posting multiple times trying to act as if you are more than one person. It ponly makesd you look more pathetic. Thanks.

You make no sense but that doesn't mean that there is a lot that can't be contributed to a "knowledge base about you". You are very insecure as you are clinging on to every post on this board (including mine) like a child. You are easy to provoke and don't like being compared to a woman on menstruation. Being told that your are irrational further stokes your fury. You are allow emotions to get the best of you by your incessant use of punctuation marks and your exertion of words in bold print. Someone or something in your life so scarred you in such a way that you have trouble seeing the good in situations and are unable to feel happy for others fortunes. You are probably deceitful as you seem quite paranoid. Your methods of argument include provocation and belittling which clearly define bullying. FYI Bullying is a form of emotional or physical abuse that has three defining characteristics:
1 Deliberate—a bully’s intention is to hurt someone
2 Repeated—a bully often targets the same victim again
and again
3 Power Imbalanced—a bully chooses victims he or
she perceives as vulnerable

Here is some insight into your behavior.

Besides hurting others, bullies damage themselves. Each time bullies hurt others, they become even more removed emotionally from the suffering of their victims.
They learn to justify their actions by believing their victims deserve to be bullied. They also
learn that the way to get what they want from others is through force. Bullies often fail to
develop the social skills of sharing, reciprocating, empathizing, and negotiating that form the basis for lasting friendships.

As they mature into adulthood, children who have bullied others often show higher rates of:
•Antisocial behavior
•Carrying weapons to school
•Dropping out of high school
•Convictions for crime
•Difficulty controlling their emotions
•Traffic violations
•Convictions for drunk driving

They also are more likely to permit their own children to bully others, thus raising a new
generation of bullies. Bullies need not experience these devastating long-term effects
if their patterns of behavior are changed before they become
habitual and entrenched. Bullying prevention strategies are
most effective when applied early to children who are young or
have just begun to bully—the earlier the better. Although it’s
never too late to change a bully’s patterns of behavior, these
habitual patterns are usually much more difficult to change in
later years.

You are wasting your breath if you think you are intimidating me. I feel sorry for you and more importantly your kids. Seriously, get some help.