Overqualified job hunters....


See the ones getting the jobs have almost miniscule resumes. Too many years in, too many degrees, too many everythings....seems to equal fewer job interviews and lesser offers.

Its the real deal. Overqualified abound....

Solutions.......or just scale it down or play dumb?

See the ones getting the jobs have almost miniscule resumes. Too many years in, too many degrees, too many everythings....seems to equal fewer job interviews and lesser offers.

Its the real deal. Overqualified abound....

Solutions.......or just scale it down or play dumb?

Good question in today's economy.
Experience suggests that depending on the job, communicate just enough to draw interest.
Employers in this economy want to buy low and retain.
This way you measure the job market, and have possibly more alternatives.

Once an offer is accepted, and job climate proves right, and raises come,...
let your talent & teamwork shine. When the economy improves, consider beefing up the resume, but continue to have salary requirements that get you the interview.

Definitely want to dumb down your resume. Degrees and experience only tell a potential employer that you are expensive.

This industry is one that used to value those things. The business world today just wants to hire people who can get the job done on the cheap. It's a bonus if a person speaks English.

Definitely want to dumb down your resume. Degrees and experience only tell a potential employer that you are expensive.

This industry is one that used to value those things. The business world today just wants to hire people who can get the job done on the cheap. It's a bonus if a person speaks English.

Or go toward a higher level job. An MBA, grad degree or rep with 15, 20, 25 years experience is no longer the typical background of most direct new hires. Many of the hiring managers have far less background and more often than not, they can be intimidated. Create a good resume but cut where needed.

I think it's ovepaid employees, not overqualified. The market doesn't want to touch six figure salaried crybabies who think toting in lunch and dropping off samples necessitates a large comp plan. When you go to work for another organization you learn to become a meat-eater and eat what you kill. Not so in pharma. Your soft hands coupled with your ridiculous salary will prevent you from getting interviews.

Over the past 15 years we hired scientists that just had degrees. They were never scientists to begin with. Think about it like this, they were scientists by title only. Now they have been cut with ten plus years of experience. The problem is they were not smart to begin with. Just a bunch of glorified interns that were overpriced. Look at our pipeline. Maybe they could get a job at some hack company for a while. The truth is they were never scientists so don't apply for those position to begin with. Set the goals lower. Maybe fix copy machines or something like that. It's a good job. It just does not take much brainpower. It's a honest living.

Over the past 15 years we hired scientists that just had degrees. They were never scientists to begin with. Think about it like this, they were scientists by title only. Now they have been cut with ten plus years of experience. The problem is they were not smart to begin with. Just a bunch of glorified interns that were overpriced. Look at our pipeline. Maybe they could get a job at some hack company for a while. The truth is they were never scientists so don't apply for those position to begin with. Set the goals lower. Maybe fix copy machines or something like that. It's a good job. It just does not take much brainpower. It's a honest living.

Right now you're in Loserville out of work and posting blindly you Dumb F'k !
You make top performers like me look real good I Appreciate it ! Keep it up !

Right now you're in Loserville out of work and posting blindly you Dumb F'k !
You make top performers like me look real good I Appreciate it ! Keep it up !

I am fine but thanks for asking. I was expecting a thanks. Not an insult. Let me break it down for you easier for that big brain. We need a pipeline. We can all agree on that. We have money. We can all agree on that. We say we will give you a good package and a pink slip for you not to show up and work. Even though we need a pipeline, we feel it's a better value to send you on your way and give you money. Are you still with me? Do your best. That's all we can ask.
Now we still have money. Rather reinvesting in you we overpay for other companies for what? Here is a tough word for you. It's call intellectual property. We must do that because the other company has scientists. That is what you are not. If you were we would not need to purchase a pipeline. You fail here but also everything you do. You accept failure because it's all you ever has done. It's second nature to you.

With that written I am not saying you are incapable of doing anything. I would never insult you like that. You can be a crossing guard, bus driver, or garbage person. There is nothing wrong with those professions. They are very respectable careers. It's just not in the field of science. All I can writing is there is a job for you out there. It's just not scientist. We don't have any at Merck. If you do land another job, you will get let go after a year or two. Why you ask? Because you were never a scientist to begin with. You were not smart enough to get past the intern stage. Keep in mind there is nothing wrong with that.

If you are over 50-55 and have been anywhere awhile and are luckily to have a pension your lock-in rate for take home will probably substantiate the little amount needed by your new salary (considering it is low) to equal out. I see more jobs being automated and going to third-world countries, a pressure-cooker atmosphere for pharmaceutical companies as they try to keep with a world wind changing national managed care program, etc. I think many high-salaries jobs of the past is just that...past.

See the ones getting the jobs have almost miniscule resumes. Too many years in, too many degrees, too many everythings....seems to equal fewer job interviews and lesser offers.

Its the real deal. Overqualified abound....

Solutions.......or just scale it down or play dumb?

Hey now, truth is eye have one year juniior kollege an worked as a barista at starbucks to. Been contacted bye contract co to take over yo jobb. I am good with eyepad and can deliver food to, all for 58k a year. Got my own ride (sweet honda wit coffee can exhaust n nitrous). This is da future soes get ready, you is ovapaid goin round sayin sign here and pontin to a few eyepad charts n figures. I'm a can do chap, cheap n nimble livin above my folks garage. My contract dealeo will gets me a boomin sound systeem fo my ride and more video gaymes. So yasee, dis job ain't fo people with kiddies and morgagges simlply not. See you in a waitin room soon, I m the one with tats, earrings and shorts-you'll here me comin a mile away in my sweet honda.

No, let ME break it down for YOU
Nobody gives a FK about you or your problems
End of Story Sorry Now cry away some moron will listen

I don't have a problem. Not crying also. Not looking for you to break anything down. Maybe re-read the post? Did that whole intellectual property thing throw you off. If so I would like to personally apologize for that. Maybe stay away from the finance and science field. Better yourself in another field. Remember, it's not what you want to do. It's more about what you are capable of doing. Special needs retarts don't design spaceships for NASA. The same way you should not be a scientist.

Hope that helped.

I think it's ovepaid employees, not overqualified. The market doesn't want to touch six figure salaried crybabies who think toting in lunch and dropping off samples necessitates a large comp plan. When you go to work for another organization you learn to become a meat-eater and eat what you kill. Not so in pharma. Your soft hands coupled with your ridiculous salary will prevent you from getting interviews.

Who's crying? Internal employees here are chomping on either prime rib or filet mignon. Bloated to the same or greater degree as any field personnel.

For reps working anywhere in this industry the new average salary for 5-10 years experience is 65-85K and 12-30K bonus depending on the job pc or specialty, direct or cso. Cars? 50/50 fleet or yours with reimbursements. Who gets the jobs is the big question.

I think it's ovepaid employees, not overqualified. The market doesn't want to touch six figure salaried crybabies who think toting in lunch and dropping off samples necessitates a large comp plan. When you go to work for another organization you learn to become a meat-eater and eat what you kill. Not so in pharma. Your soft hands coupled with your ridiculous salary will prevent you from getting interviews.

Exactly. When I checked about three years ago there were about 10,000 unemployed reps. That should tell you right there how in demand a pharma rep is. Everyone has multiple awards, promotions etc,etc,etc in their brag book too. Can't understand why Merck doesn't do some cost containment re-align on these sales dept. salaries. It's not like they can't find someone cheaper. Or with more experience. Or more knowledgeable. Or more willing to work harder....

Or go toward a higher level job. An MBA, grad degree or rep with 15, 20, 25 years experience is no longer the typical background of most direct new hires. Many of the hiring managers have far less background and more often than not, they can be intimidated. Create a good resume but cut where needed.

No doubt the crop of new managers are easily intimidated by those that either posses a better pedigree or have more experience than themselves. To tell you the truth I have not learned anything from management in the last 5 years. In fact you are learning from me and others like me.

This goes for other representatives too. How else do you explain the people that talk the most on conference calls? The ones with the most "success stories." These are the people that will stab you in the back to get ahead while smiling at you.

This defines medical sales as a whole and is the sole reason I am trying to get out. I am tired of this plastic profession.

I don't have a problem. Not crying also. Not looking for you to break anything down. Maybe re-read the post? Did that whole intellectual property thing throw you off. If so I would like to personally apologize for that. Maybe stay away from the finance and science field. Better yourself in another field. Remember, it's not what you want to do. It's more about what you are capable of doing. Special needs retarts don't design spaceships for NASA. The same way you should not be a scientist.

Hope that helped.

The science hand jobs can mop the fucking floors.