Mylan micromanaging

Really? That attitude is why all of the the quality, high-performing reps have bailed. Mylan is a dishonest, good-ol-boy kind of company. Maybe P-fizer will weed out the management losers...there are quite a few. Greener pastures EVERYWHERE!!

Just fell out of my chair...laughing. I'm not sure if "elite" describes Mylan's leadership, but good try. At least you have a dream. Now, run along and get back to your micromanaging.

True: Management is probably NOT who’s replying.
Also True: Mylan IS micromanaging their reps and making them do all sorts of extra BS admin crap. Some home office jackass can say “Look what I came up with to make our lowly reps do and make myself look like a actually came up with something useful”. Gonna be dropping like flies.

True: Management is probably NOT who’s replying.
Also True: Mylan IS micromanaging their reps and making them do all sorts of extra BS admin crap. Some home office jackass can say “Look what I came up with to make our lowly reps do and make myself look like a actually came up with something useful”. Gonna be dropping like flies.

Sounds cool. We're doing one in Palm Springs next Spring but Nawlins should be hotter than a $2 pistol.
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I loved Mylan. I was so proud to represent Epipen and the HCP’s and Disney loved us. Greed ruined this company. Epipen fiasco; Over charging medicare or Medicaid and fined; and finally charged with price fixing with another pharmaceutical company. All three separate instances. The motto of the company “ Do what is right not what is easy”, does not apply to the executive suite