What happened in Georgia?

Hassle is what happened. I hear he tried to set them up a few weeks earlier with a dinner (Lupin doesn't do dinners), and when that didn't work, he started trying to dig for anything. None of them had a chance! He even mailed out the termination letters to them BEFORE he even spoke to them, and when they defended themselves, explaining the problems that they were having with IM, he said, "fine, I will FIND SOMETHING to fire you for!" And KH, she lied for him and helped him cover it up. Pieces of shit!

JimH is a rea liability to the company. He has a trigger temper. Is Lupin going to really let him continue with his behavior? Plus Karen does nothing but cover up his mess. This place is crazy.

Heard that scare tactics at Lupin are borderline dangerous and unethical. The hiring squad from inVentiv are asking us to submit our resume if we’d like to be considered for Lupins expansion. But I heard that they recently let go a planted mole, who was specifically asked to check on procedure and report anything non compliant. I am not sure of the validity of the claim, but inVentivs people are aware of a pending litigation and are warning top reps to not waste their time. Lupins success is not promising. Can anyone comment or clarify? Also is there a sexual harassment court case pending?