$44.70 stock close today - thanks Lurch


Hey Lurch - you were asked a direct question about Sotyktu market share and volume. You completely skirted the answer and the stock reflects investor confidence in you. You done even lie well when you’re on the phone & no one can see you

Hey Lurch - you were asked a direct question about Sotyktu market share and volume. You completely skirted the answer and the stock reflects investor confidence in you. You done even lie well when you’re on the phone & no one can see you
They see me rollin'
They hatin'
Patrollin' and tryna catch me ridin' dirty
Tryna catch me ridin' dirty
Tryna catch me ridin' dirty
Tryna catch me ridin' dirty
Tryna catch me ridin' dirty
My music's so loud
I'm swangin'
They hopin' that they gon' catch me ridin' dirty
Tryna catch me ridin' dirty
Tryna catch me ridin' dirty
Tryna catch me ridin' dirty
Tryna catch me ridin' dirty

  • gijo   Apr 25, 2024 at 11:21: PM
How is legacy Celgene CFO still having this job? With the tremendous slump in share price year over year, whose blue-eyed boy is he?