Deal just closed.......Please move board to lost civilizations

I would normally say that I hope the door doesn't hit Mark Alles in the ass on the way out, but those little doggie doors that he uses do not have much weight behind them. I hope you know that you ruined a great company you little midget.

No doubt, MA ruined things for mighty Celgene. He took over a healthy company- great people, culture, pipeline, and products... and in few years- crashed stock price, fumbled pipeline, mismanaged FDA submission, and made Celg a takeover target!! Sadly.... he has been a really bad CEO. Wonder how he got the job in the first place.

MA’s hubris and arrogance destroyed Celgene and started well before he was CEO. He consistently bullied people and surrounded himself with people who would agree with everything he said. He’s not very smart or strategic. All he really knew how to do was sell Taxotere. He’s walking away with a lot of money as long time, loyal employees are still in the dark about their futures. So enjoy the windfall MA but know none of us love or respect you.

MA’s hubris and arrogance destroyed Celgene and started well before he was CEO. He consistently bullied people and surrounded himself with people who would agree with everything he said. He’s not very smart or strategic. All he really knew how to do was sell Taxotere. He’s walking away with a lot of money as long time, loyal employees are still in the dark about their futures. So enjoy the windfall MA but know none of us love or respect you.

I can assure you MA could give 2 shits whether or not he is loved or missed. In fact, he wouldn’t piss on you if you were on fire!