16,000 employees to cut.

Here's some solid facts:

1) I bring significant scientific cuttting edge information to all my doctors.
2) My docs are always telling me how impressed they are with my product knowledge.
3) I will stay after their office hours to spend time with my key targets.
4) All my doctors are free to call me or text me any time of the day or night if they have a question.

Among other factors this is why I'm confident of keeping my job until the last rep standing. Knowing this I sleep soundly every night without any chemical assistance.

1. Like VIGOR,ENHANCE,SEAS?...your credibilty tank is empty.
2.right. and forgeting you,what you said and who you were with as soon as you leave.
3. ah you're just paid to loiter. don't offices just love those reps that just hang out in the office!
4. hmm. they can consult hypocrites,internet,pharmacy,peers ect. ect. ect. but they are practicing medicine based on "you're cutting edge information"? were is you're territory- Mayberry? I hope I'm never a patient of one of these doctors. You are unique and special in all the universe-and so is everybody else. When you get laid off I'm sure it will not come as a shock to anyone (including you're docs) but you. You have my sympathies. Is the sky merck green in your little merck bubble world?

Here's some solid facts:

1) I bring significant scientific cuttting edge information to all my doctors.
2) My docs are always telling me how impressed they are with my product knowledge.
3) I will stay after their office hours to spend time with my key targets.
4) All my doctors are free to call me or text me any time of the day or night if they have a question.

Among other factors this is why I'm confident of keeping my job until the last rep standing. Knowing this I sleep soundly every night without any chemical assistance.

he,he,he...good one. oh you're serious?
1. VIGOR,ENHANCE,SEAS....ect. Your credibilty tank is empty.
2. ...and forgeting all about you and your products when you leave.
3. Oh I see you've solved #2...you never leave! Don't you just love reps who seem to be paid to just loiter? they just hang around and hang around... kinda like a std.
4. hmm with Hypoctities on their PDA,Internet,Pharmacy, Peers ect. ect. they're gonna call you for their medical info (see #1)? where is this territory, Mayberry? Are these docs Floyd the Barber? I hope I'm never a patient of one of these guys.
I think the phone call is more like: "Hey merck rep. bring lunch stat." You are unique and special in all the universe-and so is everyone else. I'm sure when your layoff notice comes it will be no surprise to anyone other than you. Is your sky in your bubble world merck green?

I just laughed my ass off. Damn, I think there is a rep out there that really has drank the Kool Aid for too long. . . "stays after in office" because their knowledge of clincials is so incredible. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhaha - I just threw up in my mouth! OMG! This has to be some over achiever primary care or an Integrilin rep who goes totally off label on a daily basis. Of course, it could be a "blind" rep who studies and studies and talks and talks and never realizes they need to shut up and get out. LOL

Here's some solid facts:

1) I bring significant scientific cuttting edge information to all my doctors.
2) My docs are always telling me how impressed they are with my product knowledge.
3) I will stay after their office hours to spend time with my key targets.
4) All my doctors are free to call me or text me any time of the day or night if they have a question.

Among other factors this is why I'm confident of keeping my job until the last rep standing. Knowing this I sleep soundly every night without any chemical assistance.

This is a joke, of course. Get it?

No. 17 here. Admittedly I buy coffee for my doctors, but don't bring to the office in the usual manner. Several of my doctors like to make early Saturday morning hospital rounds before they hit the links. I get to the hospital around 6AM on Saturday and position myself at the entrance with coffee in one hand and reprints in the other. As my docs make their way to the entrance I hand them coffee and a reprint. They thank me and tell me how much they appreciate my getting up early on Saturday morning to enhance their knowledge. They keep telling me that they will tell my DM how diligent I am, but thusfar I haven't heard back from my DM, although I'm certain that it will be reflected in my performance reviews and bonus.

enhanced cutting edge materials on every vist??? These are drugs not Think Pads-not much cutting edge going on here @ Merck. "We now have a new indication"(real cutting edge stuff)

No. 17 here. Admittedly I buy coffee for my doctors, but don't bring to the office in the usual manner. Several of my doctors like to make early Saturday morning hospital rounds before they hit the links. I get to the hospital around 6AM on Saturday and position myself at the entrance with coffee in one hand and reprints in the other. As my docs make their way to the entrance I hand them coffee and a reprint. They thank me and tell me how much they appreciate my getting up early on Saturday morning to enhance their knowledge. They keep telling me that they will tell my DM how diligent I am, but thusfar I haven't heard back from my DM, although I'm certain that it will be reflected in my performance reviews and bonus.

I am rolling on the floor and my side hurts. I haven't laughed so hard since my LSD days.

Here's some solid facts:

1) I bring significant scientific cuttting edge information to all my doctors.
2) My docs are always telling me how impressed they are with my product knowledge.
3) I will stay after their office hours to spend time with my key targets.
4) All my doctors are free to call me or text me any time of the day or night if they have a question.

Among other factors this is why I'm confident of keeping my job until the last rep standing. Knowing this I sleep soundly every night without any chemical assistance.

I am certain that you do as your therapist helped you formulate your list.

relax. There's nothing to worry about. Just do your job and you'll be fine.

Profits are up, we have a great pipeline (now that we own S/P's) and we have all that money coming in from animal health.

not to worry dear. merck bought SGP for their pipeline of 5 star drugs which will save Schmerk within the next 2 years. just sit back and these products will practically sell themselves. not to worry.

So where are the cuts? Heard clinical operations is getting hit pretty bad......

where have you been hiding? didn't you see all the numbers posted in the news and pharma blogs? Most recently, Kenilworth will be shut down except for K-15. Additional 500+ to lose their jobs.

Thanks Fred, Carrie, and Tom. But, do notice: Merck got sold a fantasy pipeline and those 3 all got outrageous buyouts and new jobs.

Capitalism, ain't it grand?

It's good to be king, with Carrie Cox as my queen and Tom Koestler as my princess. Every last one of you little people should be glad I kept you employed while I was at Schering-Plough. Quit whining!

All the best,

Fred Hassan

It's good to be king, with Carrie Cox as my queen and Tom Koestler as my princess. Every last one of you little people should be glad I kept you employed while I was at Schering-Plough. Quit whining!

All the best,

Fred Hassan

Thank you Fareed (or as you like to call yourself Fred). We are only grateful that you did not come with the take over otherwise you would have done to Merck what you did with SP and before that Pharmacia.

And from your front porch you can see the sea. If I'll buy that will you throw the golden gate in free?

." merck has already rightsized previously so were all fine. i just don't feel like onboarding some loser winer and diner from sanofi or gsk. two pathetic excuses of companies that got luck with some ok winners - except for sanofi."

"go merck! we are one!!"

"Go Merck - we are done!"

If you think we are done I have some ocean front property in arizona...we have already been told more restructuring in 2012. What a dumbass you are!

"I meant "done" as in "stick a fork in us - we are done"

NOT done as in done with lay offs.

Look at all the other companies, all laying off, both field and home office workers, its a continuing process.(Novartis, GSK, Sanofi,etc) With no new drugs - other than "me toos" which will never impact the bottom line in today's environment, this industry in general, and Merck in particular, will just continue to shrink, contract and reorganize.

Face it, there are very few "unmet" medical needs where a drug will really make a huge difference and thus become a blockbuster. Good generics are here to stay and will rule the RX drug business going forward.

Enjoy the employment while you still have it, and keep a sharp eye out for the next industry to move into. Develop a real skill set - not catering, sig. gathering, or pt ed handout/sample delivery.

The end is near, folks."

Copy/pastae from another thread, worth repeating.

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