Insurance coverage


Is anyone hearing if there is a light at the end of the tunnel yet for our coverage? Patients won’t pay $350- $800 for an ADHD medication when they can pay a substantially less amount for something else even if it does cause a crash. Doctors have stopped offering it anymore in offices because they can’t get approval even after going through all the hoops.

Is anyone hearing if there is a light at the end of the tunnel yet for our coverage? Patients won’t pay $350- $800 for an ADHD medication when they can pay a substantially less amount for something else even if it does cause a crash. Doctors have stopped offering it anymore in offices because they can’t get approval even after going through all the hoops.

I'm seeing our coverage get worse rather than better. This is our new normal. Offices stop writing because of coverage, you get no direction from management. Just wait till management starts circling around asking why an office stopped writing. When you tell them coverage, they will tell you that's a smoke screen.

Just wait for it, it's coming.

I love how my RD is spotting off non stop that "the company is doing great but we need to kick it in another gear". News flash the company isn't doing great and my RD will be the last one to realize that. Just wait till mid summer and all the discontinuations. Management is going to have a heart attack.

I'm seeing our coverage get worse rather than better. This is our new normal. Offices stop writing because of coverage, you get no direction from management. Just wait till management starts circling around asking why an office stopped writing. When you tell them coverage, they will tell you that's a smoke screen.

Just wait for it, it's coming.

Already happening.
“The copay card issue is over. You need to move past it.”
What a joke. No, it’s not over. Patients still aren’t getting approved. Doctors are refusing to write because they are tired of denials. Appeals don’t work. Stop blaming us for our territories sucking. Coverage SUCKS.

Almost all my providers that were actively writing Qelbree prescriptions have now stopped because they can't get it approved. Like it or not unless our contracting department does something this show is over. It will be a struggle to stay above water indefinitely.

The other day I compared Qelbree weekly prescriptions with my Jornay rep and they are showing almost twice the amount of weekly Qelbree prescriptions per target than my system.

oh you didn’t know ironshore leadership inflates their competitors numbers? so the reps think they have to push harder and sell more thinking they’re losing?

I can’t believe that mgmt is so stupid to think we haven’t already gone after straterra conversions.

this is sad

Desperation is starting to show. They are behind forecast again this year. They did it again folks another unrealistic forecast to drum up stock. The street has smartened up, that’s why stock is significantly down and will continue to drop.