1st Interview with Alcon

Why are you a RM kiss ass. This guy is trouble and should not be a DM. He is a selfish jerk who wants to be Mr. Alcon and makes his district like a boot camp. Don't go on this site and say he's a nice guy. He is a crappy manager

Totally disagree. RM is a great guy who has a heart of gold. He ALWAYS has the best interest of his reps in mind. I'm sure the person bashing RM is a former member the Pittsburgh district who was unwilling to change for the better. Look at his performance now as he is ranked in the top 5 and has a lot of his reps having good years.

This is not a pissed off msr in pittsburgh - please. Your telling me just because he became a DM that is why the district is doing well - you are a complete idiot. It had to do with the reps working their butts off last year and the payoff is this year, not the stupid ass DM.

Then why don't you and the other pissed off MSR's with Alcon just LEAVE!!! Nobody wants a bunch of whinning people working for this company. It is so funny that everyone here is such big talk but no one has the BALLS to leave because they know how great a company this is to work for.

Even though you say you aren't one of the pissed off MSR's from Pittsburgh I think that you are and it is a shame that you continue to be pissed off at a DM that gave everything to help you achieve success. Again if you are so unhappy then leave this company. Go to monster.com and post your shitty resume that says you are 0 of 3 and haven't made a product in 2 years because you can't sell worth shit. See what that gets you. Probably 3rd shift at McDonald's.

No you are the fool for staying if you are so unhappy. Have some BALLS and leave the company if you hate your manager so much. Otherwise shut the hell up and go sell something instead of worrying about what your manager is doing. RM is a great guy and if we had more people like him the world would be a better place.

Have to agree. RM is a good person, I can not imagine him as a "boot camp" type. Knowing him very well, I would say he has the best interests of his reps first in mind. And by the way, did the reps decided on their own to bust their asses...I think not. Go ahead and leave if it is so bad but RM is a very good person.

No you are the jerk for trying to discredit Ryan. He is a good guy and people like you suck for not recognizing it. Again if you are so unhappy LEAVE. Nobody is asking you to stay.

you mean a shitty rep is a shitty rep.