JH "a proven, inspiring leader"

But hold up... Lib lung cancer finally hit 4% share... wooo hooooo!

Might be at 5% now but who knows what's true. It changes all the time and we dont get all the numbers. Keep JH away from oncology clinics. Obvious this guy never sold a thing and barely knows the product. Best thing he does is tell jokes to staff and carry coffee canisters

A few weeks ago my RD said re-org is on the way. JH is being moved somewhere else after all the damage has been done. Buckle your seat all!

JH isn't responsible for the whole mess, his predecessor contributed more than his fair share. Len and Marion will hire anyone with Keytruda experience on their resume, but does marketing the first PD-1 inhibitor to market with earth shattering clinical data really prepare you to launch Libtayo (which is actually quite a good drug)?...Well we are now 0-2

JH isn't responsible for the whole mess, his predecessor contributed more than his fair share. Len and Marion will hire anyone with Keytruda experience on their resume, but does marketing the first PD-1 inhibitor to market with earth shattering clinical data really prepare you to launch Libtayo (which is actually quite a good drug)?...Well we are now 0-2

True on most points. As bad as the predecessor was (EB?) that guy had no keytruda experience. He left Merck before launch. JH barely touched keytruda. I think whoever mentioned above is right. JH was so bad they ran his ass out. maybe whoever hired him thought he was 'inspirational'... Dry as dust, never knows what he's talking about, says anything that might stick, doesn't fool anyone. A few people on the SHO team have worked with Key or competitors (actually, its fact). Maybe a few do seem to get it. At least one of those guys knows this stuff deep... The RDs were all impressed and thought he was next in line. But for some reason he was pushed to international 'special project'.... God save the queen....

Has anyone volunteered to work at ASCO? You will be invited to the team reception and be warned JH will give a usual boring speech. Say what you want but Len's and George's speeches makes JH look like Elmer Fudd. Not all his fault, his nature and personality and never sold or took training on how to speak to sales force. Just think about the last painful POA speech. If he says "get ready to become the oncology powerhouse" save yourself from laughing in the room and walk out. If his speech goes +5 he's only trying to prove he's the smartest guy in the crowd