Losing your best years to Corporate America.


I will expand on this later. I don't have the time right now.

But, this is a warning to those of you in your 20s-40s....please consider a career outside of Corporate America.

You are at your peak from about 16-56, and from about 16-36, are the years to start a business and shoot for the moon. You are not going to get there working as a stiff for the Corporate World. Do yourself a favor and explore what you love and look to build a business around that. OR, simply observe your environment, and seek out what the market needs, and how you can contribute. There are tons of unmet needs that can lead to a business, where you can get rich, and enjoy that gig.

The corporate world will spit you out when are are no use to them. They will suck the life out of you, and underpay you and underappreciate you. Time will dwindle down, and then you are left with peanuts. This is 100 percent the truth, and something too many people accept. Don't be that person. This is more true if you are a winner and work hard.

Leave the Corporate World to lazy people with no talent. They need it to survive. Winners don't need that.

I will expand on this later. I don't have the time right now.

But, this is a warning to those of you in your 20s-40s....please consider a career outside of Corporate America.

You are at your peak from about 16-56, and from about 16-36, are the years to start a business and shoot for the moon. You are not going to get there working as a stiff for the Corporate World. Do yourself a favor and explore what you love and look to build a business around that. OR, simply observe your environment, and seek out what the market needs, and how you can contribute. There are tons of unmet needs that can lead to a business, where you can get rich, and enjoy that gig.

The corporate world will spit you out when are are no use to them. They will suck the life out of you, and underpay you and underappreciate you. Time will dwindle down, and then you are left with peanuts. This is 100 percent the truth, and something too many people accept. Don't be that person. This is more true if you are a winner and work hard.

Leave the Corporate World to lazy people with no talent. They need it to survive. Winners don't need that.
stop whining you silly bitch

I worked in healthcare for many years before pharma. That will suck the life out of you. No appreciation, no career ladder, punished you for calling in sick, made you schedule vacations 6+ weeks in advance.

Then I went into pharma in 2003. I was valued, I was paid well, I had independence to use my brains to run my business. I got to travel, train other reps, and partied like a rockstar at meetings. Put the most I could in my 401K and my company actually contributed a decent amount! (No matching in healthcare!)

Company changed hands, vision was lost, new drug that I did not believe in (another long acting opiate in the midst of the opioid crisis - in Florida, too), and I got out in 2014, having worked for the same company those 11 years. I did 2 more healthcare sales jobs, then went back to healthcare, with a renewed feeling of REALLY helping patients, not annoying physicians.

I will retire with a shitload of money in that 401K due to pharma. I saw parts of the country, and took an international President's Club trip. I made lifelong friends in pharma.

Corporate America isn't that bad....you just need to always have Plan B in effect....

I worked in healthcare for many years before pharma. That will suck the life out of you. No appreciation, no career ladder, punished you for calling in sick, made you schedule vacations 6+ weeks in advance.

Then I went into pharma in 2003. I was valued, I was paid well, I had independence to use my brains to run my business. I got to travel, train other reps, and partied like a rockstar at meetings. Put the most I could in my 401K and my company actually contributed a decent amount! (No matching in healthcare!)

Company changed hands, vision was lost, new drug that I did not believe in (another long acting opiate in the midst of the opioid crisis - in Florida, too), and I got out in 2014, having worked for the same company those 11 years. I did 2 more healthcare sales jobs, then went back to healthcare, with a renewed feeling of REALLY helping patients, not annoying physicians.

I will retire with a shitload of money in that 401K due to pharma. I saw parts of the country, and took an international President's Club trip. I made lifelong friends in pharma.

Corporate America isn't that bad....you just need to always have Plan B in effect....

Thanks for sharing your story.

You are right about having that Plan B, because they love to lie in this industry and give people a false sense of security.

What pissed me off the most about this industry is that top performers were never rewarded with anything relevant. The bonus wasn't that great. The promotions were few. I have also seen the biggest idiots in this industry, that sucked at sales and had poor work habits, get promoted all too often.

I will have to disagree with you on corporate America. It really is that bad. Maybe when you are young and naive, it is easier to handle, because you don't have a frame of reference and your life experience is so limited.

People in medical or pharma sales and past the age of 35, I really don't have any respect for, because they demonstrate a lack of intelligence. This is even more correct after the debacle in 2020, and everything that came with it. Doctors really demonstrated their lack of intelligence during that time, and the industry was exposed for the corruption and for the outside influences that displayed who is really running the show. It is not about patient health, but factors that are meaningless, like profit and control of the American people.

Not only do you likely lose the best years of your career in corporate America, but you are probably losing years of your life, with the Jimmyjammer the made people take to keep their jobs. Stupid people fell for it, because they lack critical thinking skills. I guess that is what happens when your job is to read a core visual aid all day. You just become a blob.

Not only do you likely lose the best years of your career in corporate America, but you are probably losing years of your life, with the Jimmyjammer the made people take to keep their jobs. Stupid people fell for it, because they lack critical thinking skills. I guess that is what happens when your job is to read a core visual aid all day. You just become a blob.

It may be time to get a land scaping job or see someone about the "core visual aid".

Well, I have a field ride on Monday and have already set my alarm clock. I wouldn't want to miss my 8:30 am meeting with my manager at Starbucks.

I also had sex with my core visual aid, so I don't miss any important point to my brainwashed doctors.

This industry is for me. I was a cheerleader and drank a lot in college. I am so thankful.

Well, I have a field ride on Monday and have already set my alarm clock. I wouldn't want to miss my 8:30 am meeting with my manager at Starbucks.

I also had sex with my core visual aid, so I don't miss any important point to my brainwashed doctors.

This industry is for me. I was a cheerleader and drank a lot in college. I am so thankful.

I'm thankful you address the challenges of complex medicine on daily basis while saving lives. It's what a guy does.
The real question is: do you look and feel confident? Is the car clean and samples in an orderly fashion? Have you been holding those key docs "accountable".

Hey, get some banana bread and sparkling water while your up there.

Relax, you will play this game until they choose to no longer let you play. Then, you will dig in and come out the other side ahead of the game and a lot better off.

Car sales is even better than pharmaceuticals. Customers renew their leases and if they liked the car brand, they will request their previous salesperson. How often does a doctor request a previous pharmaceutical representative? After a drug goes off patient, are any of your business contacts useful for a new launched medicine? If you have lots of doctors who prescribed your antibiotic, will they also prescribe the new cancer medicine you sell? Infectious disease doctors do not prescribe cancer medicines. All those years building contacts in infectious disease is useless in oncology. This industry could not be more toxic to employees futures. Everyone lives day by day with almost no access to customers. New medicines rarely sell well so companies have to charge 200k a year for new medicines in order to bring in the revenue Wall Street expects. Millions of patients used to be on precious promoted medicines that cost $3000 a year. New medicines will be lucky to have a few thousand patients world wide at 200k per year. Get out of pharmaceuticals while you can.

In the early 2000s pharma sales was still okay. I love animals so unfortunately I have to discuss the “Boiled Frog Syndrome.” If you put a frog in room temperature water and put on stove and slowly increase heat it will just swim around pan and slowly be boiled alive. If you take a frog and toss it in a pan of boiling water, it will immediately jump from pan and live to see another day.

That is pharma sales. Young people are amazed coworkers have done this job for ten years. They say “I can’t even last 10 months.” The response is “the job used to not be this bad.”

Please don’t be boiled alive! If you are lucky and sell a fantastic product today the job may be okay. This situation is very rare and will not last much longer. Understand you will likely have to work until you are in your 70s. The okay days will end. Get out of pharma sales early and find a better career.

I think there are few jobs with such a bleak future as pharmaceuticals. Doctors and insurance have many generic medicines to choose. With healthy lifestyle most people can live into their 80s. People can’t live forever. Few pharma products really make a difference in life span. Enjoy your life now and get out of pharmaceuticals

Pharma/med device/healthcare sales...its just a total scam these days. As I got older, I got smarter and just observed so many scamming companies, that create these markets to get consumers to buy their worthless products.

I can see why they just love to hire newbies in their 20s....they are naive and don't understand how anything works. These are the types that think our government is not corrupt and that Fortune 500 companies have integrity.

I would say, that if you are a truly intelligent person, you are going to gravitate towards a low stress job and a low stress city. People in corporate are the ones that have high stress, travel a lot, and are very boring people to be around. They just never get it. They seem to think making money is so important in life, and miss out on life entirely.

I will leave this post with this: I NEVER learned anything of significance from a corporate person. NEVER. That says a lot. Most of the people I learned from were blue collar business people with integrity and honesty in their blood, and blue collar workers that get after it everyday. Lazy corporate people just don't have a lot to offer our society. Most of them just play it safe, have drinking problems, and like I stated earlier, are boring people to be around.

... Enjoy your life now and get out of pharmaceuticals
The problem is, as has been discussed, is that we get comfortable. Say someone has a base salary of 100, 120, and another 30-50 per year in bonus, + car, expenses, benefits.... Many like myself couldn't find another role or industry that paid anywhere near this amount. I have tried many times over the years, been on many interviews. Even did a few years in device but came back for the overall package and schedule. So you get used to the stress, the phony day-to-day stuff.
I think what would be helpful is some recommendations on how to get out of the cycle. Has anyone gotten out of this type of pharma role and found something lower stress, more satisfying, but also high-pay?

The problem is, as has been discussed, is that we get comfortable. Say someone has a base salary of 100, 120, and another 30-50 per year in bonus, + car, expenses, benefits.... Many like myself couldn't find another role or industry that paid anywhere near this amount. I have tried many times over the years, been on many interviews. Even did a few years in device but came back for the overall package and schedule. So you get used to the stress, the phony day-to-day stuff.
I think what would be helpful is some recommendations on how to get out of the cycle. Has anyone gotten out of this type of pharma role and found something lower stress, more satisfying, but also high-pay?
What you are missing is this:

This job still doesn't pay well VS. the stress and micromanagement. All corporate jobs and outside sales jobs suck the life out of you because of all the "running around" you have to do, and the constant "you are not doing enough" from your boss.

Sales sucks.

I would say car sales is actually the easiest job out there, because you are stationary. Seriously, you don't fight traffic, and you don't run around like a clown.

The older I get, the more I recognize that the best way to make money is from home or going to a brink and mortar place and plopping your rear end in a seat. It is far less stressful.

What you are missing is this:

This job still doesn't pay well VS. the stress and micromanagement. All corporate jobs and outside sales jobs suck the life out of you because of all the "running around" you have to do, and the constant "you are not doing enough" from your boss.

Sales sucks.

I would say car sales is actually the easiest job out there, because you are stationary. Seriously, you don't fight traffic, and you don't run around like a clown.

The older I get, the more I recognize that the best way to make money is from home or going to a brink and mortar place and plopping your rear end in a seat. It is far less stressful.
Another aspect of sales in corporate America is that the best and the brightest in college are not looking to get into sales. Most sales managers and representatives were people that were not driven, academically. And these are the people we are stuck with working with most of our lives, unfortunately.

What you are missing is this:

This job still doesn't pay well VS. the stress and micromanagement. All corporate jobs and outside sales jobs suck the life out of you because of all the "running around" you have to do, and the constant "you are not doing enough" from your boss.

Sales sucks.

I would say car sales is actually the easiest job out there, because you are stationary. Seriously, you don't fight traffic, and you don't run around like a clown.

The older I get, the more I recognize that the best way to make money is from home or going to a brink and mortar place and plopping your rear end in a seat. It is far less stressful.
Bitch just won’t stop