2.5 Years Later...


Looking at the sad state of affairs in Pharma, I am actually glad that the indiplon thing went down when it did. Had we been looking for jobs now, we'd be in a dog fight with thousands of other reps. NBI was a dream job and I miss those good times and good friends but I'm thankful to have what I have now.

For me at least, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I landed with a biotech company and have a healthy amount of options and ESPP shares to rival what we had at NBI in March 2006. I think (hope) my job security is relatively safe compared to other companies and I received a nice bump in salary when I landed where I did.

I can't help but feel that karma is kicking those at Pfizer who constantly told us that we were going to lose our jobs or were going to be bought out by Big Brother. Now the shoe is on the other foot and many of those folks are having to worry about their jobs and their futures. In spite of my impressions going in that all PFE reps were drones, I worked with a few good guys there and to them I wish them well. On the other hand, those who gave us hell with an air of arrogance are getting their "just deserts".

All in all I am quite happy and all the worries that I had when we lost our jobs have worked themselves out. I'm curious if anyone still reads this board and what has happened to others since we disbanded. Best Wishes to All!

Looking at the sad state of affairs in Pharma, I am actually glad that the indiplon thing went down when it did. Had we been looking for jobs now, we'd be in a dog fight with thousands of other reps. NBI was a dream job and I miss those good times and good friends but I'm thankful to have what I have now.

For me at least, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I landed with a biotech company and have a healthy amount of options and ESPP shares to rival what we had at NBI in March 2006. I think (hope) my job security is relatively safe compared to other companies and I received a nice bump in salary when I landed where I did.

I can't help but feel that karma is kicking those at Pfizer who constantly told us that we were going to lose our jobs or were going to be bought out by Big Brother. Now the shoe is on the other foot and many of those folks are having to worry about their jobs and their futures. In spite of my impressions going in that all PFE reps were drones, I worked with a few good guys there and to them I wish them well. On the other hand, those who gave us hell with an air of arrogance are getting their "just deserts".

All in all I am quite happy and all the worries that I had when we lost our jobs have worked themselves out. I'm curious if anyone still reads this board and what has happened to others since we disbanded. Best Wishes to All!

no one gives a shit you ugly fuck. go kill yourself already

When in gods name will you people let it go already???? The company failed. Hundrerds of companys fail. This was no different. Get a life already and move on for christ sake. Almost three years later you are still at it. You need some serious help or at least something to fill a major void in your personal life.

When in gods name will you people let it go already???? The company failed. Hundrerds of companys fail. This was no different. Get a life already and move on for christ sake. Almost three years later you are still at it. You need some serious help or at least something to fill a major void in your personal life.

Uhh...Pot is that you? It's me, Kettle. Talk about not letting go! Why are you here then? Sounds like you need to up your valium dose and change your tampon. Get over yourself before your anger issues cause you to act out.

Looking at the sad state of affairs in Pharma, I am actually glad that the indiplon thing went down when it did. Had we been looking for jobs now, we'd be in a dog fight with thousands of other reps. NBI was a dream job and I miss those good times and good friends but I'm thankful to have what I have now.

For me at least, it turned out to be a blessing in disguise. I landed with a biotech company and have a healthy amount of options and ESPP shares to rival what we had at NBI in March 2006. I think (hope) my job security is relatively safe compared to other companies and I received a nice bump in salary when I landed where I did.

I can't help but feel that karma is kicking those at Pfizer who constantly told us that we were going to lose our jobs or were going to be bought out by Big Brother. Now the shoe is on the other foot and many of those folks are having to worry about their jobs and their futures. In spite of my impressions going in that all PFE reps were drones, I worked with a few good guys there and to them I wish them well. On the other hand, those who gave us hell with an air of arrogance are getting their "just deserts".

All in all I am quite happy and all the worries that I had when we lost our jobs have worked themselves out. I'm curious if anyone still reads this board and what has happened to others since we disbanded. Best Wishes to All!

Congratulations on your success! As for the person that told you to kill yourself, that is not very Christianlike. LMAO!!!! I like to see people do well when they are f...over and it sounds like you may have been. Never worked at any of these companies but I find Cafe Pharma hilarious. Take care and good luck.

Congratulations on your success! As for the person that told you to kill yourself, that is not very Christianlike. LMAO!!!! I like to see people do well when they are f...over and it sounds like you may have been. Never worked at any of these companies but I find Cafe Pharma hilarious. Take care and good luck.

Thanks. Just curious, what do you do and how did you end up on Cafe Pharma?

Saw this company still had a board on here and thought I'd chime in. I was almost hired for this piece of crap company a few years ago. Lots of big talk. Ultimately, I didnt feel comfortable with it and went with another small biotech company.

I feel sorry for you that took the bait.

Saw this company still had a board on here and thought I'd chime in. I was almost hired for this piece of crap company a few years ago. Lots of big talk. Ultimately, I didnt feel comfortable with it and went with another small biotech company.

I feel sorry for you that took the bait.

Please don't feel sorry. Although it "didn't work out" it actually turned out to be a great experience. Made lots of lasting friendships, had a great boss, and the company treated us fantastic. We partied like rockstars at our meetings and it was a refreshing refrain from the humdrum of the industry...however brief it might have been.

I banked a fair amount of the severance pay and got a nice bump with my current company on top of the bump NBI gave me to come onboard (two 15% salary increases in 1.5 years isn't bad). If I had the choice to do it again, I would in a second. I hope you can say the same for your current position. I truly do.

I agree and think Gary mismanaged the company big time but I also think indiplon was a victim of the times (living in a Post-Vioxx world with Ambien lawsuits aplenty).

It may have been "bait" but it sure paid off.

Please don't feel sorry. Although it "didn't work out" it actually turned out to be a great experience. Made lots of lasting friendships, had a great boss, and the company treated us fantastic. We partied like rockstars at our meetings and it was a refreshing refrain from the humdrum of the industry...however brief it might have been.

I banked a fair amount of the severance pay and got a nice bump with my current company on top of the bump NBI gave me to come onboard (two 15% salary increases in 1.5 years isn't bad). If I had the choice to do it again, I would in a second. I hope you can say the same for your current position. I truly do.

I agree and think Gary mismanaged the company big time but I also think indiplon was a victim of the times (living in a Post-Vioxx world with Ambien lawsuits aplenty).

It may have been "bait" but it sure paid off.

Damn share some of that fineass kool aide you're drinking. I could use some about now. This stuff must be extra potent after reading your post. You should find out where it comes from and market it to other companies. You would make billions. Freak.

Damn share some of that fineass kool aide you're drinking. I could use some about now. This stuff must be extra potent after reading your post. You should find out where it comes from and market it to other companies. You would make billions. Freak.

It's not about the Kool-Aid. It's about having had a great experience and ending up in a better place afterwards with a lot more money, resources and friends. No doubt you are stuck in a hole, can't breath and can only concentrate on misery. Sucks for you, dickhead ;)

It's not about the Kool-Aid. It's about having had a great experience and ending up in a better place afterwards with a lot more money, resources and friends. No doubt you are stuck in a hole, can't breath and can only concentrate on misery. Sucks for you, dickhead ;)

Great let's all hold hands now and get ready to start hugging some trees. Peace love and happiness to you too. Friggin weirdo. Where do you people come from??