146 is a pipe dream habib. Haas will take you and those pompous pants to the cleaners
A vote of confidence in the C-suite imbeciles. Who are these people?
General Risk Factors
Enzo has concluded that there are material weaknesses in its internal control over financial reporting, which, if not remediated, could materially adversely affect its ability to timely and accurately report its results of operations and financial condition. The accuracy of Enzo’s financial reporting depends on the effectiveness of its internal controls over financial reporting.
We rely on network and information systems and other technology whose failure or misuse could cause, and has caused, a disruption of services or loss or improper disclosure of personal data, business information, including intellectual property, or other confidential information, resulting in increased costs, loss of revenue or other harm to our business.
Cyber security risks and the failure to maintain the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of our computer hardware, software, and Internet applications and related tools and functions could result in damage to the Company’s reputation and/or subject the Company to costs, fines, or lawsuits.
Don't forget the #1 biggest loser, our own COO, who is a complete phony who continues to hide in her office away from anyone but Habib and VF.
What sinks faster , the missing submarine or an Habib and Cara lead company
Great time for a vacation Habib. The house is on fire, employees lives are in peril and you can put your greasy head on a pillow overseas
you suck
The prophet has spoken,What sinks faster , the missing submarine or an Habib and Cara lead company
what happens to all my stock options?The prophet has spoken,
52 cent.
Time for shareholders to revolt. Management has failed to deliver.what happens to all my stock options?
52 cent times zero,what happens to all my stock options?
Here come the .40sThe stock is going down faster than the CEO at a 50+ singles party.
more defections of employees that see the time has come. one day you learn they are gone without any announcement.Nobody wants that wino
Perhaps the last one in the building can turn the lights outThe queen of procrastination strikes again