I’ve heard management turnover has been significant recently. What is the company message being used to drive sales and marketing?
...useless, exhausting, AND smugOne thousand percent agree. They’re useless and exhausting.
Step 1- Learn to use the computer keyboard...I’VE heARd maNAgEmeNT tuRnoVeR Has BEeN SigNIFIcaNT RecenTlY. What iS thE COmPAnY MesSaGE beING USeD TO dRiVE saLeS And mArkEtING?
Step 1: Learn how to understand random caps as a tool of mockery on message boardsStep 1- Learn to use the computer keyboard..
IdiOtStep 1: Learn how to understand random caps as a tool of mockery on message boards
Step 2: Apply clown makeup and continue reporting to home office![]()