My craziest story was when I witnessed a manager Robyn M from south Florida banging one of her reps. I literally heard them through the wall.
How about Gasdia and his flavor of the month?My craziest story was when I witnessed a manager Robyn M from south Florida banging one of her reps. I literally heard them through the wall.
One of my favorites was from training, when we as reps were taught that we (who had approximately 3 or 4 weeks of training) knew more about drug abuse that the police who were trying to identify abusers. What was the purpose of that? Only thing I can think of is they wanted us reps having a superiority attitude. We were constantly told we were the best of the best in the industry.
Can you say, "brainwashing"?
Are you referring to the same Russ who sent out an email to every rep in the nation where he said [paraphrased] Thank God Oxycontin will now be taken from the headlines, referring to the fact that the tragedy that occurred on 9/11 in NYC would take Oxycontin out of the front page headlines.
He wanted the lead buried (and obviously, sales to grow exponentially) when he made this statement.
This is a man you like?? Someone who would blantantly disregard the thousands of lives lost on 9/11. Blantantly disregard all the families and friends of those who died? All so Purdue could continue doing business under the radar. Only thought in that man's mind was making $$. No thoughts of others whatsoever.
Sorry if you too got hoodwinked into believing the BS they fed you for so long. I believe uou may have a form.of brainwashing going on.
If anyone from Purdue EVER sold you on the idea they were helping with pain management and caring for patients, then I would say I've got a bridge I want to sell uou.
Do you really think Windell, Russ, Chris Sposato didn't know the facts that are now coming out...Purdue bought AAPM, APS, etc. Too many slimy things to list, but things you were never privy to.
Each and evety one of them at the higher levels knew exactly what was going on, knew the addiction issues, knew the death numbers, knew so much.....and did absolutely nothing to "help the patient in pain". They only wanted to sell more Oxy to line their pockets and the Sacklers pockets with tons of money.
Read a book about the facts. I dare you.
still butt-hurt after all these years! I'd bet my entire paycheck that you wake up angry
Thank you for the reply Russ. A lot of people wake up heartbroken for the rest of their lives because someone they loved overdosed.still butt-hurt after all these years! I'd bet my entire paycheck that you wake up angry
Thank you for the reply Russ. A lot of people wake up heartbroken for the rest of their lives because someone they loved overdosed.
Whiney tits!!! I was a rep for almost 6 years from late 90's to early 2000's and I never pushed OC into some dumbass' arm or stuffed a crushed 40 or 80mg up their nose.
You're the same morons that believe the election was legit and that Jeffrey Epstein killed himself - stupid Americans.
Nothing better to do at 5:20 am? Get a life!
What isn the difference between a "blow-off" and a "blow out?"The weirdest thing is that they actually flew us out to such beautiful places and stuck us in windowless rooms for 3 days. Or even worse, that i didn't blow off every session
So you returned every bonus dollar earned I'm guessing? You obnoxious POS hypocriteI also worked at Purdue in the field. I, too, saw patients it helped. No doubt, there were and are a select few for whom Oxy was a great drug.
However, if you would pull your head out of your ass and consider the fact that you were hoodwinked, you might see the entire reality. Just like anything else in life, you shouldn't base your opinion on a matter as huge as the opioid epidemic (and Purdue's role in it) solely on your own limited experience. Try educating yourself. Try reading a book or two. Try seeing others' points of view.
Most (vast majority) of people who have died from the opioid epidrmic were not bad people. Most (again, vast majority) were productive, upstanding members of society. They were unfortunate enough to be prescribed Oxy by a doctor who was also hoodwinked by Purdue.
I know you, the above poster, can't imagine someone in your fine, upstanding world, becoming addicted to drugs. I'm sure the cast majority of the loved ones of those who died couldn't have imagined it either. UNTIL IT HAPPENED.
Wake up and smell the roses (and the shit that fertilizes them). Noone expects tragedy. It happens. Addiction happens. Cancer happens. Deaths happen.
These things, unfortunately, happen. The truth of the matter is that Purdue "fed the fire" of addiction and made the Sacklers billionaires. And many, many reps very wealthy.
In case you haven't read anything available and are only relying on the ceap that Purdue fed you, here's a few of the facts.
1. Purdue paid off the AAPM and the APS (remember the little green booklet we gave out on every call)? It may have well been entitled, "Purdue's laws on pain management to make the Sacklers rich" guidelines
2. Purdue got off easy in Virginia in 2007, when they paid a tiny percentage of their profits in a fine.
I could go on forever, but it's not my job.
Read something!!