I worked in Freiburg R&D in brainlab and stryker nav, then Mako R&D and latterly orthotaxy .. trust me, youre very wrong . It is far more than a "navigation" system . Happy for you to think that though .. just means youll lose more than you anticipate when your surgeons experience the difference .

What’s so good about it?
It looks like it’s still using the old NDI cameras with only three markers per tracker.
It’s a pretty big footprint as well.
Does it stop you from cutting out the back of the knee?
How long does it take to setup?
I hope it’s fast!


Finally saw it in action. A little clunky but it has a nice user interface that makes you feel like you’re getting a balanced knee. Nothing in terms of haptic boundaries to protect soft tissues. Not CT-based and it connects to the table as opposed to sitting on the floor, so there are obvious concerns with regard to accuracy, and the doc using it actually made a freehand adjustment to one of his cuts after putting trials in. I can see existing Depuy surgeons using it. I can see ASCs taking a long look, assuming JJ is aggressive with value props in the outpatient setting. The surgeon running the demo talked mostly about the pre-op and post-op patient engagement, almost to the point where the actual surgery was an afterthought. It isn’t going to convert existing Navio or Mako business, but it will likely slow down this title wave of losses on the knee side.

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