Eye No
Eye No
that's the immediate #
take it to the bank
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take it to the bank
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that's the immediate #
take it to the bank
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there are 2200 reps, 2-3 per pod. Formulary will decide head count, the better coverage maybe three reps, bad coverage 1-2.
When I came to novartis, 14 years ago, we had 4 reps. We also had 7 different products. We also covered large territories. Today we have 4 reps with 3 products. There is a whole district in a town I drove to once every two weeks. My guess is the reclast rep is safe. But we have 3 cv reps for one spot in my pod.
Won't matter what products you sell. They will keep who they want and if the Reclast rep goes, someone will be trained. They did that last year. Only issue is that not much time left to sell Reclast and it does take time to learn process of infusion etc.
takes time to learn "process of infusion" - only if you are a r*****
When I came to novartis, 14 years ago, we had 4 reps. We also had 7 different products. We also covered large territories. Today we have 4 reps with 3 products. There is a whole district in a town I drove to once every two weeks. My guess is the reclast rep is safe. But we have 3 cv reps for one spot in my pod.
Uhh, newsflash, the Reclast Patent expires July 2012. For those lucky to stay on board for 6 months, you better save some cash. This company is done!
Reclast gone March 2013. Don't know where you get your info
so what reclast is a dog in a long line of dogs
Bow wow wow it should have 1 rep per state
some area 1 rep for 3-4 states
30 reps tops in the country
Yea OK whatever!!
May be a dog for you if you even if you have sold it . but was alot of fun launching and gave the reps marketability got any other biotech positions.than just selling Tekturkey.
I know many of the Cv reps that would have loved to have Reclast
Oh yeah you're a real marketable rep now ! Bwahahahaha
check back in from the bread line from time to time & share
with us your great marketability !!!
Your either an idiot who got fired or someone who has a big gripe against Novartis.
I sold ReclAst from the start And this helped me get another position in biotech. Smartass
Why don't you try posting something constructive instead of searching for some rogue website where people complain. You will find one of these for any drug on the market my friend.
How sad you are a janitor at a biotech co & find a need to post here . Why ? unfullfilled ?
must be all those poor old women suffering from this horrible infusion that results in pain & agony when biophospho's are already generic & CHEAP .
Grab a broom & get back to work . Post on your own phantom 'biotech' company
Reclast sucks ass with horrible side effects & adverse reations that cause patient suffering
Pray for forgiveness from those victimes while you're at it
If you want to see the termination date, look at THE New Jersey dept. of labor website. Do a search on 60 day warn notices. You will see a list based on the year and month. Click on November 2011 and its lists 183 employees for New Jersey to be downsized. Their termination date is listed as 2/1/2012. Look back at last years downsizing and look at November 2010 Novartis informed the state of the employees lost and their termination date of 2/7/2011. Novartis doesn't have to list totals for the country. Each state has different requirements of prior notice. Iowa requires a 30 notice if a company downsize more than 25 employees in that state. If they have less than the 25 there not required to give advanced notice.