Bad former managers

TM here. Some of these managers are a joke. Suck at their job and then blame us. What about yiu? Then post on cf whining. bunch a losers.

My RM moved onto a lucrative job in Private Equity. Let's face it, you don't get a Zoll RM job if you aren't talented. Complain all you want but Zoll managers are as legit as they come.

We heard Bubar. Average rep, worse manager, leaves, starts a post attacking ADs and RMs, gets black balled and still posting months after cause can’t let go. Needs to move on.

Hilarious. MD can’t let go. He forces the Managers to hold a call with tm’s about poor attitude and posting on cafe pharma. All because no one wanted to kiss his flat ass. He is a juvenile AD.
"You don't know what you've got until it's gone, and I found out a little too late." - Chicago. Have you ever lost something that you took for granted only to realize how much you relied upon it to begin with? A power outage will do that to you.

Loss is painful and can definitely create in us a greater sense of appreciation. That also applies to our relationship with God. In Hosea 2:9-11, God told Israel that they were going to miss Him when He was gone. No longer would He be there to protect them and provide for them. No longer would His grace forgive and His joy fill their hearts. They had decided to be "Not His People" and He would finally walk away and remove His blessing from them. God won't bless our rebellion. He won't enable our sinfulness. All that God had given Israel in the way of spiritual and material blessings would cease and she would feel that loss greatly.
Maybe you are in a season of drought, of challenge or loss. Loss can be a wonderful season if we allow it to turn our focus onto Jesus and if we allow it to challenge us to walk the just walk of faith, where we hold firmly to what we can't see. Let God use the loss in your life to turn your heart to Him and strengthen your relationship with Him. If you've walked away from Him, remember your first love. Remember the joy that His grace and love filled your heart with. Remember those times when your relationship to Him was truly intimate and return to Him. God isn't a genie in a bottle. He doesn't exist to give us blessing. He IS the blessing. The joy of His presence in your life far exceeds any other person or possession that you could ever attain and He is right there waiting for you.

"Therefore I will return and take away My grain in it's time and My new wine in it's season, and will take back My wool and My linen given to cover her nakedness. Now I will uncover her lewdness in the sight of her lovers, and no one shall deliver her from My hand. I will also cause her mirth to cease, her feast days, her new moons, her sabbaths - all her appointed feasts." - Hosea 2:9-11

We heard Bubar. Average rep, worse manager, leaves, starts a post attacking ADs and RMs, gets black balled and still posting months after cause can’t let go. Needs to move on.
Average rep? If that’s true then who promoted him? AD interview, VP interview, Pittsburgh interview, he was a good match. Then came MD with his big guns, like a big ole bully.

MD is a tool. He is a Scrooge and only cares about himself. Even people that he has helped get promoted can’t stand him. No one can stand him. He builds no team spirit, work for any other AD as they seem to have a personality and actually care about the people. Go back to insulin pumps you moron. You are losing threes RM’s by the end of the year, hopefully that will wake people up to your leadership. FOOL. How many tm’s leaving will that equate too? No other area is going to see that revolving door. What kind of loser initiates conference calls about cafe pharma? Joker.