Why would this company invest in pain medication?


Why would this company invest in pain management drugs when Generics are available? Doctors are not excited about this space and won’t be excited about yellow rose.

Why would this company invest in pain management drugs when Generics are available? Doctors are not excited about this space and won’t be excited about yellow rose.
Have you seen/heard leadership in this company? The sales force is being lead by Napoleon. I think we all know how that turned out.

Have you seen/heard leadership in this company? The sales force is being lead by Napoleon. I think we all know how that turned out.

Jeff was an awesome regional manager, I can’t speak to his ability in his current position but Brad had to go because the optics were shit.

The real mistake was promoting Tracy from DM to RSM, the company knows they fucked up and now they’re stuck because they can’t cut her lose.

Jeff was an awesome regional manager, I can’t speak to his ability in his current position but Brad had to go because the optics were shit.

The real mistake was promoting Tracy from DM to RSM, the company knows they fucked up and now they’re stuck because they can’t cut her lose.
How was promoting Tracey to RSD a screw up move?

The appearance of doing lunches and promoting a new pain med is not going to have favorable reception.

Nobody will touch pain meds with a 10 foot pole, especially a new product being pushed by reps.