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$15 million

Q1 US Brilinta revenue.....stellar!! We're on our way to greatness!

AZ retireee here. I come on the site to see how the company is doing and what the field thinks how things are going. Of course lots of BS here but there is a thread of truth if you read enough posts. 15 million a quarter and Soriet says the future is this product? I think a sounder strategy would be a "relaunch" of Rhinocort Aqua. I'm sure you could do better than 15 million a quarter with that old time product? Don't agree? Well we could relaunch Xylocaine Viscous. Everyone in this industry knows the first six months are crucial to a drug launch. AZ blew the launch of this product and it will never be a blockbuster. I'm so glad I took the lump sum and not dependent on this dying company for my pension.

The company appears to be banking everything on Brilinta and Pascal is expecting big 4th quarter gains in the U.S. I feel for the CVAS related folks promoting it. The pressure and expectations must be absolutely brutal.

Given Brilinta profits so far and otherwise declining revenues, It would seem AZ is little more than gambling on Brilinta to replenish the coffers at this point.

Smaller bolt on future compounds appear to be the strategy, but those are never a given and still years away.

Well at least they can pay The Medicine Co the 15 million that they contracted for. Oh wait that is 15 million in sales not profits. This is the biggest joke or choke that as been seen in a long time.

Crestor, nexium and symbicort are keeping the gas in the cars, the access budgets funded, and the reps out in droves. The company needs to commit themselves to Brilinta like they've been doing because, guess what folks, there's nothing else! Products don't just manifest themselves out of thin air. Need to keep trying with Brilinta, they aren't gonna just give up. Crestor is a good example of a product that looked doomed from the outset, and despite all the difficulty there was a point of inflection where things started to get better, and better, and better. That's the focus for Brilinta.

Will it happen? Who knows...

Crestor, nexium and symbicort are keeping the gas in the cars, the access budgets funded, and the reps out in droves. The company needs to commit themselves to Brilinta like they've been doing because, guess what folks, there's nothing else! Products don't just manifest themselves out of thin air. Need to keep trying with Brilinta, they aren't gonna just give up. Crestor is a good example of a product that looked doomed from the outset, and despite all the difficulty there was a point of inflection where things started to get better, and better, and better. That's the focus for Brilinta.

Will it happen? Who knows...

Yes, quite right, products don't just manifest themselves out of thin air. There is supposed to be something called R&D in a real pharmaceutical company. AZ doesn't do that anymore though, because they decided they could save money by cutting it all, so thin air is their best hope now.

Crestor, nexium and symbicort are keeping the gas in the cars, the access budgets funded, and the reps out in droves. The company needs to commit themselves to Brilinta like they've been doing because, guess what folks, there's nothing else! Products don't just manifest themselves out of thin air. Need to keep trying with Brilinta, they aren't gonna just give up. Crestor is a good example of a product that looked doomed from the outset, and despite all the difficulty there was a point of inflection where things started to get better, and better, and better. That's the focus for Brilinta.

Will it happen? Who knows...

Crestor wasn't facing generic Lipitor at the time, Plavix will have a say in this outcome.

Well at least they can pay The Medicine Co the 15 million that they contracted for. Oh wait that is 15 million in sales not profits. This is the biggest joke or choke that as been seen in a long time.

You are absolutely right, it's SALES and not PROFIT. Profit fell off the cliff to the tune of -35%, and that french bastard wants up front money? Just wait until 2014 when the shit REALLY hits the fan!!

What where the weekly script numbers for Brilinta last week?

We are deciding what #'s to make up to send out today. I think they will be much lower because we need to light a fire under your lazy asses! Brilinta should be a billion dollar drug by now IF we had decent sales reps to sell it!! We give you everything you could possibly need to sell it, and look what you've done to it.

We are deciding what #'s to make up to send out today. I think they will be much lower because we need to light a fire under your lazy asses! Brilinta should be a billion dollar drug by now IF we had decent sales reps to sell it!! We give you everything you could possibly need to sell it, and look what you've done to it.

Yeah, if it had shown significance against a trial arm that was ALL the 600 mg load of Plavix. That is what most ICs use and that is what is on nearly ALL standing orders. Plato B arm crossed the line of unity for that subset. So, there you have it. Doctors know this and Plavix is generic. So, the only place to use B is in nonresponders or suspected slow responders to P.

Yeah, if it had shown significance against a trial arm that was ALL the 600 mg load of Plavix. That is what most ICs use and that is what is on nearly ALL standing orders. Plato B arm crossed the line of unity for that subset. So, there you have it. Doctors know this and Plavix is generic. So, the only place to use B is in nonresponders or suspected slow responders to P.

Just like how Crestor is used.....failures.

Yeah, if it had shown significance against a trial arm that was ALL the 600 mg load of Plavix. That is what most ICs use and that is what is on nearly ALL standing orders. Plato B arm crossed the line of unity for that subset. So, there you have it. Doctors know this and Plavix is generic. So, the only place to use B is in nonresponders or suspected slow responders to P.

Bingo! Give the man/woman the prize! B will soon be completely relegated to non responders, as it should be when you have a generic Plavix out there. $5 million a month won't cut it, but Frenchie is absolutely devoted to B " But hell, remember he's French and stupid!

Bingo! Give the man/woman the prize! B will soon be completely relegated to non responders, as it should be when you have a generic Plavix out there. $5 million a month won't cut it, but Frenchie is absolutely devoted to B " But hell, remember he's French and stupid!

Yes, thank you. Short time with the company but I have asked the REAL questions to my ICs and this is what it comes down to. (Female here.) I am going to coast until they show me the door.

That is a stupid argument. No one fucking cares about loading dose you dipshit. It is the endpoints at 30 days, 6 months 12 months. Fucktard moron. Get with the program. It has a mortality benefit and shows that you can limit aspirin which causes bleeds.

That is a stupid argument. No one fucking cares about loading dose you dipshit. It is the endpoints at 30 days, 6 months 12 months. Fucktard moron. Get with the program. It has a mortality benefit and shows that you can limit aspirin which causes bleeds.

LMAO, you idiot. The subset that got the 600 mg loading of P continued on with 75 mg P for 30 days, 6 mths, 12 mths to timing of first event just LIKE the B arm and it did not show a significant difference. The B arm crossed the line of unity, meaning it failed against that subset. I am just stating what was removed from our "slides and CRI." It is the load that matters as much as daily therapy!!!!! Get IT????? This indicates that getting a 600 mg load with P 75 daily therapy might not be any worse than getting a 180 mg load of B with standard BID daily therapy. (600 mg of P does provide quicker and better IPA than the 300 at that critical time.) What we DO NOT KNOW is how many pts that got P also got a 2b3a as that would have given an instant greater than 80 percent PI at the time of event. So, IT DOES MATTER A LOT!

PLUS, most people (read that again) HAVE a GIANT bottle of 375 ASA in their med cabinet at home. If they are not told and reminded to avoid, avoid, avoid, they might take it. If they are like my hubby, he eats them like candy. Doctors fear that B won't be effective b/c pts won't behave or listen or remember the ASA warning. It is hard enough to get pts to remember to take two pills a day everyday let alone get them to Avoid their ASA when they have an ache or pain. For old folks that's pretty much daily. Put down your company Kool Aid and think.

Clean house now !!!!!! Entire sales force NOW!

OMG! AZ just hired contract reps to sell to retail and discharge. Each territory is going to have two primary care reps for CV, three to four CVAS/Hospital, 1 MDCO and now 1 or 2 contract All to sell Brilinta to 90-140 targets!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Eight or nine fricking people in one geography for basically ONE product with Crestor footing the bill. I promise you that at the end of the year when this product still sucks, AZ will cut half to 3/4 of the salesforce and call it a day. Next year it is over.