Janssen Primary Care Info


Looking for some real info about this primary care position. Selling Invokana and Xarelto. I have 9 years experience in the pharma industry and my last company let all the sales force go. Trying to find out real info about a few things as the talent recruiter for Janssen said that would all be discussed as another time.
1. What is the salary range?
2. Bonus potential?
3. Vacation time?
Please real answers only.

1. 65-80K market is crowded so they won't pay more
2. 35K target but good luck making half that
3. 2 weeks
This is as real as it gets.

Janssen contract reps make 80K. If you are experienced and bring something to the table, you can get much more. 35K is target bonus. If you are not hitting target right now, you better be looking for another job. I know nobody who has only 2 weeks of vacation.

Janssen contract reps make 80K. If you are experienced and bring something to the table, you can get much more. 35K is target bonus. If you are not hitting target right now, you better be looking for another job. I know nobody who has only 2 weeks of vacation.

I agree everybody starts with 3 weeks now. I've heard some say it's negotiable, but I haven't seen it. I disagree with the base though. There's such a supply of reps that J&J is low balling everybody.

The car option questions is really getting tired. You get the typical sales rep car. I hate to burst your bubble but J&J is not exactly the kind of company that is going to provide you with a BMW or Mercedes or Audi.

l. Salary 65-80,000
2. Bonus 20-24,000
3. Vacation 3 wks

And they don't even pretend anymore than there is any opportunity for advancement.

And if you work in S. Cal they even joke about how the RBD hates it when someone leaves to another JNJ company! He , of course, had had a varied career but YOU should NOT.

as a long time janssen rep, the salary range, etc are spot on. the ability to change from jnj company ie: go from janssen to another jnj company are nill, never, not going to happen. believe me, i attempted and was stopped. to the point the jnj recruiter did not even understand why. i was told point blank by the rbd, why would you want to leave janssen? he blocked it even as my dm approved. janssen is searching for an identity, still. they absorbed lifescan and are focused on call metrics and making sure you synchronize your ipads daily. if not, you get a nasty-gram and have to explain why you failed to do so. but, this is common with most of big pharma. and, to a smaller extent, all pharma. make your 8-10 calls a day, make sure you use the appropriate ipad sales images, and don't forget to make sure your sample to visit ratio is correct. focus on selling? that has gone out the window. hit your marks, stay off the radar, cash your check. do as told and don't ask questions. oh, and don't dare use your cell phone while driving!

as a long time janssen rep, the salary range, etc are spot on. the ability to change from jnj company ie: go from janssen to another jnj company are nill, never, not going to happen. believe me, i attempted and was stopped. to the point the jnj recruiter did not even understand why. i was told point blank by the rbd, why would you want to leave janssen? he blocked it even as my dm approved. janssen is searching for an identity, still. they absorbed lifescan and are focused on call metrics and making sure you synchronize your ipads daily. if not, you get a nasty-gram and have to explain why you failed to do so. but, this is common with most of big pharma. and, to a smaller extent, all pharma. make your 8-10 calls a day, make sure you use the appropriate ipad sales images, and don't forget to make sure your sample to visit ratio is correct. focus on selling? that has gone out the window. hit your marks, stay off the radar, cash your check. do as told and don't ask questions. oh, and don't dare use your cell phone while driving!

:You must work in So. Cal. Try to leave Janssen ?? Never going to happen. You 'll regret asking or trying. The lie they tell you when you're hired.