1/11/10 to 7/6/11

Isn't there a cream to make it bigger?? Lol

There is no cream in the world that would make your stuff bigger. Its a pinky, pencil dick. Yes! Size matters. No you aren't the perfect size for me. And any woman that tells you otherwise is lying. I would rather take my chances fucking a steak knife then be within 2 feet of you ever again! Good luck in life and grow up.

There is no cream in the world that would make your stuff bigger. Its a pinky, pencil dick. Yes! Size matters. No you aren't the perfect size for me. And any woman that tells you otherwise is lying. I would rather take my chances fucking a steak knife then be within 2 feet of you ever again! Good luck in life and grow up.

Awww. Sorry you just aren't for me. I have moved on. You can't. Leave it alone. Ps. you were the worst ever!

GOOD bye
by Jewel Diamond Taylor

"No one enjoys being dumped, rejected, laid off, denied, delayed or put down. I believe sometimes... rejection is God's protection. I believe that people can be blinded by FANTASY, abuse, guilt or procrastination and not realize because they lacked the strength to move on...God has a way of closing doors to unfulfilling jobs, cutting us off from people who mean us no good and ending relationships where we lacked the integrity, self-esteem, faith or courage to mend or end.

I believe that sometimes there is some good in a good-bye. I believe there are times we are too naive or in a comfort zone and the only way we can grow is to experience the GOOD-bye. I believe there are times our fear, pride or blind spots keep us in the wrong place or a relationship that has passed the expiration date. There were times in my past when I thought I was ready, qualified or deserving of success, but I realize now I wasn't ready. I sought after relationships where I wasn't equally yoked spiritually, emotionally or professionally. I'm so grateful now that God closed those doors because I was so blind. If I had been insistent and foolish to pursue some relationships, friendships or jobs, I would have missed my true purpose and blessings. When I heard "no" back then, I didn't realize God had a Y"ES" waiting for me to become more faithful, focused, prepared, willing and aligned in His will.

As I look back over my life, I'm grateful God protected me from some desires, relationships, opportunities and jobs that I desperately wanted. But His grace allowed me to feel the pain of rejection and discover there was some good in good-bye. Now when I experience delays or rejection, I believe it's God protection, not punishing me, but pushing me to pray for guidance, discernment and patience."

i wish i had missed the first time that we kissed
cause you broke all your promises.......

who do you think you are?
running around leaving scars
collecting a jar of hearts
and tearing love apart
you’re gonna catch a cold
from the ice inside your soul