Here's some solid facts:
1) I bring significant scientific cuttting edge information to all my doctors.
2) My docs are always telling me how impressed they are with my product knowledge.
3) I will stay after their office hours to spend time with my key targets.
4) All my doctors are free to call me or text me any time of the day or night if they have a question.
Among other factors this is why I'm confident of keeping my job until the last rep standing. Knowing this I sleep soundly every night without any chemical assistance.
1. Like VIGOR,ENHANCE,SEAS?...your credibilty tank is empty.
2.right. and forgeting you,what you said and who you were with as soon as you leave.
3. ah you're just paid to loiter. don't offices just love those reps that just hang out in the office!
4. hmm. they can consult hypocrites,internet,pharmacy,peers ect. ect. ect. but they are practicing medicine based on "you're cutting edge information"? were is you're territory- Mayberry? I hope I'm never a patient of one of these doctors. You are unique and special in all the universe-and so is everybody else. When you get laid off I'm sure it will not come as a shock to anyone (including you're docs) but you. You have my sympathies. Is the sky merck green in your little merck bubble world?