Carefusion of MN has formally begun

Hey Guys... Dave here.
Dave D that is - not that other fatty boy.
Has anyone seen my teeth? been doing some traveling and can't seem to find them.

This is Dave. I am no longer fat. I enjoy beach walks, shore fishing, sunsets, and playing with the kiddies. Your response to my weight truly shows your jealousy that I am happily retired, and you host a Ly of jealousy. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

This is Dave. I am no longer fat. I enjoy beach walks, shore fishing, sunsets, and playing with the kiddies. Your response to my weight truly shows your jealousy that I am happily retired, and you host a Ly of jealousy. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

Hey Dave! Can you share any more beach pics? I really liked the last one.

This is Dave. I am no longer fat. I enjoy beach walks, shore fishing, sunsets, and playing with the kiddies. Your response to my weight truly shows your jealousy that I am happily retired, and you host a Ly of jealousy. Tsk, tsk, tsk.

For any who are not aware, Dave is a troll.

Troll - A person whose sole purpose in life is to seek out people to argue with on the internet over extremely trivial issues.

Dave's goal is to create an environment that people do not want to participate in. Since Dave started posting on these interwebs the conversation has stopped. Dave is not Dave. Dave is a company man through and through. He defines himself by the UHS brand and it hurts him deeply that people would vent negative things. Do not let "Dave" stop you from conversing with others who might share your frustration. Just ignore him. If you do Dave will reinvent himself. When he does ignore him too. The good people of UHS deserve a place where they can converse and vent anonymously, given everything they have endured.

UHS will take affirmative action to ensure that its employment practices are free of discrimination. Such employment practices include, but are not limited to, hiring, placement, promotion, termination, layoff, recall, transfer, leave of absence, compensation, benefits and training.

When you have new VP level employees interviewing their past co-workers for non-posted Director and Manager positions, it's discrimination. No opportunity for other UHS employees to apply for these positions.

We had this with Brian & Robert & Terry....all who are now gone. Don't be surprised if litigation comes after these new hires. HR need to be careful on giving a green light to these VP to hire their buddy's.

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