New Hosp Pricing


Dear Sales & Marketing:

Getting the biosim thread pulled is not going to hide the fact that you blew the Inflectra launch & dug yourselves into a whole from which you can't climb out of.

And then setting unrealistic S2 goals for the field just reinforces the fact that you have no realistic options for fixing the mess.

When Merck hits the market and buries you, you'll deserve it.

Dear Sales & Marketing:

Getting the biosim thread pulled is not going to hide the fact that you blew the Inflectra launch & dug yourselves into a whole from which you can't climb out of.

And then setting unrealistic S2 goals for the field just reinforces the fact that you have no realistic options for fixing the mess.

When Merck hits the market and buries you, you'll deserve it.

Did they REALLY pull a thread? What a bunch of pathetic losers.

This is OUR board, you koolaid drinking managers. Go start your own "we don't really need to exist... and we are overpaid micromanagers" board.

We reps come here to vent because we know your annual survey is a joke. Leave us alone. This allows us to maintain sanity.

The only thing the biosimilars team can pull is the proverbial "wool" over Ian's and shareholders eyes. This would never happen anywhere else. Just ask Ruth Dovdavany, who got shown the door at Novartis for the poor Entresto launch. Oh wait, didn't Andy Schmeltz hire her back at Pfizer. Seems like we love incompetent marketing management. Its a pattern that explains a lot of the stellar performance we've been displaying to wall street.

Pfizer just recycles the same industry "I think I know it all" or " Maybe next time" rejects from both internal and external organization debacles. Working in this company is more about saying "Yes, we can do that" even if its not possible, the customer hates it, or we don't have a clue. Innovation, straight talk, or true capability aren't cultural norms in the current leadership organization. Look at the disaster in PEH, including biosims.

Pfizer just recycles the same industry "I think I know it all" or " Maybe next time" rejects from both internal and external organization debacles. Working in this company is more about saying "Yes, we can do that" even if its not possible, the customer hates it, or we don't have a clue. Innovation, straight talk, or true capability aren't cultural norms in the current leadership organization. Look at the disaster in PEH, including biosims.

Each day and week proves further to get out now before your career has a bigger stain.

Seriously folks, are you really surprised?
For most of their illustrious history Pfizer, by itself, has not discovered, developed, and marketed a truly innovative or blockbuster drug. They have purchased the companies that have done all the work, including launching and establishing the blockbuster drugs. Pfizer does nothing more than ride the drug on its normal trajectory, while dismantling the parent company. Pfizer is an insidious parasitic disease infecting all of Pharma.
This biosimilars failure exposes the inept, incompetent, arrogant persona of this shit show of a company.

Seriously folks, are you really surprised?
For most of their illustrious history Pfizer, by itself, has not discovered, developed, and marketed a truly innovative or blockbuster drug. They have purchased the companies that have done all the work, including launching and establishing the blockbuster drugs. Pfizer does nothing more than ride the drug on its normal trajectory, while dismantling the parent company. Pfizer is an insidious parasitic disease infecting all of Pharma.
This biosimilars failure exposes the inept, incompetent, arrogant persona of this shit show of a company.

True. Some real tools here. The toilet bowl of the industry.