10 facts for all AZ survivors in 2012:


You will continue to be a PSS or DSM for AZ in 2012 but you have to admit a few things:

1- You will go through this layoff process every year or every OTHER year moving forward
2- You will NEVER feel secure in your job as an AZ PSS/DSM (not one day)
3- You have been abused by Astrazeneca and mistreated terribly past 6 months and you know it and admit it when you stop and think about it.
4- You will have mental scars going through this layoff that will never heal
5- As a survivor of the 2012 layoff, you will feel like youve been "castrated" and stripped of self respect.
6- Increasing age and base salary will always ne a negative in your mind and AZ SSLT thinks its a "problem that must be solved" next layoff in 2013
7- You will be srutinized far more than you ever have. IE-signature times, call times and hours worked in the field
8- You know that you survived this round but will not be as lucky in 2013
9- Your self respect is shattered and self-confidence is low (your an AZ PSS)
10- Your DSM will try to act like he is focused on business but he will be focused on finding a new job in 2012 becuase he barely survived and his confidence is also (secretly) shattered !

You will continue to be a PSS or DSM for AZ in 2012 but you have to admit a few things:

1- You will go through this layoff process every year or every OTHER year moving forward
2- You will NEVER feel secure in your job as an AZ PSS/DSM (not one day)
3- You have been abused by Astrazeneca and mistreated terribly past 6 months and you know it and admit it when you stop and think about it.
4- You will have mental scars going through this layoff that will never heal
5- As a survivor of the 2012 layoff, you will feel like youve been "castrated" and stripped of self respect.
6- Increasing age and base salary will always ne a negative in your mind and AZ SSLT thinks its a "problem that must be solved" next layoff in 2013
7- You will be srutinized far more than you ever have. IE-signature times, call times and hours worked in the field
8- You know that you survived this round but will not be as lucky in 2013
9- Your self respect is shattered and self-confidence is low (your an AZ PSS)
10- Your DSM will try to act like he is focused on business but he will be focused on finding a new job in 2012 becuase he barely survived and his confidence is also (secretly) shattered !

Please just die already you whiny fuck. Hopefully your fat, dumbass is one of the first canned.

You will continue to be a PSS or DSM for AZ in 2012 but you have to admit a few things:

1- You will go through this layoff process every year or every OTHER year moving forward
2- You will NEVER feel secure in your job as an AZ PSS/DSM (not one day)
3- You have been abused by Astrazeneca and mistreated terribly past 6 months and you know it and admit it when you stop and think about it.
4- You will have mental scars going through this layoff that will never heal
5- As a survivor of the 2012 layoff, you will feel like youve been "castrated" and stripped of self respect.
6- Increasing age and base salary will always ne a negative in your mind and AZ SSLT thinks its a "problem that must be solved" next layoff in 2013
7- You will be srutinized far more than you ever have. IE-signature times, call times and hours worked in the field
8- You know that you survived this round but will not be as lucky in 2013
9- Your self respect is shattered and self-confidence is low (your an AZ PSS)
10- Your DSM will try to act like he is focused on business but he will be focused on finding a new job in 2012 becuase he barely survived and his confidence is also (secretly) shattered !


AZ officially changed the name of its list of expirimental drugs from "pipeline" to "pipedream".

This just made me laugh so hard.. It's so true.. Every drug in the "pipedream" is a total disaster..

They shouldn't fire sales, they should be dumping their M&A consustants for recommending such bad acquisitions for the past 5 years.. Seriously has any large pharma company made worse M&A decisions and pipeline acquisitions than AZ?? Seriously, I don't think so...

This just made me laugh so hard.. It's so true.. Every drug in the "pipedream" is a total disaster..

They shouldn't fire sales, they should be dumping their M&A consustants for recommending such bad acquisitions for the past 5 years.. Seriously has any large pharma company made worse M&A decisions and pipeline acquisitions than AZ?? Seriously, I don't think so...

How, how is it that these utter incompetents remain employed here? The management of this company is standard deviations away from what a group of high school students could do. It reminds me of that guy Kim Il as the leader of N. Korea. A complete moron running the show, and no one can get him from behind the reins.

This is a tough time for us here at AZ. There has NEVER been a more important time than now to focus on those things that you can control. AS a PSS for AStrazeneca, you need to step up and make the next 2 days and each sales call count despite the climate at AZ. This is a serious email folks. Take each day as an opportunity to make a difference. You are making a difference in patients lives folks. This is not about AZ its about patients.

So, talk about a patient type and close on all your calls. Control what you can control at this time. There is still a chance that you can prove you deserve to be here in next 2 days. We here at Wilmington know that you folks can finish out strong and make us proud as SSLT make the plan for 2012.. So, your action items should be for the next two days: Get a signature every day before 9:30AM, get a signature after 4:30PM every day. Close on every call. Make that extra call daily to boost your avg. over 10. Try to avg. at least 6 signature EVERY DAY. This will help your chances of success in 2012. This is serious advice for whoever wants it. These metrics are exactly what the DM and RSD look out to see who is serious about their jobs. There is no guessing. Just take a look at signature averages and times and it tells the entire story of work ethic with a PSS. Hunker down folks and stay positive. It will all be better in 2012 and 2013.

Just take a look at signature averages and times and it tells the entire story of work ethic with a PSS. Hunker down folks and stay positive. It will all be better in 2012 and 2013.

These are the two biggest lies/myths ever stated about this layoff because:

1) Timestamps and signatures are no indication of selling success, they can and are frequently forged or faked, and IMS data is highly inaccurate. Many here will argue that the sales data is even tampered with to put certain "undesirables" behind the 8 ball.

2) Selling is a qualitative skill. Management has been "oversold" on the capacity of quantitative data to analyze qualitative efforts. Try figuring out what color your car is by only gathering data from your speedometer. Beyond deducing that you are in a car and you are moving or stopped, the data doesn't give a full picture. Just because you can see "activity" doesn't mean you're any closer to your goal. One rep can call on a doc for years and not be able to do what another rep can do in one or two sales calls. Pull your head out of your software...or perish. Try actually managing instead of hiding behind ISS and reports.

3) The truth and selling don't matter at this point to the survivors in management and the field reps. The Emperor has no clothes and all you bastards are willing to keep quiet until the ship hits the bottom of the ocean. Many on here talk about hours in the field when discussing work ethic, but if any of you had any meaningful ethics, you would never have allowed your work environment to sink to this. You would have changed what you could or left. So here you are, and this is what you get. The rise of tyranny in your workplace and the destruction of lives. It is indeed possible to work long, merciless hours each and every day...for the wrong cause. Examine your ethics and choose better in the future. Do better next time.

Used to be a professional scientist, now work in r&d (haha). Just had some pretty major layoffs and we'll get the same again in 18 months. All 10 points above apply to r&d, senior management have taken a weak organisation and weakened it further. Nobody is interested in science, they're just interested in metrics and objective setting. Lot's of talented scientists being wasted by game-playing no-mark middle managers that got out of the lab at the first opportunity. Never worked for such a screwed company!

Good luck everyone...... We'll need it!

Used to be a professional scientist, now work in r&d (haha). Just had some pretty major layoffs and we'll get the same again in 18 months. All 10 points above apply to r&d, senior management have taken a weak organisation and weakened it further. Nobody is interested in science, they're just interested in metrics and objective setting. Lot's of talented scientists being wasted by game-playing no-mark middle managers that got out of the lab at the first opportunity. Never worked for such a screwed company!

Good luck everyone...... We'll need it!

Incompetency is a competency here

These are the two biggest lies/myths ever stated about this layoff because:

1) Timestamps and signatures are no indication of selling success, they can and are frequently forged or faked, and IMS data is highly inaccurate. Many here will argue that the sales data is even tampered with to put certain "undesirables" behind the 8 ball.

2) Selling is a qualitative skill. Management has been "oversold" on the capacity of quantitative data to analyze qualitative efforts. Try figuring out what color your car is by only gathering data from your speedometer. Beyond deducing that you are in a car and you are moving or stopped, the data doesn't give a full picture. Just because you can see "activity" doesn't mean you're any closer to your goal. One rep can call on a doc for years and not be able to do what another rep can do in one or two sales calls. Pull your head out of your software...or perish. Try actually managing instead of hiding behind ISS and reports.

3) The truth and selling don't matter at this point to the survivors in management and the field reps. The Emperor has no clothes and all you bastards are willing to keep quiet until the ship hits the bottom of the ocean. Many on here talk about hours in the field when discussing work ethic, but if any of you had any meaningful ethics, you would never have allowed your work environment to sink to this. You would have changed what you could or left. So here you are, and this is what you get. The rise of tyranny in your workplace and the destruction of lives. It is indeed possible to work long, merciless hours each and every day...for the wrong cause. Examine your ethics and choose better in the future. Do better next time.

Meaningful and accurate observation.

Former pfizer r&d here. Yeah, all the pharmas are discovering why business majors are bad at science. What happens to the tribe after the chief has no indians left? Ultimatums like, "Discover a $300 Million blockbuster for alzheimer's in 3 years or you're gone isn't how science works. The reality is that someone will be working on something TOTALLY different and recognize an event that may apply to another disease state. It's 80% luck and 20% having enough training to recognize the significance of an event.

Former pfizer r&d here. Yeah, all the pharmas are discovering why business majors are bad at science. What happens to the tribe after the chief has no indians left? Ultimatums like, "Discover a $300 Million blockbuster for alzheimer's in 3 years or you're gone isn't how science works. The reality is that someone will be working on something TOTALLY different and recognize an event that may apply to another disease state. It's 80% luck and 20% having enough training to recognize the significance of an event.
Think about this. Right now everyone is focused on just keeping their job. Ask yourself a different question, "If I was had any other option, would this job be my choice for an enjoyable and rewarding future and career?" Do you want to spend the rest of your life in this mind numbing, incredibly boring, abusive, job? Do you think things are going to get better or get worse in the next 12 months? Is your DSM, RSD etc. more qualified,competent and more supportive than your previous one?

Think about this. Right now everyone is focused on just keeping their job. Ask yourself a different question, "If I was had any other option, would this job be my choice for an enjoyable and rewarding future and career?" Do you want to spend the rest of your life in this mind numbing, incredibly boring, abusive, job? Do you think things are going to get better or get worse in the next 12 months? Is your DSM, RSD etc. more qualified,competent and more supportive than your previous one?

I'm poster #15. I left a couple years ago, so obviously my answer to all of your questions is, "Hell no!". I'm here because an alarming number of friends that I left at AZ are calling me looking for options. After talking with them and reading these forums, I know that I did the right thing at the right time. My heart goes out to you all but at the same time, I'm really excited that you have this unique opportunity to grab cash as you walk out the door and find something meaningful to do (for yourselves and society). The beastly industry you work for is an evil tyrant suffering from chronic equity poisoning. It will be fatal to most, but don't think these giants are going to die without a fight. They are prepared to dismantle the FDA and the rest of the government if necessary to stay well fed. It's easier to objectively see this behemoth once you leave and view it's massiveness from a distance.

Pharma makes Big Oil look like a corner liquor store operation. The rabbit hole goes VERY deep.

You will continue to be a PSS or DSM for AZ in 2012 but you have to admit a few things:

1- You will go through this layoff process every year or every OTHER year moving forward
2- You will NEVER feel secure in your job as an AZ PSS/DSM (not one day)
3- You have been abused by Astrazeneca and mistreated terribly past 6 months and you know it and admit it when you stop and think about it.
4- You will have mental scars going through this layoff that will never heal
5- As a survivor of the 2012 layoff, you will feel like youve been "castrated" and stripped of self respect.
6- Increasing age and base salary will always ne a negative in your mind and AZ SSLT thinks its a "problem that must be solved" next layoff in 2013
7- You will be srutinized far more than you ever have. IE-signature times, call times and hours worked in the field
8- You know that you survived this round but will not be as lucky in 2013
9- Your self respect is shattered and self-confidence is low (your an AZ PSS)
10- Your DSM will try to act like he is focused on business but he will be focused on finding a new job in 2012 becuase he barely survived and his confidence is also (secretly) shattered !

so true !

Wake up people! how can anyone "feel" let down, betrayed by warm fuzzy AZ?? This is business, dollars and cents, decision time...corporate board of directors, shareholders etc...feelings don't have a line item in the budget.