Kite CTAMS dropping like flies


Hurricane Cindy is the gift that keeps on giving.

More CTAM's leaving the loving arms of Wheeler to go to new opportunities with even less work than Kite where they can perform more logistics magic.

Also, Frank Neumann and Armando saw the light (Or maybe the BiSistronic data) and fled the burning village before Pitchfork Cindy could take them out.

Next question-When does Big Dave and his sidekick start feeling the wrath of Dirty Dick?
The blitzkrieg is coming to Santa Monica and it has an accent.

Meanwhile, Brett keeps racking up the airline miles and his merry men are flying around like FedEx pilots taking rectal temperature checks with the remaining few. What a clownshow!

The implosion continues with the Chief of Worthless behaviors, Wheeler out, full Adriana style with a heart tugging goodbye to the team that mostly hates his guts.

Training now called 1 and a half men, and top rep in country leaves while the rest are interviewing at any company that will talk to them.

After traveling the country having coffee with his top reps (aka best looking reps) Brett is now a lifetime Platinum Diamond Titanium Ambassador which will get him free tugs and hugs at any Marriott.

Will the toothless and mostly lame Hamdan return from the ashes and rise like a Phoenix over the rubble of the West? Will Dave and Heidi finally admit the truth? Will more Marketplace Manipulators and overpaid KAD, PAD, RAD, DADS find a new home at an "up and coming cell therapy player with market potential of at least 78 patients a year"....we shall see.

Hurricane Cindy in action! Fun to watch!

The implosion continues with the Chief of Worthless behaviors, Wheeler out, full Adriana style with a heart tugging goodbye to the team that mostly hates his guts.

Training now called 1 and a half men, and top rep in country leaves while the rest are interviewing at any company that will talk to them.

After traveling the country having coffee with his top reps (aka best looking reps) Brett is now a lifetime Platinum Diamond Titanium Ambassador which will get him free tugs and hugs at any Marriott.

Will the toothless and mostly lame Hamdan return from the ashes and rise like a Phoenix over the rubble of the West? Will Dave and Heidi finally admit the truth? Will more Marketplace Manipulators and overpaid KAD, PAD, RAD, DADS find a new home at an "up and coming cell therapy player with market potential of at least 78 patients a year"....we shall see.

Hurricane Cindy in action! Fun to watch!

Kite flyer, I can’t tell you how great these posts are…for those of us here, the inside jokes are amazing. Thanks for the updates, keep them coming… to go Brett has a “coffee” with me now.

Kite flyer, I can’t tell you how great these posts are…for those of us here, the inside jokes are amazing. Thanks for the updates, keep them coming… to go Brett has a “coffee” with me now.

Remember, when he eats, keep yourself far away from his mouth. You have been warned!

Also, expect some "attaboy, awesome job, I got your back, you are my guy/gal/hero" and last but not least, "my flight got cancelled, guess I will have to spend another day in paradise".

Kite was a terrible career move for me. I hope the bastards that destroyed it by pandering to worthless CTAMs and not listening to customers-ever-suffer professionally,. And by suffer, I mean get laughed out of the industry. They absolutely suck,

What I want to know, is since when do we willfully, permit a supposedly responsible representative of our company, you know, (Ms. NBA, DBA, PhD, CPA, NFL, MBA, and DDS for all I know) to get on a universal social media platform, and highlight other companies, misfortune, or state of the union. Just speaks volumes about where I think we’re headed. Does that help us in any way? Maybe to appear to minimize what we’re doing to ourselves? Poor leadership at the get/go and now we’re floundering.

Can someone please tell me why, we permit a supposed representative of our company, to post negativity regarding other companies on a universal social media platform? You know what I’m talking about, (Ms., NFL, NBA, MLB, PhD, MSN, CNBC, FNP, MS, and DDS for all I know).
Can we set the budget to include some sort of a pittance of bonus, even if I am not at 100%? Thank you, leadership team, for all the wonderful directional advice to this point. All this speaks volumes about our organization.

Can someone please tell me why, we permit a supposed representative of our company, to post negativity regarding other companies on a universal social media platform? You know what I’m talking about, (Ms., NFL, NBA, MLB, PhD, MSN, CNBC, FNP, MS, and DDS for all I know).
Can we set the budget to include some sort of a pittance of bonus, even if I am not at 100%? Thank you, leadership team, for all the wonderful directional advice to this point. All this speaks volumes about our organization.

Oh you must be talking about the genius on paper person who tried to convert us to electric cars and windmill power after sending 500 pounds of chinese junk to LTN events. Yeah shes vapid.

Hurricane Cindy is the gift that keeps on giving.

More CTAM's leaving the loving arms of Wheeler to go to new opportunities with even less work than Kite where they can perform more logistics magic.

Also, Frank Neumann and Armando saw the light (Or maybe the BiSistronic data) and fled the burning village before Pitchfork Cindy could take them out.

Next question-When does Big Dave and his sidekick start feeling the wrath of Dirty Dick?
The blitzkrieg is coming to Santa Monica and it has an accent.

Meanwhile, Brett keeps racking up the airline miles and his merry men are flying around like FedEx pilots taking rectal temperature checks with the remaining few. What a clownshow!

Hurricane Cindy is the gift that keeps on giving.

More CTAM's leaving the loving arms of Wheeler to go to new opportunities with even less work than Kite where they can perform more logistics magic.

Also, Frank Neumann and Armando saw the light (Or maybe the BiSistronic data) and fled the burning village before Pitchfork Cindy could take them out.

Next question-When does Big Dave and his sidekick start feeling the wrath of Dirty Dick?
The blitzkrieg is coming to Santa Monica and it has an accent.

Meanwhile, Brett keeps racking up the airline miles and his merry men are flying around like FedEx pilots taking rectal temperature checks with the remaining few. What a clownshow!

Trying to understand the purpose of removing wheeler? Results? Sure. But why is he held accountable for it and not BC? And most importantly DH? He seems to be the continuing factor in this whole mess. And getting rid of James does not send a message to the sales force when no one knows why