Carl Brackett

This site should be closed down now. All of the characters have been fired and the charade is over. I'm glad I got to experience The Castle in its hay day. No one can really appreciate what debotchery the sales staff endured. unless they were actual hires. Although,I did hear that the inside jobs (house jobs) had their own stories to tell as well.

This group of sales managers had to big the biggest group of braggars and social r*****s I have ever encountered in medical sales. If I hadn't been hard up for a pay check at the time I think I would have like to taken on all of the DVPS with one hand tied behind my back in an ass kicking contest instead of that juvenile BS Fireball drinkin thing. Save the Karate Kid for last for a little mono y money play.
I'm not really trained, but I have had some time in the streets with a couple of squirrels without the benefit or luxury of a referee to blow a whistle or stop the contest because someone broke a rule or got sand in their eyes. Heck, I even broke a soft lead pencil with my bare hands one time. Funny thing though, all that fancy stuff goes to the wayside in a real macho, let's see who is the stupidest contest. Squirrels are just that way.
Have to say, I feel cheated because I didn't get really drunk and break a few pencils in a stupid contest but I'm pretty sure I got my quota/KPI achievement filled on suffering fools in Georgia.

Love all serve all,

Pencil Breaker

1.Has Carl incorporated "Bonji" into his new company? His new employer will think he's nuts.
2.Did Carl get his lap band surgery yet?
3. Has Carl hatred toward successful women surfaced at his new gig?
4. Will Carl last longer than a year?
5. How many castle accounts has Carl stolen?
So many questions concerning ole KarEarl, pig of all pigs.

UMMMM...he was fired about two weeks ago. did not last long. This is what happens when you try to do sneaking things and think you can get away from it. Next time he might want to be very careful who he tries to deal business with biz its a small world. Just what the word is on the streets.

UMMMM...he was fired about two weeks ago. did not last long. This is what happens when you try to do sneaking things and think you can get away from it. Next time he might want to be very careful who he tries to deal business with biz its a small world. Just what the word is on the streets.

RIP KAR EARL!!!! BONJI KAR EARL.....could not have happened to a better person.

UMMMM...he was fired about two weeks ago. did not last long. This is what happens when you try to do sneaking things and think you can get away from it. Next time he might want to be very careful who he tries to deal business with biz its a small world. Just what the word is on the streets.

Aww...hope they don't repossess his wife's new range rover he bragged about.