I will gladly keep collecting a paycheck, logging fake calls, and doing the bare minimum for this shit hole lol Natera is about playing the game with management because they ain’t doin shit either

New to these hilarious boards.. had to see what it was about. I’d say 85% of posts have truth. These guys are absolute dipshits don’t get it twisted. But, they’re realllly good at covering up and pointing the finger everywhere but inward. No on on my team / division is happy. The puppets in power make it nearly impossible to get ahead. They’re shady as fuck with commission and if we don’t catch it it’s OUR bad? We lost because you’re highly paid assistant boys with one job didn’t earn sat on their ass told you what you wanted to hear.. didn’t step up to do their fuckin job. Im calling it… if the top folk don’t get out reps ARE leaving. This is a fact. How valuable are besties and work politics when so many large entities are out for you,.. nepotism, work flings, dirty secrets that could end marriages ..worth it? Not paying employees and pulling shady shit: wake up the sales force is exiting and once. Myself and other reps NEED a qualified boss. The top down to them is destroying what had potential. Business has improved but not how you build a credible reputation with tiles you have: if you’re ready this.. yes we’re talking to you and hope you resign / retire because elephant in the room is no one wants you here. … minor side note,,, the women are all pretty solid. But, the snakes need to go. Their boss’s boss’s boss should hold them accountable like everyone else. I wish they double exile the cancers in the work build it from the ground up and do awake with corrupt people

New to these hilarious boards.. had to see what it was about. I’d say 85% of posts have truth. These guys are absolute dipshits don’t get it twisted. But, they’re realllly good at covering up and pointing the finger everywhere but inward. No on on my team / division is happy. The puppets in power make it nearly impossible to get ahead. They’re shady as fuck with commission and if we don’t catch it it’s OUR bad? We lost because you’re highly paid assistant boys with one job didn’t earn sat on their ass told you what you wanted to hear.. didn’t step up to do their fuckin job. Im calling it… if the top folk don’t get out reps ARE leaving. This is a fact. How valuable are besties and work politics when so many large entities are out for you,.. nepotism, work flings, dirty secrets that could end marriages ..worth it? Not paying employees and pulling shady shit: wake up the sales force is exiting and once. Myself and other reps NEED a qualified boss. The top down to them is destroying what had potential. Business has improved but not how you build a credible reputation with tiles you have: if you’re ready this.. yes we’re talking to you and hope you resign / retire because elephant in the room is no one wants you here. … minor side note,,, the women are all pretty solid. But, the snakes need to go. Their boss’s boss’s boss should hold them accountable like everyone else. I wish they double exile the cancers in the work build it from the ground up and do awake with corrupt people
NOW THIS IS ACCURATE. The cancers are killing the company. I can attest that myself and every honest rep is praying these pieces of shit disappear. How many resignations and complaints will it take for a mass intervention to occur? This is an honest question. The rich get richer and poor get poorer mentality needs to go. Make the workplace an even playing field. It's jaw dropping how unprofessional, shady and downright evil / crooked people are that remain employed. When you don't shake the tree and keep rewarding this behavior you may win your bottomline in short term but I'm banking on severe future ramifications. We don't give a fuckk how much cash you've got on hand. CHANGE needs to happen IMMEDIATELY. Stop fucking your own people over. Stop pinning everyone against each other. Stop lying to EVERYONE. We all want to make money but it's clear these dirty pieces of shit will go to all time lows to get more of it. If the clients knew what was going on how horrific these closet skeletons are they WILL cut you off. You're fucking with lives. It's time to pull the curtains back and re-evaluate. It's been funny but shits getting real and the elephant in the room is getting bigger. It's a shame democracy doesn't rule because we all know who would be fired. They're so quick to throw it back and point the finger every direction but inward.

NOW THIS IS ACCURATE. The cancers are killing the company. I can attest that myself and every honest rep is praying these pieces of shit disappear. How many resignations and complaints will it take for a mass intervention to occur? This is an honest question. The rich get richer and poor get poorer mentality needs to go. Make the workplace an even playing field. It's jaw dropping how unprofessional, shady and downright evil / crooked people are that remain employed. When you don't shake the tree and keep rewarding this behavior you may win your bottomline in short term but I'm banking on severe future ramifications. We don't give a fuckk how much cash you've got on hand. CHANGE needs to happen IMMEDIATELY. Stop fucking your own people over. Stop pinning everyone against each other. Stop lying to EVERYONE. We all want to make money but it's clear these dirty pieces of shit will go to all time lows to get more of it. If the clients knew what was going on how horrific these closet skeletons are they WILL cut you off. You're fucking with lives. It's time to pull the curtains back and re-evaluate. It's been funny but shits getting real and the elephant in the room is getting bigger. It's a shame democracy doesn't rule because we all know who would be fired. They're so quick to throw it back and point the finger every direction but inward.

Natera’s leadership are the biggest hypocrites in the industry. It’s such a disgusting place! It’s like selling your soul when you join. You literally are making a deal with the devil. And if you try to leave and do anything remotely similar enjoy the use of scare tactics with lawyer letters and such flooding you. Natera wants to own you during and after employment. It’s all about fear and control with these people.

Natera’s leadership are the biggest hypocrites in the industry. It’s such a disgusting place! It’s like selling your soul when you join. You literally are making a deal with the devil. And if you try to leave and do anything remotely similar enjoy the use of scare tactics with lawyer letters and such flooding you. Natera wants to own you during and after employment. It’s all about fear and control with these people.
Think about it.. they were average sales reps who got lucky, got in at the right time or knew someone and have been riding it out as long as the company is allowing.. they're the reps who were shady the people who you'd never trust to buy from and found a loop hole and an immoral place like Natera to give them the floor and it shows what they've done with their platform. More bad than good. They would not get away with it anywhere else that actually holds you accountable or you're done. Shame on them but shame on the one's enabling this behavior sounds like it goes up the flag pole pretty high. Many have voiced how hostile and crooked things are. They've got ahead by breaking people's backs until the company gets what they want or the employee cannot take the abuse anymore. No job should ever entail such horrific day-to-day practices and pure hostility. This is not okay. I hope people realize this. Lab does not have to operate in this fashion.

Place will crumble when someone whistle blows on the lab processes. You can’t fail on every technical level and not get caught eventually.
doing it for all wrong reasons..what they won't tell you is numerous complaints filed. Spend 20 min researching see what you find. How many pt complaints and bbb until taken seriously. Also suggest looking into certain work "ties"

Think about it.. they were average sales reps who got lucky, got in at the right time or knew someone and have been riding it out as long as the company is allowing.. they're the reps who were shady the people who you'd never trust to buy from and found a loop hole and an immoral place like Natera to give them the floor and it shows what they've done with their platform. More bad than good. They would not get away with it anywhere else that actually holds you accountable or you're done. Shame on them but shame on the one's enabling this behavior sounds like it goes up the flag pole pretty high. Many have voiced how hostile and crooked things are. They've got ahead by breaking people's backs until the company gets what they want or the employee cannot take the abuse anymore. No job should ever entail such horrific day-to-day practices and pure hostility. This is not okay. I hope people realize this. Lab does not have to operate in this fashion.

LabCorp isn’t much better.

New to these hilarious boards.. had to see what it was about. I’d say 85% of posts have truth. These guys are absolute dipshits don’t get it twisted. But, they’re realllly good at covering up and pointing the finger everywhere but inward. No on on my team / division is happy. The puppets in power make it nearly impossible to get ahead. They’re shady as fuck with commission and if we don’t catch it it’s OUR bad? We lost because you’re highly paid assistant boys with one job didn’t earn sat on their ass told you what you wanted to hear.. didn’t step up to do their fuckin job. Im calling it… if the top folk don’t get out reps ARE leaving. This is a fact. How valuable are besties and work politics when so many large entities are out for you,.. nepotism, work flings, dirty secrets that could end marriages ..worth it? Not paying employees and pulling shady shit: wake up the sales force is exiting and once. Myself and other reps NEED a qualified boss. The top down to them is destroying what had potential. Business has improved but not how you build a credible reputation with tiles you have: if you’re ready this.. yes we’re talking to you and hope you resign / retire because elephant in the room is no one wants you here. … minor side note,,, the women are all pretty solid. But, the snakes need to go. Their boss’s boss’s boss should hold them accountable like everyone else. I wish they double exile the cancers in the work build it from the ground up and do awake with corrupt people
This is the most accurate post. Shady is an understatement these MF’s will lie their way out of anything and everything. I can’t think of a time they’ve been forthcoming