1099 Orthopedic Reps... peripheral product lines

The truth is the Endo a-holes holding this place hostage think you make too much money. It's Endo envy and they are not going to be happy until Ortho pay is on par with Endo. Good luck with that one. Jerry wants to transform us into a team of "farmers" as he calls them. We call them service reps. 9 months on the job and still hasn't learned a thing. How pitiful.

To answer the OP. I would recommend an additional product that AT LEAST follows your same call pattern. I found success selling tourniquet machines in my area. I've had the line for 9 years now and it been great. It is very low maintenance and the disposable products are nice business.
Pivot Medical is currently looking for DE's Nationally. They only sell a hip arthroscopy system which may conflict with your hip scope business if you are an endo rep.

Dr. Orbay in Miami is just about to release a new radial line of implants. I am sure he will be looking for distribution. Hope this helps.

At the bare minimum you will have options if SN decides they want to go a different direction.

Good Luck.

If you're at 1.1m and you think you need an associate rep you don't deserve to be a "busy" rep doing 3+ million in business! Go find a Pharma job where you can put on your skirt and high heels and pass out pamphlets all day! Jesus Christ... I could do 1.1 million in this business with my eyes closed, playing golf every day that ends in Y... I hear Pfizer is hiring... who knows maybe those free viagra samples might even do you some good!

I will say that I was personally a little pissed when Smith and Nephew started charging us for shipping. This company does gouge us quite a bit... little by little they take take take.. first its shipping charges, then its a decrease in commissions. You need to be able to handle adversity, find ways to make it up... shit like this is never going to change, and until you own your own orthopedic company you are going to have to deal with it. Stop bitching... and then thank god that you are only going to take a $10,000 pay cut this year with the commission cut and not a $50,0000 pay cut. And if you still feel bad about how much you get charged for shipping each month, ill be happy to show you my check.... My shipping charges are likely more than your take home pay each month!

You all should thank god every single day that you are in Medical device sales, and basically the golden nugget of medical sales (since you mentioned legion revision, I assume you are full line). There are literally people lining up for your job... How many times a month (or week) does someone ask you to help them find a job? I bet its a fairly regular occurrence... All of the bitching I see on this site makes me want to put my head through the wall... fucking deal with it...

More importantly I was the one who started this thread, not one of you has answered or contributed to this thread... how did this turn into a soapbox of people complaining about shipping charges? Do none of you 1099's out there sell any other products? If you don't, you should.. I was hoping that some of you other ambitious reps out there would be able to cast some light on lines that might be a good find... so much for a productive thread... lets all just whine some more!

I need to go... my associate reps have cases to cover, and I have a tee time...

Translation: "Steve needs to play golf so the reps under his Pyramid Compound Pain Cream Scheme can make him more coin today" Enjoy it while it lasts, bud because it's about ready to TANK. Huge investigations and more than likely an episode of American GREED. Besides, the surgeons look at Compound Pain Cream Reps as the lowest of the Low on the Totum Pole. You tarnish the SN name.

Oh, that's right....you don't care.

Tarnish the smith&nephew name? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO Go drink some more cool aid. the S&N monacher doesn't mean shit in orthopaedics. What a joke. Did you forget your pom poms in Orlando?

Tarnish the smith&nephew name? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLO Go drink some more cool aid. the S&N monacher doesn't mean shit in orthopaedics. What a joke. Did you forget your pom poms in Orlando?

Oh and I guess you think that a strip mall compound pharmacy has a better name in orthopaedics? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! You are all going to have to pay the piper. We also know that many of you are paying off Drs. to write your bogus pain creams. Enjoy the money while it lasts because it's getting ready to dry up.

Oh and I guess you think that a strip mall compound pharmacy has a better name in orthopaedics? LOLOLOLOLOLOLOL! You are all going to have to pay the piper. We also know that many of you are paying off Drs. to write your bogus pain creams. Enjoy the money while it lasts because it's getting ready to dry up.

I am a 1099 with this pathetic company and no I do not sell a pain cream.

to all of you on this thread:

please quit your S&N job. we don't want you to work here. we want you to go away. sure, take your surgeon relationships with you. we really don't care about you. we really dont like you. please take a hint. we are charging you shipping fees because we want you to go away. but you didnt. so we're decreasing your commissions becasue we want you to go away. BUT YOU WONT!! WTF!? what will you make us do to make you go away? because we dont want to fire you for legal reasons, but we want you to go away!! we are seriuosly talking about going repless. the rumors are true. AND YOU STILL WONT GO AWAY!!

please, quit s&n and go away.


deSoutter Medical makes the only power drills and saws that compete against Stryker.
The MicroAire line that Endo is giving away is 20 year old technology and the large bone system struggles to do totals.

The guys in southwest sell tons of product other then SN. Last training I was shown at least 5 different products by a rep that he sells. Anything from injections to antibiotic spacers, lots of product to make extra money. I just picked up an injection myself.